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Beneath the stars, that danced
To the song of the Silent Night.
Shivered to the cold, that raved
In the long Winter Night.

I try to sing a song, 
With the verses unknown.
The song of the Silence, 
For I can speak no more. 

I try to dance to the music,
With the beats unknown.
The Music of the Soul,
For I can walk no more.

I try to love,
To the feeling unknown.
The Language of the heart,
For I can feel no more.

I ponder in the darkness,
With the destination unknown.
For answers I search,
To the questions unheard. 

And I ask myself, 
What is that I do?
Tangled in this multitude of confusion, 
To the conclusion unknown.

Never give up, kid’, They said
And neither did I.
With a little hope, 
I looked forward for a little miracle.

But, confused I am now
For the hope started fading
For the unknown still remained mysterious
And that I started giving up.

– Ajay Kontham © 2013

P.S. : I just loved the starting lines, but don’t know what went wrong in the later lines. They lost the appeal that I wanted to showcase. Sigh. The title should be more apt if it consisted of something like unknown or no more, I think I used then rather too many times.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Give Up.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ