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The Workaholic

There was something different. The time stopped. Everything went in slow motion. It was like the filmy situation when he felt the violins playing in the background as his breathing became faster, which he cared less. Because, there was something more magnificent or magical perhaps, that his eyes had laid upon.

The lights faded out and the vacant office was illuminated by the light through the computer screen. He was working late as usual. He always wanted to stay ahead of everyone. A single light flickered in the vast emptiness of the dimply lit office. There was silence besides the sound of the hands typing something deliberately in desperation. It felt like someone was very angry on the keyboard and probably killing it. There were small murmurs but still the rest of the of the office was pin drop silent and there was a guy working, like there is no tomorrow. One might as well think that the world is going to crash tomorrow and everything depended on this guys work. It was now or never. A silent buzz on the phone diverted his thoughts. But he was not diverted. He saw that his friends were messaging him even though everyone knew that he was working late. And they were trying to divert his attention and eventually lead him back to his room. That attempt by the message(s) failed. There were sequence of messages that popped up in the next hour or so, but he has already turned his phone into do-no-disturb-mode and there was nothing anybody else could do to divert him. Surely the end of the world that the Mayan’s predicted was the day that followed and it all depended on him to save the whole freaking world.

As he lay his eyes upon her, his heart took a leap and god, it started beating faster and harder that the person standing next to him could hear the  rhythmic beating. There was something different. The time stopped. Everything went in slow motion. It was like the filmy situation when he felt the violins playing in the background as his breathing became faster, which he cared less. Because, there was something more magnificent that his eyes had laid upon. It has been a long time since he had seen her and though this was nothing new, he saw something new every single time. She had that magic. Or he saw something that no one else ever could. He had rarely talked to her.  But that could never stop him from trying his luck.

Vivek, the one and only.  So, when I asked my friends to describe him in a word : these were the responses : Flower pot cracker, Hungama (Over Excited), HyperActive, Happiest Person, Determined, Intelligent, Honest, Curious, Shy. But nevertheless, his is my version of his, though in a detailed fashion. An exceptionally talented and intelligent fellow who cares more than he knows. A hard working studious person, who would rather work than do anything else. As I am mentioning about him, I mean describing, I remember another phrase that one of his friend has used to describe him : he works like a dog. Now, his intention was that our superstar would keep working, working and still keep working. And he is not wrong in that aspect. Well, the little scenario glimpse above does explain that, doesn’t it? A person who is way too good with words and works his magic all the time. We call him lover-boy, and oh yeah! he definitely is one. A charmer and a enthusiastic person with a happy-go-lucky nature. Before I forget, he is the friendliest guy.


P.S. : One more person to go. I hope I am doing this alright. And the actual people of the Extraordinarily Ordinary group, I hope you do see a comment section at the bottom of each post, right? It would be great if you take some time from your busy schedule and write your opinion on the same so that it gives me a broader picture and would eventually help me. The *thumbs up* in the group chat doesn’t really speak your opinion much. It just looks more like an expression. And yeah, thanks, I guess. But a few words sure help. Let’s make it a habit, shall we?


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0 responses to “Extraordinarily Ordinary – V”

  1. My dad always says that if you are working late in the office then you don't know how to manage your work within a time limit giving an impression that you are not punctual, not hard working, not organised and definitely not efficient…
    So working late is not actually workaholic (for me) it is kind of the opposite!

    “As he lays his eyes….” Totally love it… totally understand it… 😉

    P.S. Flower pot pataka takes the award!!! :D:D:D:D:D

  2. My dad always says that if you are working late in the office then you don't know how to manage your work within a time limit giving an impression that you are not punctual, not hard working, not organised and definitely not efficient…
    So working late is not actually workaholic (for me) it is kind of the opposite!

    “As he lays his eyes….” Totally love it… totally understand it… 😉

    P.S. Flower pot pataka takes the award!!! :D:D:D:D:D

  3. Your dad is absolutely right. I too agree with him, one hundred percent.

    But. But here there is a difference with this guy. The work assigned to him is done within time, no problem there. But his immediate supervisor gives him more work since the other person(s) is kind of slow or not as fast and efficient as him. So, you see. He really doesn't have a choice here.

    Haha, Yeah, ofcourse you love it. 😛

    Great. I didn't know there was an award ceremony as well.

  4. Your dad is absolutely right. I too agree with him, one hundred percent.

    But. But here there is a difference with this guy. The work assigned to him is done within time, no problem there. But his immediate supervisor gives him more work since the other person(s) is kind of slow or not as fast and efficient as him. So, you see. He really doesn't have a choice here.

    Haha, Yeah, ofcourse you love it. 😛

    Great. I didn't know there was an award ceremony as well.

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Extraordinarily Ordinary – V

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Extraordinarily Ordinary – V

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ