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Concise. Precise. Elaborate. 

So the other day, I was at this bloggers meet. And as usual I was being m usual self, introvert and ‘kinda-minding my own business sort of’ instead of mingling with people, making friends, making blogfriends, interacting, sharing my piece of mind, by mind I mean blog and getting to know them, their blog and eventually creating a WhatsApp group for the bloggers. Camera and taking pictures of people sitting from my seat. Yes, I was /am too lazy to move around. No, that wasn’t it. 

Anyhow, in the middle of the Know the blogger session that was going on where one had to explain why they blog and give one thing they learnt from blogging. One person suggested that the content should be short, while another suggested that it should be long. Keep it short. Keep it long. Keep it short because people tend to get scared on looking at long posts. Keep it long because that would keep the reader interested in reading more. I don’t really understand the logic in the long posts. People don’t usually have time, do they ? Mostly they don’t. People read while they are travelling or having a coffee or something. So, long posts are a turn off. Being said that I am a long post writer. I write and write and don’t really care how long the post is. I like to keep it concise but then again I want to explain everything. Now, we all know how long posts are a big turn off.

I can’t help it. So, I think I might have a solution for that. Giving the people, the readers to choose whether they would like to go into details or not. I will start of with a small description or just a line. I will also write the elaborate description or whatever we call it, but the reader will have the choice to read it or not. That being said, the question that you might have is whether you would be redirected to a new page containing the description of the so mentioned one line. 

In other news

2091 pageviews in a day. Two Thousand freaking pageviews!! « Elaborate ♦ »

So, you see. Check out the elaborate feature which I just introduced. And tell me, if you would like to see my posts just like that. You see, I am giving you a choice to chose what you want to read. So, the reader can chose their preference. 

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0 responses to “Concise.”

  1. Bloggers meet…amazing dear…I don't think the size of the post matters to me,,,all that matter to me are the first 5-7 lines, if they sound interesting I will surely go ahead & read the whole post…(dz happens in my case, idk about others…!!!)

    & 2k views in a single day………
    Seems like some one has a huge fan following here…..:-P;-)

  2. Why, thank you! 🙂
    I just thought that the person reading should be able to chose what he wants to read. So, just did some standard HTML and CSS things. I am still working on making it look more presentable. You know for people to notice that it is a link to a much bigger story of sort.
    I could tell you, I mean if you want to know, that it. 😀

    No, it isn't. It is just those autobots messing my blog. Arrrgh.

  3. Yeah, it was amazing.
    Okay, got it. And I suck at those introductions. I need to work on that.

    Noooo. It is not the famous quote. It is how messed up my blog is. That is one reason I wanted to migrate to WordPress.
    By the way, did you click on the elaborate to get another paragraph ?

    Anyway, thanks for dropping by. 😀

  4. The length of a post is subjective I'd say, each person has their own preference, but long isn't necessarily bad. As for being concise, I think you should say all that you need to, whether that takes 10 lines or 1.

    The elaborate thing is interesting, I don't know if it's quite necessary though, it's almost as if you are saying the rest of the content isn't worth reading. You said you're giving us “a choice”, but as a reader our choice was to read you, and if we are, we are most likely going to read the entire post.

  5. Exactly. I couldn't agree more. Now the thing about the length of the post completely depends on the person who is writing it. The person can write in whichever way it pleases them. Concise, elaborate. But then again, there are few who just write all the stuff, which are really not necessary. Look at this way, there are few people who just might like the headlines and not go into the details, while a few who would like to know the details. And I babble a lot. Not in real life though, but in the virtual one. So, what I thought was let the reader decide what they want.

    Now that you have mentioned, it does look that way. Well, consider this person who talks and talks and talks and tells about almost everything and what does the person sitting across might think? What I am trying to say is that the preference of what one wants to read is their choice.
    Touche. I don't know how to argue with that.

  6. hello

    Well, i am always amazed at people who can write long posts.. I just can't!! The only ones that are long are my food reviews and travelogues, but even there I try to maintain a certain length… Or split it into two posts

    Looking fwd to reading your “long” post 😀

  7. think what comes to our mind should reflect here.Of course if repetition is there we should edit it.The readers will choose themselves whether to read or not. If we restrict the flow of words or stretch the stoppage,originality will get buried..So better to follow a natural course of thinking.

  8. Keeping it concise is also an art. Agree, long posts can be a turn off. Even if you write long posts, why not try to make them short such that one sentence can explain “n” number of sentences, just a thought, I may not be entirely correct.

  9. Now, that is an art – converting n sentences into one.

    You are correct. But I think it comes with practise(?), I guess.

    Thank you for dropping by. 🙂

  10. I believe art is a (gradual)learning process. Perfecting it takes a long time, sometimes.
    So, if could convert 'n' into 'n-1', that would mean we are learning the art, right?

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