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I have been a serious writer, that’s what we people who write once in a while call ourselves. And this once in a while is the result of a serious work of procrastination and not to mention the avoidance of all the “other” distractions like beautiful people ..umm.. I mean TV and games. Yes, I agree that there is a hot lady at the other end of this coffee shop, but lets not get, should I say Distracted? So where was I? Yeah, I am a serious writer!

A serious writer by definition is not a person who has to publish a minimum of two books or at least one in a year and should be able to sell a million copies, respectively. No. That would make you a serious author, a novelist, a prolific novelist. A serious writer is a person who write seriously but never meets the appeal of the so intended people or as they feel proud to call them, their followers.

Yes, I have raised a few eyebrows back in the day when I was great at day-dreaming. And yes, I have left hit a nerve or two a couple of times, when my “followers” had to trouble themselves to close the window or when they had to bring their palm to their forehead and slap it as a response to my brilliance. And yes again, I have started a revolution when the people started running, away. But I have been a successful. In a being that lonely guy trying to improvise the world with radical thinking while sipping a second mug of coffee between two words. Caffeine! Well, aren’t we all addicts? I am addicted to writing *ahem* I mean coffee.

But nevertheless, I consider myself to be a serious writer. Yes, I just love this line, may be because its’ filled with uber sarcasm of all levels.
What do you write about? 
Almost everything under the sun. Prose. Poetry. Everything that happens all around. Society. Even photography. Now you see, when I am showcasing these many talents, the least I expect is “Wow, you are awesome dude!“. But you know by the looks on the face of the listener that he/she is not interested in your “boastings” whatsoever. No one really cares what I write. Practically and literally. 

Why don’t you write something else or something that keeps the people interested? (Now, I really don’t know what this means!)

And what do you think I have been trying to do all this time being such a serious writer?

But, I heard that people earn through blogs!

Yes, you are right. But I considered myself to be free, rekindled spirit not obsessed with worldly pleasures such as money. “Give me that effing money!” my minds shouts in 
silence of its confinement. And yet it seems more of an implausible dream.
Though when I am at the side of imparting the namesake existence of my blog, I feel that tinge of what a great writer I am. And while they advice me on what to do and what not to do, it sounds as if they are telling an expert what to do. But then again at the end of the day I am no expert and we all know that. 

But truth be told, it is quite difficult. As a budding writer ( Yeah, I laughed too! Budding writer? Oh Please! ), it is just not easy to attract / influence the people with a few ( C/o Oxford dictionary) rambled words arranged systematically to make sense. I wanted to learn that art. No not that thing in the parenthesis but the art of influencing through the written word. It is not easy, no. But it is not difficult as well. One needs to know that certain trick. I mean one needs to be an expert at writing, fluent in expressing and be bold enough to speak up(read : write) their mind. No, I am not even close to any of that. 500+ posts! 5 years! And still I haven’t learned anything. If at all, my grades have kept dipping in my progress report(if we were to consider, but I advice you not to) over the couple of years. 

This never ending ordeal of belittling myself(speaking truth about myself) while dreaming to be sitting in a bookstore signing some authored copies never ceases to exist. A distant dream perhaps, or may be not. I was totally kidding. It is far beyond my dreaming. Speaking of which what have you been up to lately? And how near are you to your dreams.

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0 responses to “Seriously!”

  1. Serious writer??? I didn't understand the concept of the serious writer but I can say that you are a great writer..;-)
    & even I agree that writers need to be bold enough to speak up ….
    & these days, every one wanna earn money through their blog, but u didn't choose that which means all you wana do here is write, express yourself, connect with others, learn & improvise yourself which is much better than using the blog as a source of income…
    ..& talking about dreams.??
    Every one has dreams & it depends on us if we turn our dreams to reality or let them be only as dreams forever…
    Btw, it was a serious vaala post…;-)

    PS: I saw 2 updates on ua blog, but when I opened the other one to read I guess it was already deleted…I seriously wish I got a chance to read that one too…..:-P

  2. You are being too harsh on yourself. You are a damn good writer boss!!
    I earn no money from my blog…no personal fame…but yes, people do not care what you write. You need to market actually. Market well. You are really good Ajay. Always know that. 🙂

  3. Why, thank you! 🙂
    Hey that explanation is all filled with sarcasm.
    Right on.
    Exactly it's totally depends on a person hkw they want to shape their future.

    Well, the intention was to add sarcasm. And I guess that proves about how great of a writer I am.

    PS. You are right. I didn't delete it. It's still there. Please click on the next post if you are up for it. There was a glitch actually. When I hit publish, it didn't publish right away. So I hit it three more times resulting in 4 four posts. And I removed the excess posts, unfortunately removing the one with the link in your feed.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  4. #speechless
    Thank you very much for those words. 🙂

    Yeah, I should do that.
    Thank you. 🙂
    You have no idea how great I'm feeling reading your words. I re-read this for the 10th time.

    Thank you ma'am. 😀

  5. Why so serious boss? As for me, there's no serious or non-serious writing. I write because I can't be without writing. Publishing or others noting my writing comes later 🙂 Whenever someone asks what do you write about, I tell them anything that I feel like writing about… That's the truth right? Why label it under a genre?

    Write because you want to, because otherwise you cannot get those words falling into sentences out of your mind, because if you don't express your thoughts in writing, there won't be space for new thoughts and you'd feel trapped. 😀

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