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Perception. Passion. Deception. Beauty. For every artist there is an inbuilt anatomy which enables them to visualize things in a different perspective which other people usually do hmm..er.. in a normal way. There is something hidden in almost everything. Most of the time we are so busy that we overlook things. But for some people, it is just common. They perceive things from a different perspective and that gives it a whole different meaning to the usually normal thing. But it is not necessary for other people to understand it, some people don’t eve get it. Take me for example. When I see a painting, a painting of something related to nature. Well, there is so much that we don’t usually see even though the painting is just plain simple. It needs getting into the artist’s shoes and examine their perspective. Okay that was about something which was easy to perceive by just looking. Now there are so many things which look, well… abstract sort of, or just a black line on the white canvas, or sometimes even complicated. I would rotate that image 720 degrees flipping it inside out, zooming in-out, scanning every possible detail. But that is just out of my league. The point is it is not always easy to get into others’ shoes and understand their perspective of whatever that is of concern.

I claim myself to be a writer. Okay, you can stop laughing. The truth may be true of false, I don’t know. But I am trying to fit in the shoes though I know they are of the wrong size. Well, take this then. I claim myself to be a photographer, an amateur per say. Thank you, for not laughing this time. So, I can say that I have a knack for seeing things in a different perspective. So, being a writer and a photographer, I have two tracks running in my mind. One track which analyzes whatever I see and what it conveys. The other track describing it to myself. Oh, yeah – My mind does say – This is so going into my blog. But lets talk the facts and get some things straight here. I have been over thinking. And no, I am not a superhuman to do two things at a time, analyze and describe it. It is practically called – Over thinking. 

Moving on. I bought a new phone. The first phone I bought for myself. All the previous phones were like bought by someone else, for someone else, I used them before they could lay their hands on them. And by the way, Yeah I have always used the costliest phone in my family. So, while scouting for the new phone on all over the internet and  eavesdropping on other’s phone where ever possible, I have so many choices and pointing on one particular phone was simply impossible. So, my dad suggested a phone. That was a nice phone. But there was slight problem – Since it is a new phone almost everyone I knew started flashing that phone before me. So, that got me into thinking – I am just following the trend, ain’t I ? , if I am taking that phone. I researched some more and finally bought a phone which none of my friends or their friends(probably) would ever buy. No, it is not an iPhone. iPhone is just too common these days. And like I said, I am stepping out of the trend of synonymous. So now the problem is that I am glued to my phone like 25×8. Yes, you read it wrong, or you just have to imagine how much time I spend with it. Wait, that is not the problem. The problem is that I have stopped reading my novels, which have been yelling at me for like three weeks now. 

So, I haven’t been writing for a couple of weeks as you could have observed. Well, what should I say, I have been too busy. The project that I was allegedly working on was stopped abruptly due to some reasons. And from then I have been pretty much jobless, but I have been attending office like the Sunday church. Oh wait, strike that, I am not even doing that, visiting church. It has been ages since I had last went to a Church. Oh, Damn boy, I gotto to get myself together, right here, right now. I have been telling myself that for the past few years now. Do you think there is any hope. 

Did I miss anything in this post? Oh Yeah, a lot. A lot about Life. You must have known by now that I am an renowned scholar on various topics, especially about Life. I just rock the boat, don’t I ? Well anyway, seems like I have a lot to write about. One day at a time, One day at a time. This is day one, and I have no idea when will be the next day. Tomorrow, dude. As if I didn’t know that. Thanks for clearing my conscious. Sorry, I don’t think its still clear. I want to sing. I want to write. I want to dance. I want to love. I want to roam. I want to click. I want to read. I want to be at peace. I just want to die. Period. 

#Rambling #DontBlowYourMind

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0 responses to “Day 188.”

  1. Atleast you know what yo want to do! Some people are like stuck in a hurricane…no where to find solace no where to know what they want really :l

    P.S. Visit the church!!Period.

  2. Atleast you know what yo want to do! Some people are like stuck in a hurricane…no where to find solace no where to know what they want really :l

    P.S. Visit the church!!Period.

  3. Been a while since I visited here, and been a while since you posted, so on that note, we are floating in same boat..

    Hmmmm.. the more complicated you try to sound, the more its easy to decipher going in your mind (read over-thinking mind). probably because great minds think alike? We want too many things, we mean creative people. And you are the one (#Nokidding) with oodles of it. One, I wouldn't call you an amateur photographer (#Noarguments. Period)

    And two, you are an AWESOME writer (Again, #NoKidding). yeah, as you said, two different field require different perspectives (and so do dancing, singing, etc etc). And an open mind person, hungry to understand the world, life, love(despite being fully aware it not possible to, yet), to keep churning the cycles of change – within and outer world with 'self' influence.. You are getting the whole point, ain't you? Well, I said you great minds think alike 😛 🙂

    Bdw no complaints on infrequency of your posts (and never on what you write), because somehow you make the wait worth it. As far as I know (okay, I guess)you still are circling amidst varied interests, at times doing up nothing. Happens. Being moody is synonymous when you are creative and talented (I know you don't agree to it, but when a smart person says (:P) you got to accept it).

    The more we read you, (rather see those tiny drops of thoughts that ripples in your blog), the more we get hooked to The Shaded Shadows. Indeed, there are too many shades yet to be discovered, but the shades we have seen till date are beautiful, different. Maybe some shades would never be visible here, but we know it would all the more beautiful too.

    I think yours is the only place where I never re-read the thoughts I drop as comments, coz one they are too long, and two, truth don't need edits 🙂

    Stay Foolish. Be creative (it sucks i know, but hey at least you smiled, isn't it? that's good!) 🙂

  4. Been a while since I visited here, and been a while since you posted, so on that note, we are floating in same boat..

    Hmmmm.. the more complicated you try to sound, the more its easy to decipher going in your mind (read over-thinking mind). probably because great minds think alike? We want too many things, we mean creative people. And you are the one (#Nokidding) with oodles of it. One, I wouldn't call you an amateur photographer (#Noarguments. Period)

    And two, you are an AWESOME writer (Again, #NoKidding). yeah, as you said, two different field require different perspectives (and so do dancing, singing, etc etc). And an open mind person, hungry to understand the world, life, love(despite being fully aware it not possible to, yet), to keep churning the cycles of change – within and outer world with 'self' influence.. You are getting the whole point, ain't you? Well, I said you great minds think alike 😛 🙂

    Bdw no complaints on infrequency of your posts (and never on what you write), because somehow you make the wait worth it. As far as I know (okay, I guess)you still are circling amidst varied interests, at times doing up nothing. Happens. Being moody is synonymous when you are creative and talented (I know you don't agree to it, but when a smart person says (:P) you got to accept it).

    The more we read you, (rather see those tiny drops of thoughts that ripples in your blog), the more we get hooked to The Shaded Shadows. Indeed, there are too many shades yet to be discovered, but the shades we have seen till date are beautiful, different. Maybe some shades would never be visible here, but we know it would all the more beautiful too.

    I think yours is the only place where I never re-read the thoughts I drop as comments, coz one they are too long, and two, truth don't need edits 🙂

    Stay Foolish. Be creative (it sucks i know, but hey at least you smiled, isn't it? that's good!) 🙂

  5. Well, I find peace in knowing that I am not alone in this confused I must do this and I must do that but yet doing nothing phase. I have so much to do but life just runs by before I do anything. Or is it that I am allowing life to run by without doing anything? *Thinking* Well, I don't know. If you can find an answer, let me know. Okay?

  6. Well, I find peace in knowing that I am not alone in this confused I must do this and I must do that but yet doing nothing phase. I have so much to do but life just runs by before I do anything. Or is it that I am allowing life to run by without doing anything? *Thinking* Well, I don't know. If you can find an answer, let me know. Okay?

  7. Welcome aboard the train of confusion, the train called LIFE where nothing is what it seems like.
    And I find it a little painful to know that there are other people just as confused as me, especially people like you.

    Answer, you ask me? I only wish I knew.

  8. Welcome aboard the train of confusion, the train called LIFE where nothing is what it seems like.
    And I find it a little painful to know that there are other people just as confused as me, especially people like you.

    Answer, you ask me? I only wish I knew.

  9. Alright, I really don't know why you didn't reply? o.O i was expecting it. Never mind, I hope you don't approve this one. I am sorry, if the comment I post has offended you, or made you think otherwise. I am blunt, and at times I hardly realize that the words I write might convey a different meaning altogther, or people take hints which doesn't even click in my mind.. Though I am not sure why was it an exception, well, sincere apologies. Or second thoughts, its better not to publish the comment at all, rather than being the left-out one?

    I really hope I haven't offended you in anyway, and am greatly sorry if at any corner my words hurt, or gave some wrong signals. Sorry.

  10. Alright, I really don't know why you didn't reply? o.O i was expecting it. Never mind, I hope you don't approve this one. I am sorry, if the comment I post has offended you, or made you think otherwise. I am blunt, and at times I hardly realize that the words I write might convey a different meaning altogther, or people take hints which doesn't even click in my mind.. Though I am not sure why was it an exception, well, sincere apologies. Or second thoughts, its better not to publish the comment at all, rather than being the left-out one?

    I really hope I haven't offended you in anyway, and am greatly sorry if at any corner my words hurt, or gave some wrong signals. Sorry.

  11. I knew something like this would happen. First of all, I have to apologize.
    Your comment was too lengthy and I wanted to reply to each of the points you mentioned. It took some time. And then..
    When I wrote the comment, and when I was about to publish it, my internet connection got disconnected (power failure). And then my comment got lost. And I just couldn't write it again at that hour of the night and later I forgot about it. Sorry.

    So, its not your fault in any way. And you have not offended me any way. So, you don't have to think much about it. And No, your words weren't taken in any other way than they were intended. You think too much.

  12. I knew something like this would happen. First of all, I have to apologize.
    Your comment was too lengthy and I wanted to reply to each of the points you mentioned. It took some time. And then..
    When I wrote the comment, and when I was about to publish it, my internet connection got disconnected (power failure). And then my comment got lost. And I just couldn't write it again at that hour of the night and later I forgot about it. Sorry.

    So, its not your fault in any way. And you have not offended me any way. So, you don't have to think much about it. And No, your words weren't taken in any other way than they were intended. You think too much.

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Day 188.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Day 188.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ