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The Fair Lady
“She said she felt like she was in the middle of an ocean when he left.” She was sad, of course, but that is not all to it. 
A well established and perfectly orchestrated play was on the run. It was dedicated in gratitude to the people who have been maintaining the security in the office keeping in mind the safety of all the employees. That has been the sole concern of the security people. And before I move forward I would like to appreciate for their work and making us secure in our own environment. These are difficult times. One can never put a finger on what might happen next. So, security presents itself as the most concerning factor in the present day scenario. So as a gratitude for their unbiased and selfless concern for out security, the project account organized a function dedicated to them. Yeah, a good gesture from our part to thank them. And finally after a long spell and a few practice session, the day finally came. It consisted of some few great songs and a few enactations.
One of the performance consisted of the collaboration of the two parties as in how the security acts and how we, as an employee behave in different scenarios. There were difference scenes that we enacted upon which consisted a lot of negligence by the employee junta. When one comes to think about it, no one wants or likes to be stopped and questioned upon. And when one is working in a multinational company, there is work, always, and getting stopped for small and petty things is not acceptable. This acceptance is the ideology of the employees as in general. But it has always been the duty of the security to point it out, no matter how small the thing is and no matter what cader the person belongs to. Because at the end of the day it the security that is questioned for any misdeed that one employee commits in their urgency or work pressure or negligence. And the employee comes to the office the next day as usual as nothing happened but the same is not the issue with the security personnel. 
A lady adorning a black helmet makes her way through the crowded people on her presumed scooty ( scooter ) with a background score of the movie Dhoom. She is completely covering her face with that black helmet and that was causing difficulty in identifying who that person might be. But her height gave away her identity. She is somewhat near 5 feet and her complexion helped in recognizing who she was. In her act, she is being reckless, for one thing and doesn’t follow any rules. She is negligent to it. The assumption is that she has been doing this for a couple of years and if one doesn’t check her vehicle once won’t make such difference. She makes her way past the security personnel who tries to help her park her vehicle but she ignores him as she feels that place would make her to walk a long way to reach her office after parking and the vice versa after the office is over. So, she ignores his help and tries to find a spot near to the building she usually goes for work. But earlier the security guard was informing that there were no parking places available in the place where she wants to park her vehicle. She roams around all of the office for quite some time trying to find a spot which she couldn’t and finally arrives at the security guard who was trying to help her in the first place. But now the place which he thought of allocating to her was already taken up someone else and as a result she had to park her vehicle very far than she had anticipated. The moral of this was that there are people trying to help and that is their job to do that and whenever possible try to oblige to that. And she enacted her role perfectly. Before I forget, her entrance earned her a few cheers. Well, to point out : It looked cute – A small person wearing a black helmet and roaming in the self-presumed scooter with the background score of Dhoom. 
In a recent conversation when this came to light, we, the whole group was a little shocked to her reference and well the purpose behind it. “She said she felt like she was in the middle of an ocean when he left.” She was sad, of course, but that is not all to it. She wasn’t that sad either. According to her, a person whom she kind of adores, who once worked along with her, is no longer working as he has moved on with a different job in different company. To that she was sad, but he is still around about which she is still happy and a little hopeful.
Let me introduce to you, AshaThe people of the extraordinarily ordinary group described her in one word as : Putani Atom Bomb, Angry Bird, Sounding, Daring, Enthusiastic, Bossy, Maniac, Active. Well, let me breathe some words from my side as well in detail, thought. A sensitive yet charming lady who cares less about what others think and the same time puts a lot of thought into it which leads her to being a short coming person. Yes, she could be quite bossy sometimes and adorns her height even when a lot of people tease her. She never never gets offended by that gesture. Like I said earlier, a short coming person, so she gets angry very easily and that leads her continuous stream of water. A fair looking person who as someone puts that the clients (foreigners) on their visit left her behind. Well, to point out, she has a lot many other names like tomato, Anglo Indian, etcetera; which will come to light in the future posts to come. So, yeah, this one paragraph isn’t enough to put words to her. 
P.S. : Two more to go of which one is already ready to be posted. So, a few hours gap will lead to two posts and that leaves with one more person. Damn! I am too slow. And that’s excluding me. I hope I don’t need any introductions. But lets see, what time has got to bring with it. And regarding the story, I should tell this before I give any little hopes to you people who I am very bad story-writer or story-teller. So, you will have to excuse me for all the inaccuracies and the irrelevance in the posts that I might come up with. I hope I get to meet the required expectations of my friends, at least. 

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0 responses to “Extraordinarily Ordinary IV”

  1. Ok I can really relate to Asha here because I am myself 5 feet (exact) get teased about it a lot and don't really care about it… I also drive a scooty wearing a helmet… I am too very short tempered… and tears well lets not go there, they are out of my control too!!!
    SO great I already love her!!! I feel like that last paragraph was for me (except for putani atom bomb… 😉

  2. Ok I can really relate to Asha here because I am myself 5 feet (exact) get teased about it a lot and don't really care about it… I also drive a scooty wearing a helmet… I am too very short tempered… and tears well lets not go there, they are out of my control too!!!
    SO great I already love her!!! I feel like that last paragraph was for me (except for putani atom bomb… 😉

  3. short coming person? nice pun 😀
    That is a great idea…your project organized it?
    you are coming along pretty well…looking forward to your other two

    introduction for youuu?? Isn't Mr.Perfect enough? 😛

  4. short coming person? nice pun 😀
    That is a great idea…your project organized it?
    you are coming along pretty well…looking forward to your other two

    introduction for youuu?? Isn't Mr.Perfect enough? 😛

  5. Oh God. I thought you people knew the meaning of short coming. It usually means that the person gets angry easily, or cries , or gets sad easily real fast.
    There was no pun intended, Sir.

    Then I would have demanded a hike. But no. It is all my doing. The doings of an idle brain.

    Great. Hope, I don't dissapoint you.

    Exactly. No intros' is needed for me. But I am kind of referring people in different names, so I need to get a new name as well. And Mr.Perfect is not a good start, let me tell you. :/ Hmph.

  6. Oh God. I thought you people knew the meaning of short coming. It usually means that the person gets angry easily, or cries , or gets sad easily real fast.
    There was no pun intended, Sir.

    Then I would have demanded a hike. But no. It is all my doing. The doings of an idle brain.

    Great. Hope, I don't dissapoint you.

    Exactly. No intros' is needed for me. But I am kind of referring people in different names, so I need to get a new name as well. And Mr.Perfect is not a good start, let me tell you. :/ Hmph.

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Extraordinarily Ordinary IV

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Extraordinarily Ordinary IV

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ