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Day 3, Friday : Things that make you uncomfortable.

When I first read the topic, so many thoughts came flooded in my mind. I figured out there were many than I had imagined. And I an finding it difficult to just sort out the mess that these thoughts have made in my mind. My mind always deceives me into believing into something untruly natural but a disguise in reality.

1. The Stage : There have been many times when I saw the stage as the death trap. Seriously. Whenever I am supposed to be on the stage, the hour before that I make plans in my mind about the same. And these plans turn our to be the best. Until I wake up from day-dreaming and the person besides me tells that its my turn and have to take the stage. My hands freeze, my throat becomes dry, I look at the ceiling or something away from fixed eyes and I stammer at every single word. That pretty much sums up to the most awkward presentation by me.

2. The Newbies : People who don’t know me or whom I have just met. Sometimes, it often happens that these new people are very talented, knowledgeable and highly sophisticated people. These have the thinking level far above mine. So, when they talk and keep on talking about one topic, then another and then another I just stare at them nodding and smiling occasionally in agreement to what they are saying without understanding a single thing. All the time I lose track of what they are saying and then I don’t know whether to look at them or just some random moving object at the back. And more over I am in a awkward situation when they ask me about my opinion. 

3. The Girls : With my past experiences, these group of people make me the most uncomfortable. Like I said earlier, my mind plays tricks with me. The scene inside my mind is so damn perfect and the execution of the same, not so nice. It was then I decided not to bother myself much about them. Now you know the reason. And the problem still persists. 

4. Loathers : The self centered egoist maniacs. That’s what I call them. Actually, to start with I am not much bothered about them. I don’t really care. But they happen to be in my way, walking besides me, and doing what they usually do, which is babble about themselves. I being a nice guy control myself, or else they might be in the hospital and myself, I guess you know. 

5. The Questionnaire : The viva-voce is undoubtedly on the top of list that make me uncomfortable. I skim through all the questions, all the topics, almost everything if I am interested in that subject; or else I don’t even give a peek. Finally after an all-night-er, I end up satisfied with my preparation and rather too confident. Then it happens which I have no idea. I don’t get a single thing to my mind and I am in the middle of the most uncomfortable situation having no idea where to look, at them or the ground. Not only that, when I know something about other people through other sources and in the conversation it slowly starts coming out, and they keep asking more about it and I have no idea whether to tell or just keep ignoring it.

And a lot are coming to mind. I will stop ranting here. I think this should be enough about me for one day. The coming days have much more difficult topics and involve revealing more about myself. Phew! I hope people don’t start hating me for that. 

#TheMeChronicles   #RevealingMyself

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0 responses to “In wrong shoes.”

  1. you and stagefreight…and trembling? Hard to believe you being Mr.Perfect!

    Haha…i want to hear this perfect version of not so good conversation of yours with girls! 😛

    lol@ ..they might be in the hospital and myself..you are preparing for every possibility rey..Mr.Perfect 😀

    We should just acknowledge being silent has its perks too 😉

  2. you and stagefreight…and trembling? Hard to believe you being Mr.Perfect!

    Haha…i want to hear this perfect version of not so good conversation of yours with girls! 😛

    lol@ ..they might be in the hospital and myself..you are preparing for every possibility rey..Mr.Perfect 😀

    We should just acknowledge being silent has its perks too 😉

  3. Well, I used to have that stage-fear or phobia or whatever the hell they as my mind is not properly working right now..but now I have somehow come past it and can speak better..I think it lies with how much responsive we are to others comments/compliments and how much we let them affect us. I cnt believe you have this thing as I can see the confidence exuding before camera..or may be it's the flash! 😉

  4. Well, I used to have that stage-fear or phobia or whatever the hell they as my mind is not properly working right now..but now I have somehow come past it and can speak better..I think it lies with how much responsive we are to others comments/compliments and how much we let them affect us. I cnt believe you have this thing as I can see the confidence exuding before camera..or may be it's the flash! 😉

  5. Girls are very very very cool! Just be you 🙂 How do I know? Well sometime I am one 😛 And I don't like narcissistic people either! Cue the stabbing music in my mind when I have to deal with them. I agree with all of ur except the girls part of course

  6. Girls are very very very cool! Just be you 🙂 How do I know? Well sometime I am one 😛 And I don't like narcissistic people either! Cue the stabbing music in my mind when I have to deal with them. I agree with all of ur except the girls part of course

  7. Well, you know it very well than I do.
    And that Mr.Perfect is just a myth(or what's it called some false notion) that I am associated with. And its not true in any way.

    Seriously, You don't want to. Believe me.

  8. Well, you know it very well than I do.
    And that Mr.Perfect is just a myth(or what's it called some false notion) that I am associated with. And its not true in any way.

    Seriously, You don't want to. Believe me.

  9. Yeah, Stage-fright. Me.
    Why is so hard to believe? And I think that something fell right in its place. 😛

    Thanks. 😀

    Again, don't get carried away by the charm in my writings, it is mostly a disguise I wear. 😛

  10. Yeah, Stage-fright. Me.
    Why is so hard to believe? And I think that something fell right in its place. 😛

    Thanks. 😀

    Again, don't get carried away by the charm in my writings, it is mostly a disguise I wear. 😛

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In wrong shoes.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

In wrong shoes.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ