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There is void, empty spaces in the heart. The severity of human patience , sympathy, caring have bound the little fore walls of the heart. Clenched and it makes the heart heavy.

The memories fade as time passes by. But some don’t. I look outside the window of my room. The clouds drifting apart, losing the nicely formed white cloud of some shape. The vehicles passing by. I ponder. I think. I wonder whether this would ever stop. Well, then life would cease to exist, won’t it?

Life is a never ending journey. I don’t know how many times I used this sentence. We come by a lot of people. The empty void spaces are filled with happiness, sadness love and care. The heart is fulfilled and enjoys its very state, or just burdens itself with the pain. The empty spaces are created again. But the cherished memories/moments will be remembered for ever. Life is too short to think otherwise.
A Hard Reality

I’ve never been happy with the way my life is and how it is going to be. The future is uncertain but its predicable, though not always. It tells me to learn from the experiences and be a better man. The question  : Am I not a better man, now?  No. I wish I were.

I am in a constant battle in my head. Trying to figure out what’s right, what’s wrong? The result of the tiny battle is undisclosed, though it stays in front of my eyes. But whereever I end, it’s exactly the wrong choice. Life goes on, but I am still stuck here – Analyzing and rebuilding. But it goes wrong. My mind says, Eff it. And I leave it. 

I ponder over the lost moments and time. I feel I could have done more, done better. But again reality strikes me and asks me in hell raging voice “WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW?”. I search for answers. After a lot of time, I then realize I was doing the wrong thing searching for the answers to which the question is so unclear, for it wasn’t a question at all in the first place. My mind says, “Eff, man“. 

I realize the question was the motivation for me to do, not find. It meant work, not fooling around. It meant realization, not constipation. I now feel time was left a long time back and I am still at the station waiting for something, something to pick me up. From somewhere unknown I hear a voice saying, “You are still doing it wrong!” Old habits die hard. I was still sitting there analyzing what went wrong and where & what did I do wrong. 
Then It struck me. I was just sitting. I was thinking. I wasn’t thinking ‘right’. I was wondering. I wasn’t channeling the thoughts properly. I wasn’t working. I was’t DOING. I stand up and realize, its’ time to Do. It is never too late to start afresh. Now, I walk the empty roads. Roads, which lead to different distinct destinations. Now, I find myself lost. 
“What’s my destination? “

Old Habits Die Hard. 
I again sit down and think. I don’t think right.

–  Ajay Kontham [2013]

P.S. : I thought for a long time about the title of this post. Many came up. My Insanity , Wrongly, Right, bla bla. So, at last I did select a weird one.

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0 responses to “Old Habits Die Hard.”

  1. I don't think that anybody is ever fully happy and satisfied with their lives, and there is nothing wrong in that either. Having some sort of dreams or a destination keeps you moving and learning in life.

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Old Habits Die Hard.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Old Habits Die Hard.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ