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“First Impression is the last impression”. I have heard this for a long time. Almost everyone refers to the same thing. But does it really hold that long? I seriously doubt that. One might like something or lets say that someones’ impression is good the first time, then probably it is a challenge for that someone to hold on to that impression he/she might have made. And then if that someones’ impression after a period of time doesn’t speak the the first impression, the first one is forgotten. Am I wrong? And vice-versa. But the problem is that if the first impression is not good the first time, it does leave a lasting impression. But all people are not same, and the behavior changes with time, maturity, et cetera factors. Recently, I have realized that. Lets say, I have been a victim. 

All happened when I was going to watch the Twilight Movie. At first, I liked the movie. Though I didn’t read the novel, but I still wanted to watch the movie. What more? I even copied it into my iPod Touch. But then, there were some Twilight-Haters. And the Facebook was overcrowded with memes making fun of the Twilight series. Seeing that too often, I also changed my opinion. But deep inside, I knew I liked it. But I pretended as if I hated it. Don’t really know why ? That just puzzles me. 

Then there is Justin Bieber. He is just a kid. But most part of the world just hates him and to add to their hatred, they say He is Gay. I am not sure what’s true. But it does leave some impression that that dude is Gay

Then there is One Direction. I don’t understand why people hate them. I know that there are a lot of people (girls) liking, I mean loving them. I haven’t head to any of their songs. You ask why? Well, the impression that the other people left on me. 

Likewise, everything leaves a impression- a good or a bad one. And if I am not wrong, I always leave a bad impression. Well, for starters I aint Perfect. To be frank, I over-analyze people and I tend to end up writing about them which is what I have been preventing so far. But the circumstances and their behavior is compelling me to. 

I say it is a fluctuating phenomenon. Impressions change with time, people, behaviors and many other factors. So, is the First impression is the last impression? 

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0 responses to “Impression.”

  1. I don't think the first impression is necessarily the last impression 🙂 I guess it depends entirely on who you're dealing with, and how quickly they judge.

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