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Love needs to be shared. No, it wants to be shared. Little did he know what the world has come to. Aryan was new to the city and being brought up in a traditional society country slowly adapting to the western nomenclature in the name of ethics and social standards, he was on a expedition to explore, learn and transpire the experience. He isn’t shy of what was happening in the country. But then again he wasn’t ready for what he had to encounter. 
A shared emotion #1 …(continued)

Swiping the sweat from his forehead, Aryan walked away as fast as he could. from the elevator. The elevator door closed and but he was the only one to have stepped out of the elevator. He shook his head in disbelief with what just happened and hoping that it was all in his head he went on to call a cab. There were none within his reach. It was afternoon and a cloudless sky. The sun was bright. It rained the other night so the road was still a little damp. And he retorted to use the public transportation. He had to take a While he was crossing the heavily trafficked road over a pedestrian overpass he had another encounter.

He was taking the steps and when he lifted his head midway there were there in the middle of the overpass. Aryan had convinced that this wasn’t all in his mind and it was happening all around him. But this time he had hoped that they would pause or walk away since it was a public setup. The girl had covered her face but that didn’t stop these college kids. Aryan just walked away brushing that side from his mind. He got to the other side of the overpass and stepped down to find a park by the lakeside. Now, this had not only the college kids “busy with each other” but quite a lot of people. Though not sure whether it was the genuine love that was being shared or just an experimentation of their adulthood. But he was in for an unexpected surprise that evening.

It was nightfall and the stars fell into the ocean twinkling in their reflection. He finally managed to get the bus and as his awkward day might have it, the phone ran out of battery. He had no idea where to get down, but he was hoping that his memory would serve right and help him reach the destination. His memory did help, but he got down a stop early. Relieved that he didn’t get down too far away, he made his way. It was again the lake side. There was no park, but there were benches on the sidewalk. About half way through, he stopped to take a break. He had been walking all round, standing and then again walking. So, he was fairly tired. There was a bench in a few meters so he stepped towards it. What looked like a homeless guy sleeping on the bench under the shade of a tree wasn’t quite the same. As he was nearing the bench, it looked like two people. Or may be it was a very fat homeless guy covered in huge blankets. A few steps more and there were noises and now it was getting clear what was happening. One more step and he saw and heard what he wasn’t supposed to. Or may what they weren’t supposed to do or say in public. Without much ado, he retraced his steps back, went all the way through the sidewalk.

And that was the beginning of a sleepless night with the question that kept popping in his head “What have we come to?”.


#NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) #Day2
NaBloPoMo November 2015

#Explore #PDA #PublicDisplayOfAffection #newToTheCity #Day2

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0 responses to “A shared emotion #2”

  1. Yes, I have.

    Wow great. All the best.
    If you want motivation, I would buy you a box of donuts if you complete by the so-mentioned deadline. How does this sound ?
    Okay. 🙂

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A shared emotion #2

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

A shared emotion #2

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ