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“I got kicked by a girl”

“I made a biggest fool of myself”

A day has ended. Another ordinary day. First of all, I thank all the people who have wished me on my birthday. I kind of missed a few people yesterday. So, I will be thanking them in this post. So, you might ask me What did I do ? The standard question that everybody asks when it is a special occasion like say one’s birthday. But I believe in not celebrating. I have stopped the tradition a long back. Seriously, I have never enjoyed celebrating. I don’t like the feeling of being the center of attraction or whatever. And I got an experience dating back to my second standard. I kind of invited my so-called-friends to my birthday on the day itself at school as I could not go to each and every one’s home. I kind of bought everything like the cake, gifts, etcetera; mom made some food and a lot of other things that are done on anyone’s birthday. So, I waited as I started feeling a little excited over the fact that it was my birthday and that I would be getting a lot of gifts. 

So I waited. And waited a little more. Waited a little more. Only people whom my parents knew ( I mean my parent’s friend’s children) turned up. And they were like a few (three ) people. I was kind of disappointed. But since that day, I have never celebrated. Though my mom would prepare a cake and a great delicious food but the tradition of hanging out with friends died that day. So, yeah. I hate celebrating. And also hate like he’ll being the center of attraction. 
– (as written on the night of 19th January)

I was kind of a little bit worried that my so-called-extraordinary friends have figured it all out. But I was a little bit hopeful that may be, may be they might have had the wrong impression. Okay, I am talking about the not-so-secret(y)-Birthday-of-mine. Let me give you a mental picture. The night before the doomsday, I mean my birthday, they were talking about the party and treat, stuff like that. So, I thought they might have figured it all out. But then again, no one called of wished me that day. Who would have thought that? That not wishing on someones’ birthday and build up a surprise party the other day since the birthday fell on  a Sunday. It was then I made a fool of myself.

a. A friend called me to inquire about the reason behind my in-activeness in the group chat. After assuring her that there was nothing specific and obviously no reason, I was about to tell about the day. But she kind of disconnected.

b. A colleague of mine had already posted the wishes in another group chat in which two of my friends are already there. So, the person mentioned in point (a) made up a really good excuse and I kind of believed that. Seriously, I thought I was better than Sherlock. And the other guy who is in the group, well isn’t it evident that the whole group kind of already figured it out.

c. I got a call from a rather unusual person. I mean none of my friends would usually call me. So, when I got a call specifically that morning, I felt that these guys have already figured it out. But when she didn’t mention anything about the birthday, I was kind of relived. But then again, since she called me in the morning, I kind of told her that very night and told her to keep it as a secret. Little did I know that I was being played. 

d. Then another friend wrote a comment slightly after mid night saying “Extraordinary people doesn’t give ordinary wishes…. Just wait for it buddy “. Hmm, I may be dumb but that not dumb. This is the very person who initiated the whole think as far as I know. And since they kind-of did not say any word on the actual birthday, I was with the notion that well, they might be playing me and they are pretty good at it. Or they might still be confused about the whole thing. But seriously, there have been a lot of clues and instances where it was pretty darn easy to figure that out. 

e. At office, they all acted natural. And she whom I had already told and who already knew about it on the day before Sunday, played me extremely well. So, when a guy from the office wished me, who was no where near any of this, I kind of realized that they already got the cake and that I am done for sure.

During lunch time, I called a couple of people who already knew for lunch and I was about to call the remaining people when they told me to come to the cafeteria which is where we usually cut the cake and all that. So, I was done for sure.

I had to cut the cake, umm, there was no other choice.  I later got a full free cream facepack when I still had my mouth full of cake. And then after I successfully washed of everything from my face and hair as well, I got the second round of facepack. These guys are not leaving me and wanted to take the whole revenge. I had no idea these people had that much anger build up against me in the last couple of weeks. 

This is the part where I got kicked.

So, I took all of them for the lunch. After what seemed like eternity and ofcourse a stupendous lunch, we were heading back to our office and then they took a different route. I was with the idea that these guys (including me) have eaten a lot and that walking might help in like burning some calories may be. Then they sat at an isolated place. I was then gifted a handsome purse. So yeah, THANKS FOR THE PURSE. Then they said Birthday Bumps. Hff,  I was like I am in the office and these guys would just hit me on my back or something and that these guys might not have any kind of revenge or something like that against me. But my friend I was wrong. I was so wrong that I couldn’t believe myself. So, they took my hands and legs while I hanged in the mid air and then there were kicks. And more than the guys, the girls kicked. And they kicked pretty hard. Believe me when I say, they really did kick hard. Oh boy, these guys have been planning the whole moment since like eternity and that the time has helped in accumulating the anger which they started letting out. But the most unfortunate thing is that, they are still not satisfied. They are still planning to beat the s#it out of me.  God, save me.

And though, I have been writing for like a few years now, I am still pretty bad at it. So, I did write a thank you not to all the guys in my group chat. I am going to post that here.

Yeah, Admin (your’ sincerely) got kicked. *Cries*
(And I kind of didn’t hide their names. Hope that’s okay )

And here’s the cake…

It reads : 
Mr. Perfect Wish you many more Happy Returns of the day. Mr.Perfect

Okay, how many of you people know that? I kind of forgot about it, but unfortunately brought it up in the last month when we had the Chis child game for Christmas. So, yeah that got stuck on these people’s head and that’s my nick name among many others. Phew! 

Though I have already posted a pic I am thanking them once again : 

You guys made my day. Thanks again. I might not express in person, but here I am saying. Thanks again.

Sushma : Thanks for spoiling my face and for coming all the way to the office. And then kicking me as well.. 
Ramesh : You are the culprit here I guess. But thanks never the less.
Deepak : You too kicked me ? But still thanks for coming and lending a leg in kicking me while I danced mid way in the air.
Rani : Madam, I had no idea you had that much anger towards me ! You should have joined the Football team or something. Thanks for spoiling my face, then my hair. And also for coming to the office. 
Siva Teja : I know you weren’t there. But I guess you were the brains towards what happened today. But thanks.

I couldn’t thank you guys enough. Laks isn’t in this chat. But thanks to him as well.
Himaja also isn’t here in this chat but still Thanks to her as well for coming up for lunch.  Like I said, I may not say this in front of you, but you are one of the best friends I had till date. 

And yeah, the purse is great. Whoever bought it, thanks. 

– Mr. Perfect (as you call me)

And coming to the bloggers side : 

Dear Soumya
Thanks for the wishes and that lovely comment.

Dear Amrit Sinha, 
Thanks a lot man. 🙂

Dear Keirthana
First of all, thanks a lot ma’am. And now coming to the irony part, don’t worry about it much. I am totally cool with it. And moreover you wished twice and no one has ever done that to me. So, you just joined the elite group. 😛 Thanks again.

Dear Thinker
Thanks a lot for the wishes and the lovely comment. And yeah, thanks for dropping by.

Dear Alokita,
Thanks for the wishes and the lovely comment. 

Dear SivaTeja, 
Man, it was an extraordinary treat. You guys lived up to the title of yours – Extraordinary. Kudos. And yeah, thanks. 🙂

Dear Sushma Reddy, 
You commented on my blog? O.M.G. I think it is going to rain today. And in response to your comment, it was extraordinary, per say and yeah thanks for making my day. 

Dear Donna
Thanks ma’am.

Dear Rupaswy
Thanks for remembering and for wishing as well. 

Dear Harsha, 
Dude, thanks a lot.

Dear T01 group people ( ILP Batchmates ) ( Shabnam, Harsha, Pavan, MVSH Pavan, Sindhuri)
Thanks a lot for the wishes.

Dear Adhitya, 
Thanks for wishes man.

Dear Vamsi, Sai Chandu , Preetika , Harsha
Thanks for the wishes guys. 

I guess I mentioned everyone. I am sorry if I missed anyone’s name. But nevertheless, thanks a lot guys. Even though it was a day late, the extraordinary people did gave me a surprise in a great way. Thanks, again.

– Ajay Kontham [ 5/365 ]
a.k.a Mr. Perfect 
a.k.a. The Guy in the Hat


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0 responses to “5. Post-Birthday”

  1. Well I guess your Birthday did actually turned out to be GOOD… not so bad with the guessing I think!!!
    And ya I guess I am lucky… wishing someone birthday on the first time I met him… 🙂

  2. Well I guess your Birthday did actually turned out to be GOOD… not so bad with the guessing I think!!!
    And ya I guess I am lucky… wishing someone birthday on the first time I met him… 🙂

  3. You are welcome Mr. Perfect! Nice to know that you had a GREAT day. The way you mentioned it earlier made it feel like doomsday instead 😛

    The Guy in the Hat now deserves a feather or two in his cap now 🙂

  4. You are welcome Mr. Perfect! Nice to know that you had a GREAT day. The way you mentioned it earlier made it feel like doomsday instead 😛

    The Guy in the Hat now deserves a feather or two in his cap now 🙂

  5. It's our pleasure to wish you and celebrate your bday! And I had a wide grin plastered on my face as I read this post especially the part of you getting kicked. 😛 😛 Your extra-ordinary friends sure know how to get the celebrating spirit come out of you 😉 Otherwise, you'd be what? Locked up in your room with you laptop and mobile (probably with TV on mute or whatever) after a meal at McD or KFC? You catch my drift? So I should say these awesome friends have at least got something out of you apart from a treat by celebrating your bday 🙂 Kudos to them!!

    The cake looks yummy! And yes, you should play along even if you figure out the surprise on your bdays. A little hide and seek never hurt anyone. Since you have the started the year with an awesome bday, wish you a wonderful year ahead.

  6. It's our pleasure to wish you and celebrate your bday! And I had a wide grin plastered on my face as I read this post especially the part of you getting kicked. 😛 😛 Your extra-ordinary friends sure know how to get the celebrating spirit come out of you 😉 Otherwise, you'd be what? Locked up in your room with you laptop and mobile (probably with TV on mute or whatever) after a meal at McD or KFC? You catch my drift? So I should say these awesome friends have at least got something out of you apart from a treat by celebrating your bday 🙂 Kudos to them!!

    The cake looks yummy! And yes, you should play along even if you figure out the surprise on your bdays. A little hide and seek never hurt anyone. Since you have the started the year with an awesome bday, wish you a wonderful year ahead.

  7. Thanks, K.
    You were grinning when you read that? :O
    Nobody sympathizes ? :O They were kicking me. You should be on my side!

    You have no idea about their ideas. All this happened in office. Imagine what might have happened it was outside office. Okay, I can't even imagine.

    It was. Yeah, I did exactly that. 🙂
    And thanks again. 🙂

  8. Thanks, K.
    You were grinning when you read that? :O
    Nobody sympathizes ? :O They were kicking me. You should be on my side!

    You have no idea about their ideas. All this happened in office. Imagine what might have happened it was outside office. Okay, I can't even imagine.

    It was. Yeah, I did exactly that. 🙂
    And thanks again. 🙂

  9. Oooooooooh Mr Perfect!! I am sorry I did not wish you. I feel bad now!!!
    But I am imagining you mouth full of cake while ur face is having its own cake mask. DELICIOUS! 😛

    Cake is lovely !!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oooooooooh Mr Perfect!! I am sorry I did not wish you. I feel bad now!!!
    But I am imagining you mouth full of cake while ur face is having its own cake mask. DELICIOUS! 😛

    Cake is lovely !!!!!!!!!!!!

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5. Post-Birthday

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ