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Once upon a time called today, somewhere in the kingdom called The Silicon Valley, there lived a normal guy who was visibly seen but still was invisible. He wanted to keep that thing about himself the same way for all his life. But what he didn’t know was that there was a lot stacked up for him. So, one fine day as he was totally clueless about what he wanted to do and no work at hand, he jumped right at the first opportunity that presented itself before him. The opportunity wasn’t the best one, neither it was anywhere near good. But his idle mind was getting frustrated about being waiting for something amazing to present itself. But he knew that there was no chance in hell that there would be something amazing waiting just for him. And the work he did, he didn’t know a thing. So, whatever it was, he was planning to pass some time, learning something new because what the new work was not his expertise whatsoever. 

That fine day he witnessed a junta of enthusiastic people joining the same with a confused look on their face. Almost all the people who were roped in were new to the work and they had major plans for their future. And this new thing wasn’t anywhere in the path of their major plans. The following day a majority of the people came to join the work. And mind you, everyone was confused about it. But at the end of the day, everybody was feeling safe and were ready to join. And so did he thought. Lets call this guy Aman. 

The work they were roped in was scheduled to begin right away, but with a primary training for a week or two. It was early morning and only a handful of people turned up. Among them Aman was the only guy so far. A few hours passed and these guys still waited for people to turn up. But only a few handful others turned up. By the end of the the morning, there were twelve people and Aman was still the only guy. Aman was having a very bad feeling about this. But he had no idea what to do. He wanted to just leave and tell some lame excuse. But he just had no clue about how to open the exit door when he had just opened the Entry door. By the end of the day, he was roped in and he became a part of the small team. And this day changed a little bit about himself that he wanted to keep on the dark. Being the only guy in the group of ten girls wasn’t a great deal. Yeah sure the people were amazing, but still. And now, Aman was in the limelight. Only if he had the charms or the looks, he would have rocked it. Only if.

The first of the comment that Aman received was something like this : “You must be happy. You are surrounded by pretty girls. Right Aman?” He was actually shocked by the comment, but he replied,”No” and that reply was for the him being happy part. But before he could say anything,”So, you don’t think we all are pretty. One day all these people will bash you up.”  He let out an awkward smile and tried not to maintain eye contact. Another person after looking at the group made a comment like, “Oh, you are the only guy in the group. Are you okay and comfortable?” He had no idea what to reply and he smiled and said, “Yeah, I am“. But he wasn’t sure what he was thinking at that time.

“You know what is the specialty of this group is? There is only one guy surrounded by pretty girls. Look he is blushing.”, so says one of the instructor who is a big fan of him, not exactly. 


“So, what about you Aman? Are you committed? You can’t be Single, for all we know.

*Tries to tell that he is still single* , but the voice fades and is completely inaudible.

“I know guys like you, who are silent  but they are exactly the opposite in social life.”

I am Single only.” (He had no idea how to put the words. He never had to explain himself why he was single or as a matter of fact no one asked his status. No one actually cares/d. But he doesn’t think they believed him when he says that he is Single! “Oh my, WHY ?”, Aman exclaimed. He thought, no, he knew he is not one of those types who would be in anyone’s prince charming list. In his mind, he concluded, “Ah, whom am I kidding? Prince ? Charming ? Yeah right, in my dreams may be.”


“So what should we do know? Okay, lets make the late-comer do something. Suggest something guys!”. After discussing about this and that, the late comer volunteers to do a chicken dance. Ah, great initiative. But chicken dance? Aman thought whether she was for real. So, for that a chicken dance song is required and it wasn’t available on the mobile. So, they try to download. But it was taking time, a little longer than anyone had anticipated.

“So, what shall we do now?”, the instructor on being bored asked for the second time.

“Aman will sing a song”, someone from the crowd shouted. Aman was kind of bored and half asleep when he heard that. And then he felt like he was thrown in a cold water and it hit him with a question “WHAT????”. He thought in his mind, “Me? Singing? Does anyone have a death wish or what? But I don’t know any songs.”

No, Aman tell something in 5 lines. It has been like 5 days since you joined here, so a line for each day”.

Aman was so dumbstruck that he had no idea as of what to say. So, he said what he says all the time, I mean shout all the time.

“I am Aman , as all of you know!”. Yeah, everybody knows. I don’t like that. I don’t want to be the guy with too much recognition. No, it will not be of any good for me. On the contrary, I become a victim to their entertainment, but if I was entertaining them it would have been a great deal, but I end up being a stupid. So yeah, recognition my … And then he snapped from his temporary lapse of this conversation with self.

“I like blogging and photography is my hobby”.

“What do you write about?”

Though he didn’t see any of the other faces except the one asking the questions, he knew that no body was interested in listening to what he had to say about blogging or what he writes about! But he replied anyway. “I write poems, fictions and daily stuff. And I have a Facebook page for each of my blog.” 

“I have a photography blog also. I have a Facebook page for that as well.” Yes Sir/Madam, he was publicizing. And then there is a comment from a guy. “We will like you page today.” And Aman let out a smile. 

“So, we are like 30 members and by the end of the day, you will have 30 likes”, the instructor said. He was actually counting on that. But 4 days have passed since then. Not. Even. A. Single. Like. Or a visitation to the blog.

But the centricity and the so-called-recognition that was there has started to fade off as everyone is realizing that this guy doesn’t need that much of attention that they were showering on. As the crowd slowly started increasing and more people came into picture, soon Aman will fade out, just like he wanted it to happen.

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0 responses to “An Odd Story!”

  1. Shhhhhh!!!
    Why are you writing the name in CAPS? 😛

    Yes, AMAN did publish, but on my blog. 😛
    Fortunately not yet. AMANS colleagues are not interested in reading AMANS blog. So, he is lucky, I guess. 😛

  2. Shhhhhh!!!
    Why are you writing the name in CAPS? 😛

    Yes, AMAN did publish, but on my blog. 😛
    Fortunately not yet. AMANS colleagues are not interested in reading AMANS blog. So, he is lucky, I guess. 😛

  3. You guess wrong *cough* right *cough*, my friend.

    And wait a second, how many people know my real name? Phew! I am famous and I don't even know it. 😛

    Haha, *high-five* to that. 😛
    Yeah, I know. And I love your writings. Awesome stuff.

  4. You guess wrong *cough* right *cough*, my friend.

    And wait a second, how many people know my real name? Phew! I am famous and I don't even know it. 😛

    Haha, *high-five* to that. 😛
    Yeah, I know. And I love your writings. Awesome stuff.

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An Odd Story!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

An Odd Story!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ