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The new social stigma alarms me a lot. There is new newness that is around me. Or I am just too old school. Or I had been all these days. Its not that I never knew this new arising, I just kept out of it. If there is this alarming political agitation, then there is this corruption figures. The Facebook wall keeps getting flooded with the anti-that anti-this, support-this, support-that. So, the issue at hand is not so big, but neither is it anything that should be left behind.

Grow Up People. 
There are people all round me. Some are beautiful, …hmm.. well all are.. and the rest like me.. Aren’t you the only one? Yeah, but don’t say it out loud. So, my jaw keeps falling every time I go out and someone or the other just looks stunning. But I don’t usually care much. I just mind my own business. I know what you are doing there? Just avoiding so that they will notice you. Will you shut up for once atleast ? Always blurting out the things that are not to be told. Well, so you got the point, right?  I don’t understand whether it is natural or just the cosmetics or may be surgery, well who knows. So, the other day I was at a Super-Market and I happened to come across one such thing. White, beautiful, elegant, bla bla bla. And she was wearing a short, a very small one. So, being the nice guy here , I didn’t even look twice. You are kidding, right? Who was it then who went into the babies section twice ? I was searching for something and mistakenly went there. So you say. Yeah, because its the truth. Damn you, Idiot. So, while I was on the hunt I observed some other things rather than the original intention. There were these guys at the store checking (I mean you understand) in not-so-good-manner. These people just remove the little respect for other individuals. So, that is one of the reason why I don’t even eye most of the people. Yeah, I agree with him on this one. Huh, Thanks. And he just looks at the face once. If its nice, he gives another peek and goes back to his I-Dont-Care-If-You-Are-Effing-Beautiful mode and looks busy but does nothing. See, I am not that bad. Nobody said you were bad. You just did it yourself. Whatever. So, my point here : Give the people (especially to girls and women) some space of their freedom. Don’t make them hate the whole opposite gender just because of a few stupid B#’s. 

The Dumpster Facebook 
Facebook is growing much more in popularity than anything in this world. You watch TV, billboards, hmm.. its everywhere. So, there are more people on Facebook than the total number of actual users. Now we know all the stuff about Facebook. That a girl posting a weirdest of the things gets the maximum likes and comments and the best thing that a guy posts gets nothing but mockery. We all know this, right? But something more to find out here is that most of the profiles which have girl photos are actually created by jobless idiots who just want to do something awkwardly crazy. Stupid Fools. And not only that, why is that people start proposing on the photos. I mean on the girls photos. Everybody knows that those people don’t post their own photos. And more over that profile is not even maintained by a girl most of the times. And you don’t want to look at the comments. Seriously, you don’t want to. 

Stalk me not. 
Again, Facebook is one stalker friendly thing. No one has to move around and also gets almost every information. My information is more on twitter than on Facebook. Security issues, you know. Yeah, I know how secure you are when you tweet about your location  every now and then. Dude, give the man a break. So, recently, a Facebook ping alarmed me when the person was asking about someone from my friend list. I was a little stunned. It wasn’t even about me, well partly it is. But the thing that he comes to my profile, then links back to another person’s profile and gets a doubt in the whole person. Hmm, Weird? Is it what it is called! 

Snooze : Just like the morning alarm, no matter how may times it rings we I just keep pressing snooze. So, you get the relevance to this post. 

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0 responses to “Snooze.”

  1. You said it @ 'So, my point here : Give the people (especially to girls and women) some space of their freedom. Don't make them hate the whole opposite gender just because of a few stupid B#'s.' But haha aww. Your hormones are acting up, man.

    And, FB hasn't ever been much importance for me. I once wrote a status saying that Checking FB is like opening the fridge looking for food when it's just the same as the last time you've looked. I mean, sure there are updates and pictures and random game crap. But ehh. It's never been important to me. I admit FB is a great medium for connections past and present, but I do only check it just because it's there.

  2. You said it @ 'So, my point here : Give the people (especially to girls and women) some space of their freedom. Don't make them hate the whole opposite gender just because of a few stupid B#'s.' But haha aww. Your hormones are acting up, man.

    And, FB hasn't ever been much importance for me. I once wrote a status saying that Checking FB is like opening the fridge looking for food when it's just the same as the last time you've looked. I mean, sure there are updates and pictures and random game crap. But ehh. It's never been important to me. I admit FB is a great medium for connections past and present, but I do only check it just because it's there.

  3. I am being socially responsible and as a Good Man I am, I just hate such things. May be, that hormones thing could be right… wait…no… I am well mature enough. 😀 😛

    FB and fridge, thats' a good comparison. But here my wall stays the same as that one in my room with nothing on it, because I hate spoiling it. So, I keep checking it to make it look cooler wbut it still stays the same. I am a FB-Addict. I confess. You can find me on FB almost 20X7 or may be more.

  4. I am being socially responsible and as a Good Man I am, I just hate such things. May be, that hormones thing could be right… wait…no… I am well mature enough. 😀 😛

    FB and fridge, thats' a good comparison. But here my wall stays the same as that one in my room with nothing on it, because I hate spoiling it. So, I keep checking it to make it look cooler wbut it still stays the same. I am a FB-Addict. I confess. You can find me on FB almost 20X7 or may be more.

  5. I agree to Kiara…facebook wont survive for long.It has gone on stock market n faced considerable losses, so ders dis financial aspect to it plus I just hate the timeline :s

  6. I agree to Kiara…facebook wont survive for long.It has gone on stock market n faced considerable losses, so ders dis financial aspect to it plus I just hate the timeline :s

  7. I was a FB person wen I joined it…now dat I have more than 600 contacts n all of em know me for real, I avoid going there…as soon as u r online everyone pounces on u.

  8. I was a FB person wen I joined it…now dat I have more than 600 contacts n all of em know me for real, I avoid going there…as soon as u r online everyone pounces on u.

  9. Couple of days ago I was thinking why aint der a dislike button n I came up wid two things,not the rationale for not having a dislike button, but how it affects us. One thing for sure it subjugates the negative sentiments on the posts,secondly it simulates how life should be…express ur distress wid a rationale in comments, dnt just out rightly reject anything life offers u by a slight nod of head and click of a button.
    Ah well, maybe they just didnt think of it 😛

  10. Couple of days ago I was thinking why aint der a dislike button n I came up wid two things,not the rationale for not having a dislike button, but how it affects us. One thing for sure it subjugates the negative sentiments on the posts,secondly it simulates how life should be…express ur distress wid a rationale in comments, dnt just out rightly reject anything life offers u by a slight nod of head and click of a button.
    Ah well, maybe they just didnt think of it 😛

  11. Wow, you have quite a number of friends there.
    I have over 1000 but only a quarter of them know me and the rest are photographers. And 1% of that quarter know the real me.

    Well, I am still an FB person and am online like 20 hours a day.

  12. Wow, you have quite a number of friends there.
    I have over 1000 but only a quarter of them know me and the rest are photographers. And 1% of that quarter know the real me.

    Well, I am still an FB person and am online like 20 hours a day.

  13. The ever effing concience! 😛

    mmmm…twice huh?…whts her name?

    I agree..FB can stink at times…but hey i still use it…because it brings something that is valuable to me…a smile on my face after a tiring reality…well not all though but its still worth it ! 🙂

  14. The ever effing concience! 😛

    mmmm…twice huh?…whts her name?

    I agree..FB can stink at times…but hey i still use it…because it brings something that is valuable to me…a smile on my face after a tiring reality…well not all though but its still worth it ! 🙂

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