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Painting in the Sky

Flying Lanterns 
Visakhapatnam | Andhra Pradesh | India

The post for the eighteenth day (P) of the April month is titled ‘Painting’ for April A2Z Challenge .

P.S. This time I chose a photo to depict the letter which again comes under the theme ‘Random’. 

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0 responses to “Painting.”

  1. What a great way to describe those Chinese Lanterns floating around, as Paintings in the Sky. On New Years Eve at midnight where I live there are hundreds floating around like that.

  2. What a great way to describe those Chinese Lanterns floating around, as Paintings in the Sky. On New Years Eve at midnight where I live there are hundreds floating around like that.

  3. There's only one word- WOW! Did you click these? Awesome they are! Actually you know what? It's one of my heart's deepest wishes to let a flying lantern go at night along with my love from the terrace. I have got the scene etched in my mind. Yet to implement it 🙂 This reminded me 🙂

  4. There's only one word- WOW! Did you click these? Awesome they are! Actually you know what? It's one of my heart's deepest wishes to let a flying lantern go at night along with my love from the terrace. I have got the scene etched in my mind. Yet to implement it 🙂 This reminded me 🙂

  5. Thank You.
    Yup. Yes, they are totally awesome. This was for a charity event that was conducted and I had the chance to be there. So, I clicked a few snaps.
    Wow. Mine too. You will, in time perhaps. 😀

  6. Thank You.
    Yup. Yes, they are totally awesome. This was for a charity event that was conducted and I had the chance to be there. So, I clicked a few snaps.
    Wow. Mine too. You will, in time perhaps. 😀

  7. Thanks!

    Btw, I found the solution to your blog's rss feed problem, or I think I did. This is your correct feed url : http://www.ajaykontham.in/feeds/posts/default

    We had subscribed to your feed before you changed all this blog name, url and stuff to go with it I guess because in my feed reader the old url is shown as “http://feeds.feedburner.com/imagination19” and I remember that's kinda your old url.

    So when I subscribed again with the correct one – “http://www.ajaykontham.in/feeds/posts/default”, I am getting your feeds. Inform the other readers to try this one.

  8. Thanks!

    Btw, I found the solution to your blog's rss feed problem, or I think I did. This is your correct feed url : http://www.ajaykontham.in/feeds/posts/default

    We had subscribed to your feed before you changed all this blog name, url and stuff to go with it I guess because in my feed reader the old url is shown as “http://feeds.feedburner.com/imagination19” and I remember that's kinda your old url.

    So when I subscribed again with the correct one – “http://www.ajaykontham.in/feeds/posts/default”, I am getting your feeds. Inform the other readers to try this one.

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