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The Chronicles of a SuperHero 

The time has come to change things here and there. People were becoming more out of hand these days. There is nothing as such a good guys these days. It is just a mask that these people are using to cover their usual self. Behind that nice face of theirs is something dark, clumsy and corrupted individuals. The law and order broke, and people, criminals, were roaming freely in the cities, mugging, stealing and molesting the people whoever came their way. The police has been negligent and tied down. They  say hierarchy, people from above are tying their hands. What kind of excuse was that? 

The night overtook the diminishing sunlight and gradually it became dark. Only the lights from the street and some of the buildings were lit up. He put his suit on, took  out his ride and went on his way for crime fighting. People never understood what was with the bubbles and the soapy water that the roads were always filled with. But they didn’t care as long as the streets were clear and devoid of muggers. 

The bad guys started fearing. The people up the ladder were scared because with each day, this unsung hero was getting closet to them. It is high time before he catches them.

But there is a new player in the town. Someone who has been terrorizing the citizens, the people who were under the protection of the great and fearless Bathman. He could never figure out how he could even dare to come to his city and terrorize his people. This new player has accumulated all the small gangs from every nook and corner of they city and is expanding his territory and influence. The people up the ladder were able to put their mind at ease after they learned the new player in town who went by the name of Joker. 

He is not easy to predict, not makes many public appearances. But is very mischievous, which is how they come. Bathman is having a difficult time to solve this unknown mysterious person who is terrorizing his city everyday, everynight. And he is getting of hand and control. 

It was time to do some super hero stuff, track down this notorious criminal who has succeeded in inducing fear into the citizens and providing support to the nice criminals who unfortunately rule the country and hide behind the government curtains. 

Finally something worked, Bathman could track this joker guy down. And one night he finally caught up with him. He realized that they were just two sides of the coin, but had an ocean of difference in their ideologies. 

After a lot of jumps and flights, fights, nose breaks, wrist wrenching, hair picking, in air flicks, whatnot, peace was restored. But the city could never know who was responsible behind all this peace that they experience at the end of the day. 

And there is no stopping Bathman from crime fighting, even when the Butler warns about the stupididty of the costume and the dumb charades and stunts he pulls out on a daily basis. He claims that he is getting fed up with the mess he is creating in the name of hygiene and cleanliness. 

P.S. : This was supposed to be a 6 post uncovering each photo with a related story or something like that. But the response I got on my previous post, the prequel of this one, it was overwhelming to say the least and to the add to it, people were getting new ideas. So, 6 more posts will me the center of their tea/coffee break discussions. So, one post to end it all. Phew. People and their imagination. Look who’s speaking! 

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0 responses to “To put an end.”

  1. I like how you created a parallel between washing clothes and removing the grease, dirt and foul smell with cleaning a city from gangs, villains and criminals
    Nice metaphor! If I can say that:-P

  2. I like how you created a parallel between washing clothes and removing the grease, dirt and foul smell with cleaning a city from gangs, villains and criminals
    Nice metaphor! If I can say that:-P

  3. *Bows Down*

    Why, Thank You! 🙂

    Another that the great and powerful internet helps in building. Plus it is a Facebook app with predefined themes. I just used them. So, I didn't do anything here. :-/

  4. *Bows Down*

    Why, Thank You! 🙂

    Another that the great and powerful internet helps in building. Plus it is a Facebook app with predefined themes. I just used them. So, I didn't do anything here. :-/

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To put an end.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

To put an end.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ