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It all began two years ago. I wasn’t sure about what the rush was all about back then, nor do I have about now. ‘Who would have thought?’ was the most obvious question of this time, but nothing superficial either even if it was quite out of the blue.

It was an unusual day for me. Being an insomniac, I have developed this new, well, you could call it an odd pattern. I start sleeping just at the brim of the sun starts showering the morning bliss of sunshine. It is quite odd, isn’t it? “What about the office and work?”, you ask. Well, I got that under control, most of it. Or may be not. So, that usual day something unusual had to happen and it turns out, I was late for the morning bus. I still had a couple of minutes, I mean literally just a couple and I couldn’t cope with brushing, rinsing myself, pressing the clothes, searching for socks within that couple minutes. What I did was I decided to wait for another bus which comes nearly two hours apart from the usual time. It was a company transport, so I decided to go in late.

I reach office an hour late, well thanks to my weird sleeping habits only to be greeted by a young hyper-active lady who seemed more happy and jumping around than the concerned party. “Hey, wish him ‘Congratulations’ “. As he was standing just beside us, I did congratulate him even without knowing what I was doing that for. “He is getting engaged”, she shoutedOh, congratulations for getting engaged“. Well, as for me, I didn’t quite believe it the first time, nor the second time. Another person who was rocking the same boat as I was said that he wasn’t going to believe and I couldn’t agree more to him. It was all of a sudden and we were never even hinted on this matter. Sure, we had discussions about what kind of girl or marriage the past couple of days or weeks, but anyone particularly getting married or engaged was never on the platter. 

Eventually, the whole of the office knows about it. Well thanks to the hyper lady around here, who in fact has a guy and when asked about marriage, she isn’t quite sure when that might happen. Well, no shocker there. But it was a done deal which was quite evident from all the other people poking fun at him for going to get engaged, the kind of stuff that everyone does to the person going to “settle” down. Well, I had anticipated this sooner since the search for his better half began nearly two years prior to now. So, it wasn’t a shocker altogether. He had been hinting about his mother searching for a girl since I know this guy. And also he wanted to get married as soon as possible and one of the most obvious the reason being receding hair line(well, he says this for fun, but not quite this). *Looks at my hair*, oh crap! *Adjusts the wig*. But nevertheless, it was happening and his engagement happened last weekend. I wish him all the best for his future and his better half.

The chatter is still consistent with his theories of what he will do/might do / or even plan to do. Anyone in his friends’ circle have a pretty good picture of what’s the weight of all those “future plans” of his. Believe me, you are going to hear everything he could do and his voice gives the impression that he most definitely will, but the very next minute the plan changes and sounds as convincing as the first one did. And later he would quite simply strike everything out saying that “People tell a lot of things that we would do, but do we do everything”. Well, that’s everyday story and perhaps that is going to change in a couple of months. 

So AJ, when are you planning to get married?”. Whoa, easy there buddy as I let out a funny laugh. I and marriage don’t travel the same road as of now and the day we cross paths are ages away and I mean it. And I don’t understand what’s the rush about all this marriage drama nor do I understand the people’s curiosity about others marriage. Cool dude, I believe everyone has their own crazy sh*t to take care of. So, lets’ get back to it. Peace out.

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0 responses to “Taking a dive.”

  1. Hahaaa 😀 Once you hit your 20s then it becomes every Tom, Dick and Harry's problem to poke their nose and find out a suitable partner for you! The best way is to ignore them and wait till you are ready.

  2. Hahaaa 😀 Once you hit your 20s then it becomes every Tom, Dick and Harry's problem to poke their nose and find out a suitable partner for you! The best way is to ignore them and wait till you are ready.

  3. Marriage has been fun for me and so, I promote it big time 😀
    As far as those questions go, this is just the beginning. They won't stop until you have two kids!!!!!

  4. Marriage has been fun for me and so, I promote it big time 😀
    As far as those questions go, this is just the beginning. They won't stop until you have two kids!!!!!

  5. Well, I am pretty young to be faced with this question 😛 But my older sister isn't, so I see her struggling with the question of it. I mean what's the hurry? People and society, forcing their way into her life, relatives always suggesting the term “settling down” and so on. Honestly, I'd like to run away before I get hit by such questions. Ugh. 😀

  6. Well, I am pretty young to be faced with this question 😛 But my older sister isn't, so I see her struggling with the question of it. I mean what's the hurry? People and society, forcing their way into her life, relatives always suggesting the term “settling down” and so on. Honestly, I'd like to run away before I get hit by such questions. Ugh. 😀

  7. I agree with Nisha on top! Marriage has been the best thing to have happened to me, so I shall suggest that everyone should take the dive! 🙂

    People will talk even if you get married and have kids. Why bother?

    When you find the right person, suddenly the time is right for marriage. It will happen to you too. Hopefully someday soon 🙂

  8. I agree with Nisha on top! Marriage has been the best thing to have happened to me, so I shall suggest that everyone should take the dive! 🙂

    People will talk even if you get married and have kids. Why bother?

    When you find the right person, suddenly the time is right for marriage. It will happen to you too. Hopefully someday soon 🙂

  9. Do what you want, AK! Marriage is nothing but your choice, personally yes it's been the best for me!

    And if guys like you start freaking about hair fall, what do girls like me do? Of course, its a given for me since its via genes and the fall wont just stop. Maybe I should talk to you about where you got that wig 😛

  10. Do what you want, AK! Marriage is nothing but your choice, personally yes it's been the best for me!

    And if guys like you start freaking about hair fall, what do girls like me do? Of course, its a given for me since its via genes and the fall wont just stop. Maybe I should talk to you about where you got that wig 😛

  11. Yeah, I intend to do exactly that. I will let you know if I get married, what it's like. 😛
    So, all people married seem to be happy.

    For girls it's still less, i suppose. Consider a 24 year old gone bald. Oh, why are you looking at me? *Silently adjusts the wig* 😛
    Oh, wig ? What wig ? Which wig? I don't know nothing about any wig. No, don't pull my hair.

  12. Yeah, I intend to do exactly that. I will let you know if I get married, what it's like. 😛
    So, all people married seem to be happy.

    For girls it's still less, i suppose. Consider a 24 year old gone bald. Oh, why are you looking at me? *Silently adjusts the wig* 😛
    Oh, wig ? What wig ? Which wig? I don't know nothing about any wig. No, don't pull my hair.

  13. I have dz weird habit of getting scared wen I think about marriage.Quite Samev me too..me & marriage don't travel d Same road.btw, enjoyed reading ua posts.dz d 1st time I visited ua blog seems like I'm going to be a long term visitor nw..;-)

  14. I have dz weird habit of getting scared wen I think about marriage.Quite Samev me too..me & marriage don't travel d Same road.btw, enjoyed reading ua posts.dz d 1st time I visited ua blog seems like I'm going to be a long term visitor nw..;-)

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Taking a dive.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Taking a dive.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ