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We only believe what we were led to believe.

It’s funny how people say we can/have to question every thing. No, people ask you to question everything. That way we will learn and explore the inhabited. This questioning and being questioned not only leads us to get the answers, but also leads to the possibility of discovering something. But what happens when the answers we receive are the result of limited knowledge or perhaps the misguided one.

I didn’t seem to have made my point across clearly. Limited knowledge is when we believe we know something, mostly because we learned it somewhere, but not entirely sure what it is. But we have a basic understanding of it. Misguided knowledge is when we don’t know something and so we refer to the limited knowledge resource and try to get the answers, only that what they think they know, as limited as it may be, could be completely misguided. But well, misguided is self explanatory. But how blinding can it be?

Let’s start off with an example. Let’s consider there are two people – one is 5 year old and another a 30 year dad. Who knows’ better? That wasn’t a difficult question, right? Unless the 5 year old is a child prodigy, the dad doesn’t stand a chance. And even if the kid really knows something, he would be led to believe that grown ups knows better. But, how much does these grown ups know? Yes, they have lived half of their life and with the experience they gained, the mistakes they did and the the result of that leads to the conclusion that they know better. But what if that is the misguided knowledge. Whatever they know, whatever they learned was something they were led to believe or they themselves let to believe. “Since this happened this way as I did it in a certain way, it is definitely the right way”.

The two possibilities are :
Lets say there is a task. And we do it in certain way. We failed because of certain reasons. So, we tried in another way and it worked. But may be we missed something is the first try, something crucial which could have done the task mush easier and much better. But since we had already got what we wanted through the second process, we will label the first method as “Never to be tried”.

The second possibility is when you are doing a task and someone, obviously with a little experience, ie the person who has already done the task and concluded that the second way is the ideal one offers the same knowledge. Since the person has already done it and “knows” better, we will definitely follow the advice thus provided.

Don’t you think this vicious circle continues round and round. Now, the basic question you might be having is “Since every person trying out the task the first way is failing, it probably isn’t the best way”. Well, remember I said something about limited knowledge? 

Let me give you the best example, I just had. Let me see, how many of you will prove me wrong.

Person A : “I bought a new phone!”

Person B : “Wow. What phone is it? What does it do? How much is it?”

Person A : “I don’t know. As soon as I entered the shop, they said it’s the best phone ever.”

Person B : “You are not being serious now, are you?”

Person A : “That’s what they said. I believed them.”

Person B : “Did you not ask any questions? Did you not read any reviews? Did you not explore any other possible probably best choices?”

Person A : “I actually did. I just saw in this famous book where it said its’ the best. So, why would I have to go for other choices?”

Person B : “But still, while getting the phone, you need to do a thorough inspection and get to know what it does, its features and it’s price and how they benefit you, how you can make the best out of it!”

Person A : “Why? Its the best phone. The guy at the shop said. This famous book also quoted it. I even overheard someone telling that it’s the best.”

Person B : “So, your concluded that it is the best on based on what others said.”

Person A : “Well, Yes. Why not? They know these stuff much better.

Person B : “Oh my …”
Yes, God…this is exactly what happens when it comes to GOD, from the moment you are born. It has been passed on from several generations. It is the ultimate word. There is nothing so accurate than this. This is the book and this is the person, err, supernatural entity. Believe him. Follow him. Because I said so. Because the book said so. I will give you a second to sink in to that. And when you come out of the trance, ask. Ask for proof. Ask to prove. Ask for a sneak peek. Ask for a trail run. Ask for a one-on-one discussion. Well, that’s what you would have done if it was a phone, or a car or when you are not happy with the food or anything as a matter of fact that you want to get. 

Over the years we are led to believe in something and people have imprinted it in stones for generations to follow. You can question, but these questions don’t change what’s written on stone. They won’t let you. Because there are no answers.


We all might be living a lie and we don’t even know it.

because I can spell the alphabets in reverse!

#Day5 #LetterV

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    (Haha you asked for it :P)

    (plus everyone else is gonna say the same thing in different ways: “good job” — but cmon you already know that)

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Vicious. #Z2AChallenge

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Vicious. #Z2AChallenge

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ