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Extraordinarily Ordinary – III
A Complication
“I would kill someone and go to jail. Seriously, I will. In that way I could be a……” .
An awkwardly serious match was being played upon. An Intra-Project tournament conducted by as part of what we usually called Fun. There has been no fun with the project that everyone was working on. The work in the project has been going on for like forever. And the statement, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy kind-of-situation was prevalent in the whole of the office. There is work, there always has been. But, work even on weekends is a little too much, don’t you think! But it is work, nevertheless one has to do it. There is really no choice. But a cricket match among different account / projects was a relief to the tired souls who have been sitting at the same place for over 8 hours on a daily basis. 
Then there was him, who did a great job in the practice matches which made a perfect spot for him in the final team. A hitter and a very good fields-man. His height was one of his advantage. But the tables turned when things started falling apart. The perfect batsman whom one thought he was wasn’t performing too well in the actual tournament matches. May be the early morning practice which he had recently started has taken a toll. Or may be luck. Or may be something else. One could really not tell. He is a good player and scoring no runs in a match is quite not right for the team as a whole. But the fate of the whole team wasn’t good either. The first match was a drag. It wasn’t something anyone would have expected of us as a team, and that too in the tournament first match. To be fair, no one in the team was prepared for the match, well except a few and our batsman was among them. But may be the luck wasn’t in out favor, the score was that low that one can’t even speak of it and that hit badly to the image of the team as a whole. 
The second match was also in the similar fashion. May be the stars weren’t correctly aligned, or really something was wrong that day as well that our star performer didn’t do as we thought he might have. But the result was that we lost the match. The only hope was that if our star player had played a little longer and scored a few more runs, we might have had an advantage. The remaining matches, though were entirely different. That was when we came to see him in action. And an even contribution from him and a well put effort from the other team members enabled a win, and then another win. And finally we won the tournament. 
On our regular tea-breaks we just sat in the canteen sipping our beverages. A small statement of his left us a little spellbound, a little shocked and made us stumble with whatever we were doing. “I would kill someone and go to jail”. “Seriously, I will. In that way I could be a famous person before I die. I would be old and then I won’t stay longer either. So, better kill someone whom we hate ( like a politician or some celebrity) and get into the papers and the result : I get famous.” 
Everybody who were at the table there almost stumbled on their coffee sipping process and kept ogling him trying to figure out whether he was kidding or being serious. But what gave goosebumps was that he wasn’t kidding. He was actually serious. That day we made a mental note not to become famous or a celebrity or a politician, per say. You could never know, the next you might be dead and we wouldn’t expect him to be behind it unless we scroll through the news and find out and get out brains blown. 
Let me introduce to you Venkatesh, (preferably Venky). The words that my friends described him were : The cracker which rotates on the floor ( Okay, I am as shocked as you are), Concentrated guy, Straight forward, Responsible one, Strict, Innocent, Reserved, Serious, Busy. Now here is my version in a detailed fashion. A simple, yet complicated minded person who has questions beyond anyone’s expectation. An extremely straight forward person who starting thinking whatever he has said after saying it out loud. A great player as I have already mentioned and well equally intelligent person though he denies that fact. A hard-working soul who keeps on working until it is achieved and a systematic scheduler who maintains a strict regime foe food or anything else. An easily intimidated person who once started going to gym just because someone ( wait for next person’s introduction) called him fat. And later removed his French cut beard again because someone mentioned about it. But this is not the end. This is just the beginning of a very simple looking complicated person. I am sure you will have a  great time reading about him, hopefully in the near future. 
P.S. : Three more introductions left. I apologize for the delay and the long gaps in posting. I have been trying to figure out an introduction for the two more people. And it is not turning out as I expected. And hence the delay. Looks like a lot of people are really engrossed in this, or is it just my feeling ? But whatever it is ,I have to get this thing up and running as fast as possible. I could give the excuse as writer’s block. But it is more like I am out of material for introductions. So, just figuring out a way to bring it out someway, that is at least good if not great. 

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0 responses to “Extraordinarily Ordinary – III”

  1. Kill somebody?…that's fking crazy (which is good :p ) but i have a better idea…plot an assault with a big group of members and secretly notify the news channels…. Since they are going to make a big scene anyway, u won't be able to do it but u will get fiercely popular and might even become a front (..kind of)

    U r popular…u ain't going to jail…and u will be a certified crazy ( is that good or bad? )

  2. Kill somebody?…that's fking crazy (which is good :p ) but i have a better idea…plot an assault with a big group of members and secretly notify the news channels…. Since they are going to make a big scene anyway, u won't be able to do it but u will get fiercely popular and might even become a front (..kind of)

    U r popular…u ain't going to jail…and u will be a certified crazy ( is that good or bad? )

  3. Haha, Cool. 😛

    Crazy ? No way! This is India. The f#*ked up crazy a*sho**s are roaming freely even after doing everything. So, there is no question of certifying someone crazy. Though the news channels will flaunt for their TRP ratings s#it ! But speaking frankly, you could do anything. 😛 Just think about it. 😛

  4. Haha, Cool. 😛

    Crazy ? No way! This is India. The f#*ked up crazy a*sho**s are roaming freely even after doing everything. So, there is no question of certifying someone crazy. Though the news channels will flaunt for their TRP ratings s#it ! But speaking frankly, you could do anything. 😛 Just think about it. 😛

  5. That is actually a very good way to get famous… I mean we all know that Godse dude who killed Gandhi then the Sikh who killed Indira Gandhi and then the killer of Abraham Lincoln… etc etc etc… so not a bad idea at all!!! Just kidding 😛 Terrible idea indeed…
    Cracker that rotates on the floor… 'chakri'…. Hahaha… that doesn't describe anything 😛

    3 more intros!!!! hurry up!!!

  6. That is actually a very good way to get famous… I mean we all know that Godse dude who killed Gandhi then the Sikh who killed Indira Gandhi and then the killer of Abraham Lincoln… etc etc etc… so not a bad idea at all!!! Just kidding 😛 Terrible idea indeed…
    Cracker that rotates on the floor… 'chakri'…. Hahaha… that doesn't describe anything 😛

    3 more intros!!!! hurry up!!!

  7. I like different, and the way you're just straightforwardly introducing these characters is different than the decoding process that usually unveils a character.

    But I'm more excited to see how it all fits together 🙂

  8. I like different, and the way you're just straightforwardly introducing these characters is different than the decoding process that usually unveils a character.

    But I'm more excited to see how it all fits together 🙂

  9. Oh, thanks a lot. 🙂

    Frankly speaking, I too have no idea. Just going with the flow. My intention was to introduce my friends ( with pseudo names though) and then I thought I could write a story on it. But I still haven't thought that far. Though I have a little inputs. Hope I get the better of it.

  10. Oh, thanks a lot. 🙂

    Frankly speaking, I too have no idea. Just going with the flow. My intention was to introduce my friends ( with pseudo names though) and then I thought I could write a story on it. But I still haven't thought that far. Though I have a little inputs. Hope I get the better of it.

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Extraordinarily Ordinary – III

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Extraordinarily Ordinary – III

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ