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And then it stopped. There and then. 

I woke up this morning, and no, not with a full of promise. I had to do a crazy thing – Take Shower in COLD WATER. Can you imagine that? On a winter morning? Yeah, That was insane of me to do. But anyway, I did. Like I did for the past three days. But today was much early. Well, anyway that was over and I was in my crazy outfit. And told my roommate that I was going to the office. But, I was going to a movie. Don’t actually know why I had to do that. Well, in this part of India, People are Die-Hard Fans of some Actors. I mean Really Die Hard Fans. Any thing said in the minutest possible word or letter as a matter of fact against them, they will come to beat the shit out of you. So, may be, that could be the reason.

So I was watching a movie when I find myself busy with the mobile and iPod when I receive a call/text message regarding the meeting at office. Holy Cow! I was in the middle of the movie. But that wasn’t a big deal, it never was till now. They call to come to office and when I go, I come back with a message to meet them tomorrow. Well, thats’  what they call the #LifeOfAPersonOnBench. Hmm..er… So, I am guessing you people know what Bench actually means right? NO? If so, Bench is a place where people sit. I was kidding.  It is the group of people who haven’t been given any project/ awaiting project. So, It has been like seven months and after three months of rigorous training in which I didn’t learn anything, I am Presently “Jobless with a JOB. So, anyway I am here – doing literally Nothing. They do that all the time- Call to tell that there is some really important meeting, but that turns out to be… well, it doesn’t turn out about anything. We come back and the routine continues. So, I wasn’t that scared when a friend of mine called to tell me that. Anyways, The Movie was nice and awesome. And then I went back to the office where I found out the usual stuff. “You will get a mail soon”. Something, they always tell. 

So, I was coming back to my room. And I was getting down the Bus and a scooter comes through me from somewhere-I-don’t-even-know and I was hit almost. And the result – I almost got my headphones spoiled. And it did and I ended up angry. I was talking to myself and playing that scene again and again in my mind cursing all the way back to my room. Already, I was going through a bad week and to that this is added. I didn’t had lunch, like I didn’t had for the past three days. Eating when depressed really sucks, Big Time. And I just can’t probably eat during such time. So, after I got back to my room, I found myself shouting, throwing shoes, bag, watch and other things all around the room. And the funny part, I was shouting at God. Where did he come from? :Confused But, Still :Angry and cursing. 

So, where was I? Yeah, and then it stopped. My mind went blank and dropped me in a pit where there was questions shouting at me to which I had no answers. I skimmed through my previous posts- I wrote almost one each day, Whoa! Thats’ something. And today(read: Yesterday) ? While I was skimming, I looked myself in the mirror and asked, “You sure that you were the one who wrote for the past week?” Confused, I was and hinting, hunting for some inspiration to keep me forward. I lost it. That which kept me going. Then and there. I look at the topic and I am like, “Wth am I gonna write for that? Come on think , think, think”. So, after spending a great deal of time thinking about nothing, I end up with Nothing. My zeal just vanished into thin air as if it never existed. Wait a minute, it existed, right? I don’t know. I am confused. I am Lost. I Need Inspiration and last call that I received an hour back just KILLED it. Like slice it with a Ninja Knife into countless pieces. Like a Nuclear Bomb that exploded and destrpyed every last thing that existed. So, the Slate is Clean – Perfect clean with a huge mess around and sweeping that is simply impossible. Bottom Line – FML. 

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0 responses to “And … Then it Stopped!”

  1. Im back :P….write coz i have to read…nthn else to do now….like ders maybe so much to do that i dnt want to do anything….write man write…tum hi mera aakhri sahara ho….

  2. Wow. You are back. 😀
    I was just checking the YMessenger.

    Thanks for the Inspiration.

    Lol @ tum hi mera aakhri sahara ho.. 😛
    You must be kidding me. I am the last person whose work you would want to read. 😛

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And … Then it Stopped!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

And … Then it Stopped!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ