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Days faded away midst the mist as I slowly drifted from one place to another, one thought to another. Thoughts were haunted which scared the hell out of the pleasant mind, finally ending up in the thoughtless zone. But the mind was filled; never empty. While a thought advanced its step to grab the little space in the vast emptiness of the mind. But alas, thoughts got baffled by the unsteadiness of the mind. They left. 

The day seems fine, with a morning sunshine clearing the fog of the chilly night. I play with time, realizing it was moving fast than I would have thought. I realize I’m late. I become late. Late for what? I don’t know. I am just late, hmm..er.. for everything. I try to reason, with time, with myself. I end up clueless spending more time. So, Life they say is Beautiful. I find it hard to believe it. So, they say, You have to make it beautiful. Well said, I reply. And I leave. After some time, it hits me. How does anyone do that? Life. huh, Life. 

It seems like an open book with empty pages. The book is to be filled and gets filled daily with the immense of the daily routines. There are moments. So open it is that it as vivid  & as clear, it could possibly be. But, then again it is our book where we can draw, create and make miracles happen. Its just what is within us. Miracles? I laugh. I say to myself, lets start living a normal life first, then we can decide about Miracles.

The empty pages are left empty as I lazy around each day trying to figure out how to write and make it worthy. Well, that seems to be a distant dream. My mind is actually playing a game, may be. The rules for the game are, what rules? . Just give me a break, will ya? I get up confused, I sleep confused. May be I dream confused. Oh yeah, I don’t remember most dreams – So, am confused right! 

But then I realize, all this long, I have been criticizing about the things that should not have happened, but happened. And among those unwelcoming, un-forecasted things, some were good. But why bother about the good when we can just criticize the bad things that had happened? But they were BAD and we had a really really bad experience out of it. Human tendency to point out the bad, leaving aside whatever little good was done.

So just sit down, lie down, relax. There must have been a lot of good things that might have happened. But one bad thing destroys it all, either a small one or a very big one. Some might lose hope, some get depressed, some feel low, or whatever. But the countless happy moments just get lost in the thin air. 

Life is one such thing where we can do whatever we want. We can make the good out of the bad and make it right, given we take chances and curb the little sadness/whatever that is. Indeed, Life is Beautiful. We just have to find it, on our own how to make our life  beautiful. 

So, Where was I ? How does one even do that – that – Making life beautiful ? 

P.S. : So, yeah, I had nothing new to write, though there is like a library of things that the mind is thinking. So, just ranted out something which I have no idea what it is. Well, whatever. 

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Happiness, huh ?

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Happiness, huh ?

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ