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I wake up each day to the morning beautiful sunshine but I find myself in the middle of a everything where there seems to no humanity, no peace. The last month of the previous year has been horrifying and it shook the very roots of the whole nation. Nation, you say? And the whole wide world too. The Rape of a 23 year girl has vandalized the humane nature of the people. Where does that come from? The thinking? Who is/are to be be blamed?

Darwin’s theory suggests the transformation of an ape to a social animal called Human Being. But it doesn’t suggest the man becoming cruel exploiting other people. Will they be called humans? Where is it written? Where is the origin of the thought, that being cruel? Does the Bible, Bagvadh Gita, Quran etc etc say anything about people becoming inhumane, forgetting human values, behaving like pigs/morons. I don’t think so. But then how are these people’s minds getting drowned in such cruelty?

When a Person can’t tolerate a little remark on their personality/or whatever it is that we could tell about a person, the person’s ego gets hurt. So, just imagine the plight of those victims who are suffering the pain caused by some ruthless people. When you are waking up each morning and enjoying the morning breakfast and getting ready for work, somewhere on the other part of the country some person is ashamed to come out of the house because she was raped/humiliated. When you sleep happily at night hoping for a better tomorrow, somewhere else some person cries to sleep hoping for a better tomorrow. Is it that we don’t care about what other people are doing to this world/this society/this country? No. We care, but not that much. We care enough to talk about it. We care enough to write about it. But when it comes to doing, we don’t. Because it is none of our business. Right? Unless someone in our family suffers the same horror. 
Who is to be Blamed? 
An alarming question, it is. Whom can we blame? Lets’ start with the creator – GOD. God created humans, and somewhere down the road, people lost their humanity/the good nature and the result is today’s world. It is so easy to just sit in front of a Laptop stroking the keys and blaming each other for the crimes and the rising inhumanity in the society. 

The Questionnaire(TQ) : What about the politicians, the leaders of the country ? 

AK (Me/My Alter Ego/Conscious) : Right! Blame them. For the heinous remarks that they gave against the recent national outrage. But let me ask you something. Who are these so called leaders? Aren’t those the people who promised a better change to the society ?   Some idiot says that the dress provoked the men. Some other says its’ the western influence. Some brainless maniac says Victim should have surrendered. Are you out of your mind ? Aren’t those the people you elected? So ask yourself first. We Call our country the largest democracy in the world. Seriously, I am Ashamed. When we can’t respect a individual for what they are, I am sorry to say but they don’t deserve to be called humans and part of the society. And we call those people the leaders of the country who would transform the nation. Yeah, surely they would transform. From rags to riches making the poorer suffer. From being sane to insanity. But I don’t think they could be blamed or not !

TQ : The Western Influence ? The Transforming Indian women? The Dress? 

AK : You are not being serious. The British ruled over us for over a century. And as united we overpowered them. Nothing was wrong then. Let me ask you something. What clothes do you wear? Have you ever worn a traditional Indian Dress? When you can wear a western dress , then what’s wrong with women wearing one? It has nothing to do with the western influence. Look at me for instance. I am a bit influenced. So, that doesn’t make me do heinous crimes. It is all the human perception of whats’ good and what’s bad. People have just lost their mind. And blame who ever comes in the middle. And Does our Constitution promote inequality ? Or Racism ? No, Right. Then what’s wrong with women working? What’s wrong with women working late? Come on people, Grow up. Is it that hard to respect a women? Is it that hard to shut up your mouth rather than  promoting vague ideas and insulting remarks on the opposite gender.

TQ  : The Media? 

AK : Now there is this media. With its Tehalka and other sting operations, it has to spread the news as fast as they can. For TRP ratings, of course. For money, of course. But can media be blamed? I don’t know. Every morning I wake up to find some more rape cases in the other parts of the country. Media is doing its part. But most of the times it gets out of hand. It exaggerates everything way too much without thinking the feelings of the other people. Journalist, they say have to be bold and should ask straight-forward questions which no matter personal or not, Media doesn’t care. “I just want answers!” and if some one refuses to say, they take it in the whole other way and just exploit the very roots. Its good or Bad? I don’t know. I can’t say. It is for each one of to answer for ourselves. 

TQ : The Police ? 

AK : Police is just another scapegoat. No! Not a scapegoat. It is somewhat responsible. I myself find over alert when I see a Policeman. I don’t know. But even though, I haven’t done anything, but still I do. But does this Police take care of us? HELL NO. Does it exploit us in every possible way it can? Hell Yeah. Policeman fighting over jurisdiction, the corrupt money changing hands below the tables. What is this ? The Star of our Nation. The Protectors of the Country. And we respect them. There are soldiers dying protecting the country and these policemen feel the same but what do they do – Thinking that they Protect the nation by corrupting and literally doing nothing. Are they to be blamed? Yeah, I think to most extent. But that’s not all.

TQ : The Society ? The People ? The Culprits ? 

AK : The Culprits of course. As I mentioned earlier that I have to wake up to the morning to more rape cases. I mean Come on! The whole nation is outraged and protesting against the very cause and in some other part of the country , wait in Delhi as well, the cases never cease to decrease. Each day, I find myself pained with at least 3-4 minimum cases. What the Hell is wrong with these people? As I write this, I feel totally ashamed due to the helplessness and inability to do anything to stop. But those people, those culprits – “Do you even think ?”, I ask. That is a 4 year old girl for God’s sake; and even less. She doesn’t even know how to speak. How could you ? Are you even Human ? And that is your daughter for heaven’s sake. What are you? Is it that hard to respect an Individual ? Is it that hard to be HUMAN ? 
Why do they keep on doing that instead of so many protests, so many reforms, so many steps taken. Is it this society ? The court, which takes eternity to solve a simple case ? The police who are negligent enough to care the least. What is wrong with these people? 

TQ : You ? Us ? Me ? 

AK : I am afraid but have to agree with that. Yes. I am to be blamed. I am a part of the society. I vote for the people to rule over me. Practically, I/we am/are to blame. What am I doing? I am writing pages and pages of posts regarding the incident like most other people sitting at the liberty of my room. And that’s it. What am I contributing to the nation? What good am I doing blabbering what the Media has already exploited to its roots. Where do I stand in this society? What am I?  And this thinking makes me sad and I feel ashamed about it. 

The society has changed the normal thinking of an individual. The people have changed, some got even more cruel. I wish there was a specific person to be blamed but, then we all are those specific people. I, We, and everybody is to blame. Just not a single entity, but we as a whole. But this has to change. We, being united can achieve anything. We, as one can break barriers. We are the largest democracy in the world. Lets just Wake up to Reality and GROW up, as a Nation Fighting for all the causes which hinders the normal person’s life. Whatever the evil the man has created for himself, lets just kill it, destroy it before it lays any more eggs. Change is what we need and I am afraid to say, it has to be done from Scratch. So, lets put our hands together for a better cause, for a better tomorrow, for a peaceful nation, where fear has no meaning, where women are free and not afraid, where we prosper as a nation as one. 

P.S. I have tried my best not to use slang(s) but if you find them, my apologies and please ignore.

Disclaimer: And this is totally my opinion and anyone referred is purely unintentional.  

This post is part of the contest Who is to be blamed? on WriteUpCafe.com

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