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I haven’t talked to much people lately, on phone. If you are to count the family member, well they top the list. So, that does mean that I am not in any relationship of any kind because god knows how long I would be talking on the phone.  But let’s just call me lucky to be not part any of that ritual, thankfully. But, I have been lately hit with this notion of phone call. When I asked a new friend why not on Facebook, I got a reply dating back to the pre-internet days when we just used to talk to each other on phone and internet was something we were not so much associated with. May be because we were never introduced to the concept of the internet chatting by then, we were just unaware of all these things. But in spite of all the development in today’s day, we still find some people who still use phone and not be associated with the social media, well, my friend does. So, that brings me back to the topic : Phone.

I usually use my phone for using the internet and staying in touch with all the friends that I have. But I have never called them, unless its’ important, like asking them to come to the canteen or to confirm whether they were going to the office (as they weren’t replying in WhatsApp).  So, when I don’t do the top up recharge, for say like a month or even more, there is nothing to worry about unless I am stranded in an unknown place and need to communicate with someone for help. But lets not jump too high up the pole. For your information, I don’t leave my room most of the days. So, I getting stranded in an unknown place is something not gonna happen. Never. Ever. I think. But anyways, let me share some stories that date back to my engineering days regarding the phone calls. 

I got a new phone, courtesy of my dad and the company he works for : A free phone. The phone was supposed to be used by him, but I just joined college and I got to keep it. But it was not the reason, I had already taken the ownership. *Wicked smile*. Though the phone wasn’t my choice, but well it was the latest in the block and I appreciate all new things and gadgets. But I was still in my high school (plus 2 / intermediate) when they took the new phone. After nearly five months, I got into college and got my first number, courtesy of my cousin. I had no proof on my name by that time to submit, so! When I got my new number, I flaunted it everywhere and by everywhere I mean the social platform and that filters down to Orkut. No, I am not a popular guy, but I just wanted attention I guess(I know I am the creepy dude, you can stop judging me now). And truth be told, I wanted to get some calls from girls, perhaps (even creepier, right? Tell me about it). Because why would any random guy would want to call me anyway? Duh! No, don’t even think about it. Drop it, your thoughts.

After like a few months, I got a call from an actual girl, or well the voice sounded like one. But frankly speaking, I didn’t knew her. She claimed to be a friend of a friend of a friend. I know the Friend #3 because he used to sit beside my in the last year of my high school. Friend#2 is the friend of Friend#3. And the Friend#1 is a totally unknown person. Believe me, the identity is as mysterious as it gets. Friend#2 and Friend#3 had something under their wraps, which I was a little aware of. So, Friend#1 called me up to know about it. WHAT?! Right? But it was a girl, so I was all excited and stupid and reciprocated the same for a major part of the time. She even created a fake Orkut account, because that profile too good to be true. Yeah, like I said it was mysterious. Sometimes, I got in contact with Friend#2, but as time passed, Friend#1 left the Friend#2’s college and joined some other college. All this are the claims by Friend#2. Wait, Friend#2 is also a girl, I didn’t mention but it is clear right? And to be clear, Friend#3 is a guy(though I mentioned it earlier). So anyway, a month long (or even more, I have completely forgotten about it now) ended in such tragedy. I always had a feeling that Friend#2 called me up in the name of Friend#1 to know about actually happened and what and how much I knew about the chemistry between F#2 and F#3 ! People can be hyper-crazy sometimes, or is it just me?

My third year was about to come to an end. But there was something like a seminar which we were supposed to give on the project we did in the summer vacation after the end of the second year. And that seminar was a big flop show. Believe me, it sucked like hell. I even changed my status to “The worst 30 minutes of my life” and an hour later my dad pinged me to ask about it. And when I didn’t respond to his question, he dropped the question while we were having a casual conversation when he called to ask whether I had dinner. I somehow managed to dodge that question. But it has nothing to do with happened next. I got a call from an unknown person. It was a girl. Yeah, Shocking. Plus Goosebumps. I mean who could it be? But don’t worry, this person is also a mystery, to this day. I have no idea how she got my number in the first place. But there was an interesting story that she weaved. She claims to have seen me sometime somewhere in college during some event, I guess (because it wasn’t so clear). And there is a catch here, indeed many. She claims that I have a nice (read: great ) hairstyle. I mean, LOL, literally. My hairstyle? You gotto be kidding me. I had a feeling that this was another prank call. Umm, not another, the first of its kind. Another catch and this is a pretty shocking one : She knew my damn name! How is that possible? And the last catch is that she doesn’t even speak my language. Come on, when on earth did I go international (okay okay) National? She claims to have got my number from some dude whom I barely know. I have seen him in my hostel a couple of time, but he is just a nobody to me. And how on earth did he get my number in the first place. He is of different branch and he was my junior. So, what and how are still a mystery. Wait, so is this girl! A mystery. I tried calling back that number a couple of times after that night, but I was greeted with a switch off anthem. It depended on her when to call and when not to. So, there was nothing I could do. I tried almost everything to find out who she was, but all attempts failed. And just like that, whoosh! The movie ended. Please proceed to exit. Next in theaters : Oz  – The Great and Powerful II.  Not funny, right? Glad, we are on the same page. 

What do these people take me for? What do you think of all this? I am such an idiot? Was this going through your mind? Well, it’s okay. You don’t have to admit. I know. 

P.S. There is no P.S. That’s it. The End. You are welcome. 

P.S.S. The title is a rhetorical. Yes, there is no P.S. but there is a P.S.S. And in this process, I wrote both. Darn. 

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0 responses to “Call me. Not!”

  1. 1. Umm, *cough* You *cough*. 😛
    2. Did I write that crazily-stupidly ? I was trying to sound intelligent. But, alas! I might have messed it up as I had anticipated.
    3. I know. And thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it. 😀

  2. 1. Umm, *cough* You *cough*. 😛
    2. Did I write that crazily-stupidly ? I was trying to sound intelligent. But, alas! I might have messed it up as I had anticipated.
    3. I know. And thanks for the compliment. I appreciate it. 😀

  3. What the F…Friend? you are messing with my mind…i totally didn' get the story…..F3 called you and she is a girl…F3 is friend of F2 who is Friend of F1 who you know…..now F1 is boy but F2 is girl…..now F2 calls you to check about F2 and F3….so is F3 a boy now? How? or F2 is les..boy that would be interesting though

    Besides, if anyone want Mr.Perfects number for a prank call, you can ping me anytime…requirements::crazy bullshitting is a must 😛

  4. What the F…Friend? you are messing with my mind…i totally didn' get the story…..F3 called you and she is a girl…F3 is friend of F2 who is Friend of F1 who you know…..now F1 is boy but F2 is girl…..now F2 calls you to check about F2 and F3….so is F3 a boy now? How? or F2 is les..boy that would be interesting though

    Besides, if anyone want Mr.Perfects number for a prank call, you can ping me anytime…requirements::crazy bullshitting is a must 😛

  5. Some person ( X ) called me up and X claimed to be a friend of ( Y ) and Y and Z had some chemistry in the intermediate. X wanted to know about the story between Y and Z.

    X : Unknown Person (F1)
    Y : Known person (F2)- Never met – Bluntly put, GF of Z (temporary though).
    Z : My Friend (F3) and he is a guy, rest all are girls.

    Lets' see how many turn up to that! My guess : ZERO . 😀
    Because people can't dare to mess with me. 😛

  6. Some person ( X ) called me up and X claimed to be a friend of ( Y ) and Y and Z had some chemistry in the intermediate. X wanted to know about the story between Y and Z.

    X : Unknown Person (F1)
    Y : Known person (F2)- Never met – Bluntly put, GF of Z (temporary though).
    Z : My Friend (F3) and he is a guy, rest all are girls.

    Lets' see how many turn up to that! My guess : ZERO . 😀
    Because people can't dare to mess with me. 😛

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Call me. Not!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ