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It all began …
It was a calm afternoon. The morning had been kind of hazy. I woke up and asked myself whether I should go to office or not. “No, my mind answered back immediately. “But you should“. “You don’t have work, you just go to play, so take a break today”. I settled back under my blanket cozying up to its warmness. I woke up again. It was afternoon. I think the growling in the stomach woke me up. I unlocked my phone as if it was the morning bible or something and one missed call already. Oh darn. I never get any calls from office when I am in office. Nor does anyone call me otherwise. But the one time I decide not to go to office, I get the calls. Anyhow, I called back. No answer. So, I declared it as a call made by mistake. I was deciding how to spend the rest of the day and where to have brunch. Meanwhile, I opened Twitter where I got in handy with someone who claimed to know my alter ego. Perhaps, they were right. I was caught red handed, per say. But I was no position to accept that. I was defending myself even though I knew that I was caught. And I wasn’t in the mood to torment that failure from my side. So, I decided to not encourage and give them the power over me and stopped replying. A second later I blocked the person. By this time, I was on the road already with my laptop and for lunch, er brunch! Whaaaat the…! The plan was to go to a movie which was in the evening and in the meanwhile I had enough time to have lunch. Anyhow, Minions was a good movie. Enjoyed it. I grabbed a bite just after the movie and got on a bus to get back. I get a call again. Come on! Now what? For a moment I was just enjoying the ringtone as I haven’t heard the song in a very long time. It was my manager. Oh shoot me now!


An opportunity you could say, but I wouldn’t. I was not / am never good at saying No. I have no freakin’ idea why it is so hard to say a stupid No. “Hey, can I borrow your camera?” Sure (even though I don’t want to).  “Hey, can you give me “. Sure, anything you want. Take away. “Can I cut in the line?” Suuure. “Can I kill you?” Suuure.
I just can’t. Though the question this time was kind of different than the ones’ just mentioned earlier, but you know what I said. Eventually, the so called opportunity was becoming my nightmare because 1. I wasn’t interested in it. 2. It meant that I had to move to Kolkata for a couple of weeks, which I wasn’t sure I was ready to do. 3. I had no freakin’ idea what they wanted me do. I was pretty comfortable with the not-so-much-work and playing-badminton. Well, in all fairness, I was good at nothing. The problem being there were expectations and I had three reasons to make a fool of myself.

#NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) #Day3
NaBloPoMo November 2015
#CantSayNo #newToTheCity #Day3 #KolkataDiaries

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0 responses to “It all began …”

  1. “Can I kill you?” Suuure.
    Lmao. :p
    You and I have the same tendency of checking our phones when we wake up.
    And yes, minions <3

    Btw, who was that person trying to bug you about your alter ego? I'll need to block him too, na! :p

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It all began …

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

It all began …

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ