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It was a weekend. He was excited. Everybody at college was. The college has been hectic that week. The assignments were piled up. But who cared? He didn’t. He stayed at hostel. A two day off was all everyone wanted. He planned to go out into the city. Well, He had two days of free time. So, why not enjoy

He set out. On his way he sat beside a cute little girl. She was small. She reminded of his cousin sister. She broke his chain of happy-thoughts. She took a pen from his pocket. With her tiny hands she asked for his hand. He was shocked, a little amazed. But he gave her his hand anyway.

Too tiny were her hands to hold that Pen. But she still managed to write. She wrote on his hand with a little ease, a little difficulty which read as – “Class” and made a questioning expression. He was left clueless for a moment. In his mind he thought how to tell he was going to college.  His sister herself has trouble figuring out numbers greater than ten. He hesitantly replied , “12“. She didn’t understand. She showed him eight fingers. He opened the other two and two of his own.

His stop came. He didn’t wanted to get down, but he did anyway. He got down with a heavy heart, for he realized she couldn’t speak. He was disheartened. She was so small and a whole life ahead of her. With some sort pain & a ton of sympathy in his heart,  he said, “Why, God…WHY ?”

– Ajay Kontham [2013]
{That “he’ in this passage is none other than the Author.}
-A Page from My Diary

P.S. : Nothing more to say. Anyways, as usual the Illustrative Images …

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0 responses to “‘Why, God..WHY?’”

  1. I look it at other way. It brought out the humane side of you, a silent message that people are still compassionate and do pray for others 🙂 Not all who have the gifted ability to speak do it right. Perhaps she speaks the language of silence, which is least understood these days!

    Heart touching 🙂

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‘Why, God..WHY?’

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

‘Why, God..WHY?’

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ