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The dust danced to the music of the morning sunshine. The ray of light that made its way through the misty frozen glass. It was cold outside. The little warmth still made the silent particles that lay suspended in the infinity to dance in the morning breeze. It warmed the sleepy skin as it made its way through my face. I glared at the dance, at the significance, at the innocence. I was lamented as reality struck a chord in the silent music of the morning. It was morning and what preceded that always kept me alert. 

The silent music of the morning mist turned into chaos as the time made its way past the circle of life. I walked though the dust laden streets with the stint of hurriedness of the worried people. Some were exceptional. And the dust that danced in the morning to the ray of light now turned into something pitiful and unbearable. I catch glimpses of people in the crowd calm and peaceful, by appearance and their inner soul. That. That is what I always wanted to see in people.

I am woken up by my morning dreams by a large thud of the broken chords or may be it was the wrong pitch in the morning music. The chaos of migrant thoughts that persisted in my mind multiplied as the multitude of people increased by each passing second. Now there is chaos everywhere. People busily walking all over, children denying to go to school, neatly dressed professionals on their way to money earning process. The mixed chaos from myriad sources thumping and increasing with each passing second overpowering the agitated chaos of the mind. 

And for a second, or a minute, or an hour everything went silent as if the voices slowly blurred into oblivion, the chaos was stunned into silence. An exquisiteness which people normally term as angel made me wonder whether I was in some sort of heaven. It is clearly an abomination of human creation. Such things should never be present on god’s green earth. But nevertheless, the world just stopped as the silence overtook the pleasantness of the moment. But then again, as if it was the calm before the storm, the chaos was suddenly back before I realized  I was in the middle of the road and everyone was standing still because of me. 

The coffee lay as the warm layers of vapor condensed in the evening sky. I stared at it intensively for a time I know not of. I kept staring at it dissolved in its chemistry. The sky was crimson with a hint of blue illuminated by the myriad faces that wandered all over. Angels, again! Amidst all this awesomeness which surrounded me, I am finding myself as an artist; as the musician orchestrating all the events that fell before my eyes adding a suitable string, pitch, beat. It was my music to which I danced invisibly among all the people that surrounded me, but I am a mere spectator who just played the role of the audience.

The world faded in blurred shadows as the made my way through the empty streets. The fluorescent sodium vapor lamp illuminated the empty street engulfed in a sinister silence of the night. It grew deeper as the the night turned darker. The sky was dark with minimal moonlight illuminating the empty streets, but I grew habitual all this ghastly phenomenon that occurred almost every night. 

It is a circle where life is at the center of the chords. We just have to play it right string at the right time and it would be as peaceful as a soothing music. 

The post for the sixteenth day (N) of the April month is titled “Nonchalant’ for April A2Z Challenge .

P.S. : This post also falls under the theme ‘Random’. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ


© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ