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Chapter I – Abandon

William Christopher woke up with a mild headache. It was about Twilight, but the squeak crack of the door woke him up. He saw his uncle close the door behind him. His uncle looked worried as he pulled out some files from the satchel and burned all the papers. Will saw everything from behind small opening of the door. He has never seen his uncle so petrified. His uncle grew worried and kept looking at the main door and window trying to stay calm before he completes he wished to complete. He caught the anxious eyes of young Will staring at him. He ignored it for a second and poured all the papers into the chimney and ran towards Will. He told him not to worry and everything was going to be alright but he knew that he was lying. He gave him a diary and told him to hide it somewhere safe and took a promise from him never to give it to anybody, not even him. Will was getting worried and impatient with each passing second. 
The black SUV’s screeched outside their home as the men in black suits came storming in. They weren’t any typical police or FBI because they just broke down the front door without a seconds notice. By the time, his uncle advised him to stay strong and not to do anything stupid. He also said that he might not see him anytime soon, and this comment was met with tears from young Will’s petrified eyes. After all, he was just a fifteen-year boy. His uncle told him to hide in the basement under the stairway that Will never knew existed till that day. He was sure that he unfolded the whole house upside down but he never knew about this secret room. It was opened by a lever carefully hid behind the painting which the Will ‘s mind could never understand. 
The men in black suits stormed into the house rupturing the quiet that it contained till their arrival. They saw Dr. Zackary Joseph Christopher standing by the fire that was slowly turning into ashes. He was smiling even though it was his life’s work that was turning into ashes. A man in a well-tailored suit came calmly escorted by two bodyguards. He looked calm but he wasn’t. But when he saw Joseph near the fire, he because furious as his anger raged through his veins. He smashed everything that came in his way. He pulled out his gun in the fit of anger and almost pulled the trigger but then Dr. Micheal Cage just snapped his hand towards the ceiling of the room.
“We need him. He is the only key to all this”, Dr. Cage told in his frightfulness. 
“Are you kidding me? He just burnt everything. The research. The Formulas. The prototypes. The lab is a mess. You saw that. And now I have no choice but to put a bullet in his head”, the well-suited man named Anton Beresky shouted in his disbelief. 
“Are you out of your mind? He is the one who created all prototypes, the formulas, and everything. If it were up to me, it will take years. And you… “
“What makes you think he will help us now after he found out about our plan?”
“You don’t understand. I know a way to make this workout. He has a sister. And I happen to know where she is. She could be our leverage.” 
“No, don’t you dare go near her. I am warning you. This will not end well, for you or anyone”, shouted petrified Dr. Christopher.
“I know. But you just ruined the twenty years of research and it will take the same time to get back”, Dr. Cage said trying to remain calm.
“But we don’t have that long. Ten years”, shouted Anton. 
“And we know your little secret about the missing prototype ‘ Elixir’. We believe that you injected it into yourself. You could never burn that. So, we need you nevertheless.” 
For a second William’s uncle took a step back thinking that they found out the decade-long secret he had been keeping away from them when he heard the word secret. About William. But he laughed realizing that these people were more stupid than he thought they were. 
“What’s funny? Why are you laughing? Do you think all this is a joke?”, Anton says furiously and punches him in the face with the gun in his hand. “You have to get back on it, or else your else every last person you ever know, ever loved will be dead. And about that Elixir in your body! We will find a way to synthesize it.”
” Don’t be stupid. It is dangerous. It can’t be synthesized out of anybody’s body. It is unstable and I could never put it in myself or anyone. That’s’ what I warned Mike about. But he killed that poor chap anyway”, said Dr. Christopher furiously.
“So, where is it then?”, Dr. Cage said as he started losing his patience. “Take him back to the lab. And send some people to Boston where his sister works and find every single person he knows. We want leverage against him. Turn this house upside down and burn it to the ground”
William saw all this helplessly from the crack in the wooden door that never looked like a door. He was told not to make a sound. His eyes were covered in tears and he was sobbing. He was a secret. He never knew that. But now he does. He held his uncle’s diary close to him as he saw his uncle being dragged by his collar. He had anger raging in his eyes but he knew he was outnumbered. He was smart and his uncle knew it. And given time, everything will fall into perfect place, his uncle told him. 
He was scared to his core. But he also knew that he had to survive this. The black-suited men started ravaging the whole house in search of anything the was relevant to their purpose. And started the fire in each room as they ransacked the place upside down. The whole house was on fire. The cries of little William were totally unheard and the fire started to catch up in the basement which they missed. He started kicking the secret door, but it didn’t open. There was supposed to be a way out. Or some way to open it, but he couldn’t find anything. It was then, he accidentally kicked a latch which took him to the lower portion of the house that was never there as far as he knew. It was completely isolated and the fires couldn’t reach there. It was a tiny room filled with all sorts of boxes containing files marked “Do Not Open” and labeled “Secret”. And there was one box with a very few files. And this caught William’s attention as it had his name. 
William took an old satchel and put the files along with the diary in that bag. He went through the other boxes so that he could find something related to the argument upstairs. There were so many files and “Top Secret” labeled covers. He was about to leave as the fire was catching up in the wood,  but a box caught his attention as it was securely fitted on the ceiling of the tiny room which had the markings of “W.C.” and he knew it was for him as it was nothing but his name. But first of all, he needed to get out. The other end of the tiny room had a small opening covered with glass that made way into the garden which was supposed to the only source of sunlight if at all needed. He squeezed himself through that tiny gap and let himself out. The roads were clear but the people started coming out as the fire grew bigger as time ran its course. 
He saw the house burn down to the ground as his body started feeling numb. But his uncles’ voice echoed in his mind. “You are my hope. Don’t feel that I have abandoned you. I will always be there for you. I want you to stay strong, for me. In time, you will understand. But the diary, keep it safe and when you are ready read it”. William shook himself up and wanted to make sense of everything. He wanted to wake up from the bad dream, but he couldn’t. He went into the Church that was across the street and cried. And then he saw the diary in his hand. 
To be continued… 
___________________ || ___________________
April has started and the challenge as well. I am pretty late to the party and I know it. So, here is my post. This is written for April A2Z Challenge and for the first alphabet I have chosen “Abandon”. 
P.S. Okay, let’s do it. This is my first fiction piece. One of its kind. It is kind of lengthy. I know it. But I felt that it was necessary. And don’t worry about the characters, if you are having any confusion, it will be cleared in the posts to come. I am hoping to do a short story kind of a novella. But I can’t promise you that for each letter I will be able to come up with a story. So, behold. It is going to get bumpy. I can assure you that. 
#Day1 #A #Abandon

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Abandon.”

  1. ohoo…just what i wanted to see fiction baby . Interesting story but i wish he was able to take all of those secret files with him, too bad they were burnt :/
    Btw how old is he?

    Is this your first Novella too? Yayy

  2. ohoo…just what i wanted to see fiction baby . Interesting story but i wish he was able to take all of those secret files with him, too bad they were burnt :/
    Btw how old is he?

    Is this your first Novella too? Yayy

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ


© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ