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Disclaimer : This post has more hashtags than the content. Wait, what content?

#ThisIsNotMe #seriously #youGottoBelieveMe

He stepped out feeling the bright sun warming up in the summer morning, until he broke a sweat and never stopped sweating. Global warming, they say. “Its’ getting out of hand”, he said as he swiped that sweat on his forehead. He was wearing this what looked like a cap, which looked crazy though. By crazy, please note that it means weird in this context. It was black, well most part of it. It might have been a old one, because it looked faded a bit, discolored and a lot shabby like it hasn’t been washed  or a decade. And then it was sparkling, not the good kind, but it was more like Wait-whats-that-now! No it wasn’t the diamonds or anything remotely similar, it had these white strips like the one we find on the road which illuminate when light falls on it, something like that. I had to ask him whats up with that cap of his. I even suggested that he could opt going out without that “cap”. He stared at me like I committed some dreadful sin and said, “What are you talking about? I don’t have a cap on. Its’ just my hair“.

#bloggerComment #Blogger #twitter #Motivate
” A small intermission will fill more energy afresh in your mind”. I had to bring this up. The comment went on to say, “ So I am sure with new topics and novel ideas you will be on the track”. Now, I feel like I haven’t been able to meet up with the expectations. The Blogger had been sweet enough to encourage me, like many other on the social media. I was like that crazy person bragging about not being able to write as if that is a good thing. I have seen many people being there to support and offer guidance. They have been really sweet. Where as I on the other hand, still bragging. I feat I might be the most disappointing thing on the blogosphere, even after all that! 

#pact #LetsMeetUp #randomRealization
I always wanted to do this thing called “Lets’ meet up”. Like when you are high on success or failure or alcohol or whatnot, you look at your friend sitting beside you while you sip that beer and say, “Hey dude, you know what we should do. We should meet at this place ten years from now. No matter what situation we might be in, lets’ make it a thing”. This sounds so cool, doesn’t it? Then I realized I don’t drink beer, or alcohol (beer and alcohol belong to the same family, duh!) or success or failure or friends (close enough to make the pact)That’s the saddest part. As a matter of fact, I can count on my fingers. 

#marriage #Friends #theDistance
What marriage does to friends, I never realized. A few of my friends got married and are on the way of getting married. And you could clearly see the change when I am eating the whole tub of popcorn alone, when I am going to conventions and concerts alone and feeling like “Let me just get out of this”. Believe me, it is no fun going there alone when you are bound to see countless people enjoying in the company of their friends. One year ago, when someone in the group said, “How about a movie this weekend”, everybody else agreed to it. Now, the response is like, “I have to go my in-laws house”, “I have to go shopping with my wife”, “I have to take care of some things at home”, and the list just goes on and on. Time changes people, umm, I mean marriage. I am still the same, that’s a shocker good thing, right?

P.S. : Just a random update, until I update more of the likes of these. 
Did anyone say anything? I couldn’t hear it over the sound of my braggings. 

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0 responses to “Move on.”

  1. Hehe.. Something is better than nothing after that Blogger Hiatus you were on!
    I agree.. you bragged too much about not being able to write a decent blog post! 😛
    Anyways, happy to see you back on track.. And I hope you get someone to eat a full tub of popcorn with! 😛
    No, I'm not laughing at your miseries.. :-P, Just laughing at that label you put for the post! XD
    Keep writing, and don't catch the Bloggers' Block express again!

  2. LOL! So good to see you back here, AJ! Thought you had left the place for good. Marriage changes a lot of things. And it can be irritating to the core at times. But making time for your friends is equally important. At least in my case.

  3. Well. Yeah, that may be true. But that wasn't what I was aiming for yet there is nothing much I could do about it.
    Yeah. I did , didn't I ?
    why, thank you. 🙂

    That might be next to impossible. But #fingersCrossed

    Yes, you are. Liar. 😛
    That's a good way to excuse yourself. 😛

    Hey, I can't guarantee that. I seem to Love that express so much that I just don't want to leave, so to speak. 😛

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  4. Why, thank you. 🙂
    Nah, that ain't happening. Like ever.

    They do, don't that?
    Yes, but at the dame time we can't explain the same to them. “Family obligations” or whatever.

    Well, I appreciate that you have equal importance for friends as well. I wish more people were like you.

    Btw thanks foe dropping by. 🙂

  5. #ThisIsNotMe: My suggestion to the hat-wearing person is to invest in a mesh hat with inbuilt ventilators. Or, tell Nike to make it, already.
    #BloggerTwitterMotivation: I think this is a universal thing, if not contagious: one person does not feel the same inclination toward writing without the community. Weird, but true.
    #LetsMeetUp: I've done something or other like this myself. Maybe you should break the internet and…no, don't pose with a nude backside, fix your belt back on before we become more traumatized; but perhaps you should invest in harvesting the kind of friend who you can do that with //one day. And yeah, I know that involves a level of personal unveiling that's almost just the same as exposing a bare backside, just in your case it's exposing your reticent personality.
    #MarriedFriends: Oh yeah, tell me about it.


  6. Liar, u really made everyone believe that we won't be able to read anything from u…but I'm happy..after reading Dz surprise post…

    Hope everything is goin fine…
    & yeah..I agree..time changes ppl & even marriages do…;-)

    Looking forward to read more from u.keep writing..:-P

  7. This post has some content, it is not empty.You have written about marriage.So you can write one about it gathering friends' experiences. Everything has its own merits and demerits and so also wedding. Once your friends all will fly away with their pairs leaving you alone.Then 'blogosphere' will rescue you,adding words in your Microsoft word or so. And then you will get a better half and that process is not that harmful.All the best Ajay.

  8. #ThisIsNotMe: Seriously? I wonder how you passed off without laughing out loud 😀
    #BloggerTwitterMotivation : Happens all the time 🙂
    #LetsMeetUp: I have also at times wanted to do this but then figured that I don't have control over what happens the next minute and who am I to make plans years down the lane! Murphy might just laugh in my face.
    #MarriedFriends: Me being one of those happily married souls, let me tell you. Yes, what you have said is true and yes it happens. But you have to see from their perspective too. Marriage changes a lot of things. They have a new person in their life and a very important one at that. They are moving forward to building their future or at least planning one. It takes a lot of effort. I kid not, it does. So the best thing for you is to accept that and work some times when they can make it for a friends outing or even better make some new bachelor friends 😀

  9. #ThisIsNotMe : A fund raiser has been started for the benefit of the people ( I mean me). Please feel free to donate…I mean you have to. please. 😛

    #BloggerTwitterMotivation : Yes. True. It's like we/some are hard wired like that, or something similar.

    #LetsMeetUp : lol. I would never put people through that. But that's not a bad idea either. Yeah perhaps, I could do that but this age is like sitting on the wall between two groups of people young and married.
    The young won't accept me, the married (I was actually going with old, but anyway) are too busy in their own world. I feel like the time has passed, but let's not lose hope.

    #MarriedPeople : Right ?

    #ThankYouVeryMuchForDroppingByAfterFiveMillonJanams. Really appreciate it. Thanks. 🙂

  10. I'm sorry about that. The idea was that actually. To be invisible. And start somewhere where I won't be able to recognize myself. But, here we are again. 😛
    Thank you for reading. 🙂

    I hope so too. Yeah, tune had that affect on people.

    Sure thing. Will try to update as soon as possible. 🙂

  11. In a way, yes. But in logical sense no.
    I agree. There are merits and demerits. It's our perspective as of how we take things and interpret them.
    Yes. That's what is helping me now.

    I wouldn't bet on that. I feel I'm not that marriage material. But let's see how like pans out.
    Thank you. 🙂

  12. #ThisIsNotMe : lol. Thank you.

    #LetsMeetUp : It's like sharing that special bond with someone special whom we might have come across while growing up. Yes, I agree. We don't have control on what comes next. But we can make an effort to make something happen, right? Well you are married to the love of your life, can't really argue with that.

    #MarriedFriends : I wasn't trying to imply that the people who are married should alter from their responsibilities. I understand that it is a lot of work and wouldn't want any of them to deviate from it. I was just trying to say that once everyone has become responsible where as I am still downloading PC games. 😛

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

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Move on.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ