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The image lingers at the corner of the eye as she is engaged in a conversation, the voice you fathomed for so long and yet you make your utmost attempts to stay focused and not give to the image. The mind plays tricks – making you ‘believe’ that the eyes you are so desperate to see are staring at yours, fixated, examining you, piercing right through every fabric of your soul and wanting to stared back and searching for a friend in the your eyes, screaming to know the story being the struggling focused eyes. Believe. Make Belief.

And in that one vulnerable moment, they meet yours. Your weren’t expecting. You weren’t ready. Your heart slips a little, pacing faster and finding the lost rhythm. Impulse takes over and you shift the gaze at something else, something that doesn’t even make sense, that corroded part of the wall that no one cared to look at, becomes your hindsight, just to disguise that you weren’t staring at those gorgeous eyes, thin lined with slight mascara, almost invisible. 
Damn! A sigh you let out because you got caught, red handed. 
Damn! A sigh you let out a moment ago at the essence of beauty concealed behind those inquisitive eyes. You are lost. You don’t understand why you are so scared to meet the eyes.

The heart races a bit against time. Rhythmic beats, loud and the face turns red. It is not normal. She is near, very near. You pretend as if you are busy, like solving a complex Heisenberg equation in thin air. But why? Why are you avoiding, if you don’t want to be avoided? Why do you have to pretend? Why does your heart crush a little everytime she passes by? How does she do that? Why does she do that? 
Why not just let it out? Why play the game of cat and mouse, the cat and the mouse being you! Why ? Why is this so hard? What is happening? What is wrong with you? With me ? 

PS : My fellow readers and good friends think that I shouldn’t move to WordPress ! I don’t know now. I am confused. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ


© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ