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As the stars faded in the dim moonlight as the sky began witnessing the birth of a new year. A glorious year had ended and the anxious eyes are looking forward for the new beginning. There is excitement. There is hope. There is belief. Of course it is a new year after all. A little bit of excitement is a compulsion.

There are stories, exciting and interesting stories hidden beneath those happy eyes that linger about creating new story for the year ahead. The people are lost in the air of newness and as they slowly move towards the beginning of a new era of their lives. I could call it a birthday, as it sounds exactly like that. 

I feel nostalgic. I can’t believe myself saying that. But here it is. I do feel nostalgic. As I try to look busy looking at my laptop, doing nothing.. Oh wait, I am doing something, alright! Posting the Happy New Year posters all over the social networking sites. May be it the people around me making feel that way. 

So, as all seem to be happy about the the past year, let me be happy about it and get down with some of the things I did accomplish. Let’s talk about blogging and writing. Because this is the thing I think I am a little good at. First of all, I did start a new type of writing, with all the alter ego thing trying to be the two sides of the coin, of different coin obviously. I really can’t stand this guy if it is the same coin. Wait, what is this coin bulls#it anyway. The next thing was the Haiku thing. Seriously guys, I have no idea how to write it. I just jumble the words here and there and write what I feel. The next thing is that I wrote freaking 186 posts, which is nearly equal to the posts I wrote in two years time period. See, I call that an achievement. 😛

And the best is you people, the readers. In spite of my constant nagging about my writing and lack of creativity, you still have been here supporting me and driving me forward. I should really mention a few people. Please don’t mind, I just can’t mention every person who motivated me, but I will try to acknowledge. The best thing that I found in blogging is that one could make friends even without meeting them or even talking to them. Just through the words also a few could become friends. 

IQ : I didn’t even knew her real name till the middle of the year. And that too I was really not sure whether it was her when I came across about her on Twitter. I didn’t even knew that she was following me and it was her. Okay, knowing the name is not the concern here. I asked her about a guest post, which I really don’t remember when. I am guessing it was this year starting or previous year end. Well, lets just say in that time period. I got a reply that she would when I asked her about it. Then there was no reply on the same. And I couldn’t ask her again, as I felt it would sound like me forcing her to write a guest post for me.  So, when she said that she did write a guest post, I was like surprised and umm, I just can’t put that feeling in words. Lets just stick to that. And then after a little wait , there was the post. And believe me It was awesome. Strike that. It still is awesome. If anyone missed it, here is the link : The Eccedentesiast. So, thank you IQ. You should know I will never get tired of thanking you. So, you have to bear with me in this aspect. And whats’ even more pleasing is this comment from her : 

“I never commented on this and it would be ungrateful of me to keep it that way. Thank you Ajay, Wanda, Siva and Maithili for your appreciation. Since I really doubt any of the commenters would be seeing this, I want to thank you again Ajay, for thinking of even asking me and giving me the opportunity. Even if you’ve been mindblown with me actually doing it, none of it would have been done in the first place if you hadn’t requested, and I would have suffered my ongoing version of unwriting (I refuse to call it the Block) – but you gave me a new stepping stone to start a new canvas afresh and the fact that you love the result is only testament to how much I enjoyed doing it 🙂 So yup, thank you again.”

So, if the commenters are reading this, the writer has acknowledged your comment. And she is thanking me ? It is like killing me with too much love. 😛 #JustSaying But still, I have , I mean we all have to agree that she is an amazing writer and thanks for being there to motivate me every now and then. You may not know, or you may , but you have been your best in motivating me. Lets give it up for this amazing writer. Okay, Thank you again ( Believe me, I won’t get tired of this ).

Wanderer : Another amazing writer on the block. And inspite of her pseudo names, I still don’t her name. What is it with me and names? hmph! My apologies. I think she is busy with the college, but she does find time to write and comment as well. And this person also has motivated just like IQ. If I ever mention about my inability to write or my bad writing, they both wont agree at all. So, thanks Wanderer. 

Keirthana : Another amazing writer and blogger and a friend as well. The thing about all the mentioned fellow bloggers is that they understand me. Seriously, I can’t understand myself most of the times, but they read me like anything. When I say read me, I meant my character, behavior and me as a whole. If you say that it isn’t a big deal, let me point out the difference. The people who are constantly around me, my friends whom I hang out with don’t know the half of what these guys know and the best part is that they haven’t even met me once or ever. So, yeah, Keirthana ( K ), she has been busy these days, but she is active on the blogging side as well, not as regular as before but still. The difference is that I am not busy at all and I am also not active on the blogger platform. So, my sincere thanks to her as well. Oh, yeah! She also wrote a guest post for my blog. Thanks for your time and the inputs from your side. I really appreciate it. Thanks.

Red Handed : I don’t think I need introductions for this person. A lawyer (or something like that, I too am not so sure about these things! Damn! :/ ) by profession and a writer by choice. There is an uniqueness in her writings and believe me it is awesome. There is a style of writing which attracts people and that this person has. And I just keep wondering how does she even prefer coming to my blog, reading and leaving a comment. Seriously, I would like to acknowledge the same. So, thanks Red Handed. 

Soumya : Another unique writer on the block. The problem with her blog is that there is a new post almost every day and its unique in every sense, but her blog restricts me from reading new novels. You see, as there is a new post almost every other day, I am kind of glued to it and then I forget about the novels which I thought of reading an year back. 😛 #JustSaying. She is also a constant visitor and so thanks for bearing with all my nonsense crap and still coming back here. 😛 

I could go on an on and write about each and every person. And that would take me another year to complete that. So, let me just point out the names and please don’t mind I couldn’t write a para for you guys. My apologies for that beforehand. 

PeeV ee , Bushra, Songbird, Siva Karthik, Namrata, Talita, Srishti, Dark Angel, Amrit Sinha . 

There are a lot more people. So, I thank each and everyone of you. And my sincere apologies for the people whom I have missed out. Thank you once again. 

P.S. This post was supposed to be posted pre-new-year-day. But well, you know me, I don’t deliver anything on time. Nah, Just kidding. I started writing but then it was almost mid night and I got busy messaging and wishing others and the next day ( the first day of the year ) was a day out, so got tired when I reached home. So, you see, I couldn’t. I just had to post this because any more delay wouldn’t be nice. So, if you find something related to two days back, here is the explanation why! So anyway, Thanks again. 🙂

By the way, Starry Night . Don’t ask me. Okay, this would sound cheesy, but lets call all the writers and bloggers out there “Stars” . You are welcome. 😀

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0 responses to “Starry Night.”

  1. Oh you mentioned me *does a happy dance* 😀

    Unique eh? I've been called a lot of things, but unique is a first. I think I like it. Thank you so much 🙂

    The biggest compliment is however that I restrict you from reading novels. I'm so glad you come back every day to read a new post no matter what it is. Just like that, believe me I do not do anything great by coming back to read yours. I like it here, it feels normal. Most blogs I visit are all about fantasy and dreams. Here lies the truth and that's what my writings are based on, I guess that's why I keep coming back.

    Stars!! Yayyyyyyyy 😛

    Happy New Year Ajay! May this year bring more posts from you to us.


  2. Oh you mentioned me *does a happy dance* 😀

    Unique eh? I've been called a lot of things, but unique is a first. I think I like it. Thank you so much 🙂

    The biggest compliment is however that I restrict you from reading novels. I'm so glad you come back every day to read a new post no matter what it is. Just like that, believe me I do not do anything great by coming back to read yours. I like it here, it feels normal. Most blogs I visit are all about fantasy and dreams. Here lies the truth and that's what my writings are based on, I guess that's why I keep coming back.

    Stars!! Yayyyyyyyy 😛

    Happy New Year Ajay! May this year bring more posts from you to us.


  3. This is lovely…thank you so much for the mention and all the new people to stalk.:)
    May this year be filled with even more reading,writing and craziness than ever!

  4. This is lovely…thank you so much for the mention and all the new people to stalk.:)
    May this year be filled with even more reading,writing and craziness than ever!

  5. HOLY PAKORA! Ajay I'm going to seriously kick your behind! Itnaaaaaa tareef omg. Bas kar man. LOL Are you trying to kill me back (ok that sounds weird) by making me embarrassed hahaha. Well thank you though, I got a new follower (cough cough, Talitha cough above cough) who seems like one of those awesome quality types that I prefer having *grins*. So, yes you can quit promoting me! Everytime I come over here I gotta drag my “sharamful dupatta” to hide under hahaha. Btw another note of sentimentality, you also inspire me greatly to write. Your own down-to-earth conversational tone, just how you simply recount things happening in your life…they keep reminding me that it doesn't take all that much to get started again, its just the first few steps to get going again…bloody momentum…but yeah, you do inspire.

    Starry Night could also relate to you casting thanks at other 'stars' during an 'award ceremony' LOL 😉

  6. HOLY PAKORA! Ajay I'm going to seriously kick your behind! Itnaaaaaa tareef omg. Bas kar man. LOL Are you trying to kill me back (ok that sounds weird) by making me embarrassed hahaha. Well thank you though, I got a new follower (cough cough, Talitha cough above cough) who seems like one of those awesome quality types that I prefer having *grins*. So, yes you can quit promoting me! Everytime I come over here I gotta drag my “sharamful dupatta” to hide under hahaha. Btw another note of sentimentality, you also inspire me greatly to write. Your own down-to-earth conversational tone, just how you simply recount things happening in your life…they keep reminding me that it doesn't take all that much to get started again, its just the first few steps to get going again…bloody momentum…but yeah, you do inspire.

    Starry Night could also relate to you casting thanks at other 'stars' during an 'award ceremony' LOL 😉

  7. Ouch! You would do that ? :O
    I could never do that. And am I embarrassing you ?
    Thats' a good thing right! 😛

    I have to stop doing that? I am freelancer in that aspect. Even if you want me to stop, I really can't ! And hey, seriously , you don't have to hide under any dupatta.

    *Happy tears* 😛 Why, Thank You. 🙂

    Haha, Nice one. 🙂

  8. Ouch! You would do that ? :O
    I could never do that. And am I embarrassing you ?
    Thats' a good thing right! 😛

    I have to stop doing that? I am freelancer in that aspect. Even if you want me to stop, I really can't ! And hey, seriously , you don't have to hide under any dupatta.

    *Happy tears* 😛 Why, Thank You. 🙂

    Haha, Nice one. 🙂

  9. HOI HOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    First of you Happy New Year. and your readers read you because they love to. They comment coz they want to. There is no favour. Never should you ever again write a post like this thanking them. But yes, It made me smile 🙂
    Thank u for doing so. Made me feel good. Humbled actually 🙂

    and Dude you better keep writing!!!! 🙂

  10. HOI HOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    First of you Happy New Year. and your readers read you because they love to. They comment coz they want to. There is no favour. Never should you ever again write a post like this thanking them. But yes, It made me smile 🙂
    Thank u for doing so. Made me feel good. Humbled actually 🙂

    and Dude you better keep writing!!!! 🙂

  11. *fixes hair* *looking in mirror* okay ahemm.. I am ready to give my acceptance speech for this prestigious starry night award!

    Lol okay jokes aside! As you know already the admiration and appreciation is mutual. Thank you for making me feel talented and appreciated! This was extremely unexpected, which of course adds to the happiness of the moment. So thank you!

    And it just so turns out that everyone you wrote a little para for, I already follow, so I was nodding my head in agreement to every lovely thing you said about all the lovely people..Plus now I have new people on my stalking list!

    (P.S – You lost two bets against me)

  12. *fixes hair* *looking in mirror* okay ahemm.. I am ready to give my acceptance speech for this prestigious starry night award!

    Lol okay jokes aside! As you know already the admiration and appreciation is mutual. Thank you for making me feel talented and appreciated! This was extremely unexpected, which of course adds to the happiness of the moment. So thank you!

    And it just so turns out that everyone you wrote a little para for, I already follow, so I was nodding my head in agreement to every lovely thing you said about all the lovely people..Plus now I have new people on my stalking list!

    (P.S – You lost two bets against me)

  13. Great. 😛
    *Takes out my camera and gets ready to take a video*.

    Whattt ? Jokes apart ? 🙁

    Thank You. And you are welcome. 🙂

    Great. 🙂

    Two bets ?
    I remember only one : The one about the dp in twitter! Whats the other one ? :O

  14. Great. 😛
    *Takes out my camera and gets ready to take a video*.

    Whattt ? Jokes apart ? 🙁

    Thank You. And you are welcome. 🙂

    Great. 🙂

    Two bets ?
    I remember only one : The one about the dp in twitter! Whats the other one ? :O

  15. 186 posts this year..it's awesome! This calls for celebration..(I am still waiting for the party!) . Each and every person enlisted person in this post is a star shining brighter than moon. I can't believe that my name even popped in your mind while writing this. (No! Clearly don't want more praise or accolades! Just can't believe this! The great IQ and me on same page..not to forget the greater AK with a hat!) .

    But 186 is not an end..I hope this year there will be another 1 added before it! How will it be? Great! 🙂

    Keep up dude! You are our star. 🙂

  16. 186 posts this year..it's awesome! This calls for celebration..(I am still waiting for the party!) . Each and every person enlisted person in this post is a star shining brighter than moon. I can't believe that my name even popped in your mind while writing this. (No! Clearly don't want more praise or accolades! Just can't believe this! The great IQ and me on same page..not to forget the greater AK with a hat!) .

    But 186 is not an end..I hope this year there will be another 1 added before it! How will it be? Great! 🙂

    Keep up dude! You are our star. 🙂

  17. Yeah sure. Anywhere, anytime, where ever it is convenient for you.
    Well, it is. So, you also belong to the same league of writers.

    Yeah, I too hope so. But that's a way too big number.

    Whoa! Wow! Me? A star? In my dreams, may be. 😛
    Thanks. 🙂

  18. Yeah sure. Anywhere, anytime, where ever it is convenient for you.
    Well, it is. So, you also belong to the same league of writers.

    Yeah, I too hope so. But that's a way too big number.

    Whoa! Wow! Me? A star? In my dreams, may be. 😛
    Thanks. 🙂

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Starry Night.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ