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I had the privilege to meet an acquaintance, who happened to be in the same class as I, nearly seven years ago. Well, it was a good thing to meet someone from their past after all these years. I am not at all good with friends. Though I am learning to stay put in this thing. So, yeah whenever an opportunity presents itself, I don’t deny it. Rather, I make it happen. So, we met. It was the four of us. We weren’t great friends back then. Most of the people know me because I sat near them. Rest, I am completely invisible. One among that group was a boastful person back in the day. As a result, when I got the invite I was thinking of giving it a pass. You don’t want to meet boastful people, Sir. No. Then since the other people were unlike him, I finally decided to meet. No, I am not a celebrity figure. My presence or absence won’t change a thing. So this dude has been to London the past couple of months in pursuit of his studies and was back India for holidays. And since back then, the rest of the people were good friends with him, they invited him for a meet. We decided to meet up at a place, which evidently he was unaware of. So, we guide Mr. H to the destination so as to which bus to take and where to get down. After a while he replies like, ” Kise ke paas bike nahin hai kya … bhagwan.. kya hogaya india ka youth ko..” ( Does nobody has a bike? … Oh God!… What is happening to the youth of India ? ) . Believe me, that pissed me off like hell. No matter how much I was pissed, he wasn’t worth it with the very statement. I replied like, “Are you not an Indian?” . Did I make sense ? He was speaking as if he wasn’t Indian and seriously that was the dumbest bullshit line I ever heard. He realizes that he has said something awkward. So, in a process to rectify it, he replies like , ” I am, Ajay, *Sad smiley* … but … what’s the use of bike if I dunno how to ride one .. *wink smiley with a tongue out*. Again, as usual I was pissed off. Like earlier, however seriously I am pissed I try to maintain try cool. So, I simply replied ,”That seems to be your problem, is it not?” . Period.

And I was going to meet this bullshitting guy. Awesome. I already made up my mind that this encounter won’t be any good. But when we actually met, I ignored almost everything he said. Because I knew he was going to keep on going about his so-called-adventures and the present status. He has gone into Charter Accounting and well one has to show that he got the bucks and that he earns / will earn buck load of money. I preferred to stay ignorant to all his talks and didn’t give a shit about what he did, what he was going to do, how much he will earn, how he will enjoy life and all that cr#p.  


Everytime I travel back to my room through the office, again, I get the privilege to sit beside one extraordinary person. I don’t know what his state of mind is, or what he keeps thinking but at the end of the day he is most likely to be giving every intricate detail about himself. May be it is a good thing. May be not. But lets decide. A few weeks back, while I was sitting behind trying to enjoy my solitude looking at the wilderness, the darkness that engulfed the night with a small little flickering lights, that process was disturbed and violated. The reason : Our gentlemen was telling about his love for the different products of Apple. Recently, he had taken iPhone 5S even though it cost him a shitload of bucks (words from his own mouth). He goes on showing his fancy new mobile and the new features to an equally enthusiastic Apple fan. Whatmore? His house is filled with Apple products : iPad, iPod, Mac Book, and finally the Mac PC. Right! Everything. A hardcore fan indeed, is he not! I immediately plugged in my earphones into my ears and started listening to music as loud as possible. The journey had just started and there was like 40 more minutes of ground yet to cover and I can’t take his blabber about his true love. I am myself an Apple fan. But people like him compel me to hate it. I don’t understand what happens to people owning an Apple product! Why do they have to go head over heels and act as if they are the a**ho**s the world had ever had. 

To add to his story telling, I got the privilege again. But this time, I had a problem. I forgot to take my headphones. Yes, Damn! But I had a novel with me. So, I thought if I get engrossed in it, I won’t have to deal with this stories. I knew it before hand only that he was going to tell some new story this time even though the person sitting next to him is a complete stranger, every single time. I gave him a break as of how he started all this – how he breaks the ice and gets into the intricate details of his life. I skipped eavesdropping for a moment and there he was telling his story to a perfect stranger. This time it was about his busy schedule and the negligence of the company in providing the best route of travel for him to get down on a business deal. He goes from telling about how they don’t get the better route since it is way above his pay grade and how he fights with them and gets a Business class ticket. How this was nothing new to him. He goes to meetings like this once a week and that his passport is filled with all the stamps and stuff. How his life even started, how he started earning and that his first earning was by selling milk and dropping papers at everyone’s home with out their parents knowing about it. I tried my best to engross myself in the novel at hand. I read the same line for ten times. He was too loud and well my concentration is very minimal. I finally thought it was best if sleep, I won’t have to listen to his inspiring story or whatever. 

But that didn’t happen. He kept on going like forever ans still it wasn’t over. The relief came when my stop finally came. I am sure I have escaped one day. But he is going to there every other day, well if he is not travelling “abroad“. 

P.S. : Why I wrote this ? If that was your question. The answer is quite simple : I wish I knew

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0 responses to “12. The Boastful Few”

  1. HAHAHA… however much you hate listening to that person and keep yourself engrossed in a book, your eyes, ears and mind was all towards him and for him… and will remain so for the coming journeys 🙂

    I hate boastful ones too!… especially NRIs… simply hate them… besides everyone loves talking hypocritically and exaggerating… it is like in our blood!

  2. HAHAHA… however much you hate listening to that person and keep yourself engrossed in a book, your eyes, ears and mind was all towards him and for him… and will remain so for the coming journeys 🙂

    I hate boastful ones too!… especially NRIs… simply hate them… besides everyone loves talking hypocritically and exaggerating… it is like in our blood!

  3. Dude, I don't think relating everything to Barney Stinson will help much. :O

    The problem, my friend, is that people don't get sarcasm or any of those sentences. It will be a dumb man's charade.
    Home is a different place. They understand. These are brainless maniacs. Nothing can help these people.

  4. Dude, I don't think relating everything to Barney Stinson will help much. :O

    The problem, my friend, is that people don't get sarcasm or any of those sentences. It will be a dumb man's charade.
    Home is a different place. They understand. These are brainless maniacs. Nothing can help these people.

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12. The Boastful Few

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12. The Boastful Few

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ