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What is it, I asked. Only time could tell, they said. The other day I was reading a blog, after a long time, per say. But I did read. What intrigued me was the writer, of course who is a dear friend. And no that wasn’t the intriguing part. The part where the author wrote a small story of her life. A small and elegant story which comprised to only Love. It was/is a really sweet story. It takes us back to the age of not-knowing-anything and brings back to this present day. And whatsoever, however long the time might have traveled and however far the people stayed apart, the author proved that somethings don’t change, at all. 

I must confess before I say anything further. I really envy the author. Not envying in a jealous kind of way, but envying in a why-not-me kind of way, if that makes any sense. I told her the same and I got the same reply that every person in love have told- It will happen when it is supposed to happen. I was like, “Yeah, sure. Why won’t it? Lemme just wait and look at the sky and wonder”. But it is not that simple, is it? If it were, I wouldn’t have been envying or trying to decode this extra-terrestrial phenomenon. 

I just believe that it happens in the places where we least expect them to happen. Let me take the example of two of my friends. I wouldn’t even have dreamed about them being together. When we know people, we feel that we understand them, mostly by what they say and do. So, when I believed that something is going to happen, I sided with the heart-breaking sob story from him or her. But turns out they are together and are happy about them. It is mysterious, believe me. May be I just have to live it to know it. 

One of my other friend is deeply and madly in love with a person who used to work with him. He said he was thinking about her all the time. He was even getting dreams about her. Once he even got a dream of getting married and both being happy together, but then he woke up. He was so happy but was disappointed because it turned out to be a dream. And nevertheless, he is afraid. Afraid of losing a friend. Afraid of rejection. What might happen? I said, it is a risk he should be willing to take. Yeah, I told that as if I am an expert in this stuff. And then I look at the mirror and laugh about it. I and giving advice, really sweet of me. NOT. He makes it so obvious as if he is giving hints or something. But he is such a drag. I don’t know what he will do. I feel that people in love are/should be brave enough and take responsibility or something like that. Not that others don’t have to. But this kind is a little rebellious, don’t you think? I may be wrong. Well, what do I know about love, anyway.

So, then again I was back on that hope thing. They said, eyes are the doorway to a women’s heart. Or whoever said that must have been an handsome hunk, nearly 6 feet tall, 6 pack well toned buff-body, green/blue eyes, bla bla, you get the gist right? And whenever he looked at the girls, they would just melt in his gaze or whatever. Now lets just get back to reality and do that. Yeah, it was my chance to open that door. And when I did, I didn’t hear their thoughts but the look was quite self-explanatory. I don’t think I would have to explain it. And then college happened, where every freaking guy was using that same principle. I guess it has worked on a few but it left a whole new impression on them – that guys are creeps. From that day, I didn’t wanted that tag on my face. So what did I do? I stopped looking at them altogether. Even if they were like drooling hot, I wasn’t going to watch. I will just walk right past them without any care in the world. Yes, I guess I had become a real human then. So, no staring since then, not opening that door. And eventually, all that might have happened never happened. 

Sometimes when I am travelling, I come across people. Nothing interesting, except when it comes to couples. I look at the guy and I am like what the hell? I have a better chance than that dude. But then again it is not about how one looks, is it? If only, that were true. And then again, I doubt it when I am on the other side of the question line. When will I understand that it is not something anyone could decode or something. Its’ not a code or a mystery or a puzzle of any sort. May be I just have to wait. And before I end my stupidity, I feel I am getting old. When I told this to the above mentioned author, she assured me that I am not and that time will make it happen. And today I realized that I have more grey hair than my dad. I have no idea where they came from. But it is spreading like a wildfire. And I really can’t do much about it. 

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0 responses to “Decode.”

  1. Dude, you gotta chill. Don't read too much into this stuff. It will happen. There's still all the chance in the world to make yours a love marriage and if its not destined so, then it means your wife whom you select via your parents is your true love.

    There is always a love story for everyone on earth. They just don't come as soon as we would wish they would. You need not wait around and keep searching, just relax and let it come to you. Enjoy life!

  2. Dude, you gotta chill. Don't read too much into this stuff. It will happen. There's still all the chance in the world to make yours a love marriage and if its not destined so, then it means your wife whom you select via your parents is your true love.

    There is always a love story for everyone on earth. They just don't come as soon as we would wish they would. You need not wait around and keep searching, just relax and let it come to you. Enjoy life!

  3. Yeah, I know. Anyway, I know what is going to happen. So, I won't be reading much into it, either. But thanks. 🙂

    I see an optimistic person there. I appreciate that. But I guess I am on the wrong page of it. So, yeah, enjoy life? Sure thing. 🙂

  4. Yeah, I know. Anyway, I know what is going to happen. So, I won't be reading much into it, either. But thanks. 🙂

    I see an optimistic person there. I appreciate that. But I guess I am on the wrong page of it. So, yeah, enjoy life? Sure thing. 🙂

  5. Dude Chill. Keirthana made a valid point there. Love happens, sooner or later. Love or arranged. It does happen. Maybe not in the Mills and Boon kind of way but maybe in a sweet simple ordinarily extraordinary kind of way. Just forget about Love and enjoy your life. It has to come your way. 🙂

  6. Dude Chill. Keirthana made a valid point there. Love happens, sooner or later. Love or arranged. It does happen. Maybe not in the Mills and Boon kind of way but maybe in a sweet simple ordinarily extraordinary kind of way. Just forget about Love and enjoy your life. It has to come your way. 🙂

  7. Umm okay. May be I exaggerated a little, but that wasn't my intention. I guess I sounded more like wanting or being desperate. It was just a perspective written very very bluntly.

    I am carried away by the height of optimism you people have. I think I should thank you. Thank you.
    Love – Out.
    Enjoy life – In.

    Thanks again for dropping by. 🙂

  8. Umm okay. May be I exaggerated a little, but that wasn't my intention. I guess I sounded more like wanting or being desperate. It was just a perspective written very very bluntly.

    I am carried away by the height of optimism you people have. I think I should thank you. Thank you.
    Love – Out.
    Enjoy life – In.

    Thanks again for dropping by. 🙂

  9. So do I. Anything I can do to help him, in any way?
    Yeah, add my prayers as well.

    Thanks for the advice. This is the sort of advice people already in LOVE give. I am like bleh, whatever! But Thanks again. 😀

  10. So do I. Anything I can do to help him, in any way?
    Yeah, add my prayers as well.

    Thanks for the advice. This is the sort of advice people already in LOVE give. I am like bleh, whatever! But Thanks again. 😀

  11. Instead of jumping on the wagon of criticism and lecturing you to chillax (and my stating this is in no way criticizing those who have done so, I can easily be one of them as you know), I am glad you too the time to express these sentiments- the things you feel, observe and feel in lacking and therefore crave… I personally feel that it is THIS, the wanting that makes the fulfillment whenever it does happen so much more beautiful. So keep exploring that soul of yours, rejoice or lament that which is the present, it makes the future a much more vivid masterpiece.

  12. Instead of jumping on the wagon of criticism and lecturing you to chillax (and my stating this is in no way criticizing those who have done so, I can easily be one of them as you know), I am glad you too the time to express these sentiments- the things you feel, observe and feel in lacking and therefore crave… I personally feel that it is THIS, the wanting that makes the fulfillment whenever it does happen so much more beautiful. So keep exploring that soul of yours, rejoice or lament that which is the present, it makes the future a much more vivid masterpiece.

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