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Part 1 : It all began … 
Part 2 : Insanity has a new meaning 
Part 3 : Sinking in 
Part 4 : Steep Slope 
Part 5 : The lost art
Part 6 : That twist of fate
Part 7 : Crushed
Part 8 : The Meet

Another question I have trouble answering is “Where are you from?”. The thing is I was born in one place, lived in so many places and then have been to different places during holiday (like to grandmother’s house). Okay, I agree with you. You must probably be thinking about Why can’t you just tell your father’s birthplace (?) (no one stays there) or your mother’s. The most frustrating thing about answering this is the justification I have to put forth. I am from abcxyz. No one, I mean no one knows this place. So, basically I have no answer to the following question “Where is that?” as if that wasn’t bad enough, I can’t even read my mother tongue. Yes, that’s insane, I know.

Anyhow, this was the last week and I was getting called into the conference rooms asking me to extend my tenure and since I hadn’t worked in the proposed plan since they had me working on something else. The plan was to get the hell out of there and no matter any sort of persuasion altered my decision to return back. So, the crush-turned-sister started complaining about the odd working hours and the people working like animals. Yes, she said that. And I was very glad I was getting the hell out of there. I had no social life, whatsoever. Though we can argue that I didn’t have it anyway, but that wasn’t the point. I barely get any time, for myself? Anyhow, the final day had finally come and the work was on a halt since there was some issue with the licensing of the product. I was glad that I wasn’t asked to give a speech before leaving. Phew, that would be one awkward silence, wouldn’t it be?

“So, you’re from Hyderabad! I have been there. It is a great city.”
(Wait a minute, I don’t know anything about Hyderabad, I was just there for 1 day. umm, but let me play along). “Yeah it is”.
Then he went on mentioning some places which I have heard for the first time and the time it used to take to cover that distance and I was there nodding. Boy, this guy tells anything and everything.
“One thing I like about the city is that the Girls use scooty”.
(I was like what!?) “Yeah, *a little confused look* they do”( EVERYWHERE. They have started using CARS, for gods’ sake and I don’t even own a bicycle. Beat that.
Finally I bid my farewell and got out of that place, for good, I hope. I really hope, I don’t go there, like ever.

After sleeping through the night, at 1100 hours I bid farewell to the city of joy, joyfully

#Explore, #Kolkata, #KolkataDiaries, #Work, #Deputation, #NewAssignment, #newToTheCity, #Impression, #Farewell, #Hyderbad, #, #People, #Day11

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0 responses to “Farewell”

  1. Your where are you from reminds me of the way some people answer the question. Oh I am basically from so and so but actually from so and so :P. I mean what the hell does basically and actually mean in this context lol! 😉

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ