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The Charming Lady
The world around faded in dimmed shadows, blurred images roamed around her as the voices slowly seemed negligible. There was silence in the mind, in the consciousness but she could see only one thing, one person to be exact.On the other end of.. 
A diligently dressed lady totally drowned in perfect ethnic wear with nicely braided hair makes her through the few participants who were enthusiastically waiting for their turn, for their name to be announced so that they could just astonish the crowd with their performance. She walks past them to announce the arrival of the next sequence. A grandeur introduction of the participants makes the crowd cheer with anticipation for the best that was yet to be showcased. She was anchoring and she was doing a perfectly good job at it . Her voice was so elegant that it made spectators glue to whatever she was saying. Though the fluency was only understood by the people who knew the language, but still, one can make it out by the intensity and softness that it was dealt with. No wonder, she is an excellent singer herself.
Earlier, her friend Asha called her for lunch to which she didn’t respond, may be because she was caught up in something or the reason could be anything. So when she  called her friend back, she didn’t respond to her nor after trying for the next few more times. The reason too was unknown. The result was that her friend didn’t respond and that made her sad, though she tried to reach her. Even though she was in her perfect attire, a great traditional dress and not to mention the anchoring in the function that was yet to start, she wasn’t feeling quite right about the whole thing. To state the obvious, she liked being presented in the traditional attire, as in generality all women do. But, that void was still there. Until. Until Asha finally approached her and sorted it out. That made her happy. That made the crowd happy. Because one wouldn’t want a sad anchor anchoring an event. And as mentioned earlier, the turnout was splendid. 
The world around faded in dimmed shadows, blurred images roamed around her as the voices slowly seemed unaware. There was silence in the mind, in the consciousness but she could see only one thing, one person to be exact. There was a guy sitting in red shirt across the cafeteria.. 
Nearly a year has passed since she saw him. This time he was in a blue shirt and has grown a bit fat, as she puts it  .She isn’t sure what it is but hopes it turns out fine. Nevertheless, she has different plans stocked up altogether for herself. Only time will tell.

Sameera, the name with which she is known. According to her friends she is describes as – Amandali putani, Red bijili, Bijili cracker (looks like these people have discussed among themselves before picking up the name), Childish, Innocent, Good Care-taker, Excited, Smiling, Moody, Babyish. Let me help you paint the picture. A cutely looking innocent person, but don’t get mistaken with the appearance. A hyperactive person who takes initiative and an friendly person to hang out with. She is funny all the time, which is one of the few things many people don’t usually possess. An unbiased person who values others opinions and thoughts before her own. An extremely photogenic appearance and well a photo-frenzy person as well. As her friend mentions about her as, “When she first saw her, she thought that She was a senior person as she used to maintain some dignity”. And I agree with her thoughts. She is a lot many things which I will bring to light as this unravels itself. 


P.S. : Finally, she was the last person, umm.. excluding me. I hope I was able to sensibly put each one in their true character detail. And regarding the story, I have to bring it out slowly. Due to my poor story writing skills, I can’t really assure you that it will be great and all, but let me try to hope for the best. And that leaves me. A pseudo name and a character description. Well, I am actually not sure if any one of my friends are going to do that as they said they might do when asked a few weeks back. But I am not quite sure I would get that. But, let me self-boast about myself in the next post, probably adding the best of ’em all, and who am I kidding, I am the best of ’em all. #JustKiddin’

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Extraordinarily Ordinary – VI

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Extraordinarily Ordinary – VI

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ