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Time was nearing mid night and the roar of the traffic didn’t seem to seize yet. I saw the reflection of the person on the giant window plane which startled me for a second. The window is the door-cum-window which slides to  either side to reveal the balcony. The whole set up is almost the wall. The person was ogling at me with a surprise expression on his face. I could still see the road, the flyover and the skyscrapers(hmm..er.. big buildings) from the window midst the darkness of the night. The lights flickered under the bright moonlight. My room was empty except me sitting in front of my laptop looking outside as the cold breeze swept across my face. 

My roommates went home. One of the person was given off for a week, so he decided to go. Since he was going to home, the 2nd guy who stays in the same city also wanted to go home the next day after going to the office. So, they both went out to book their tickets.  And when they came back the 2nd guy said he was also going home the very same day bunking the office the next day. And these guys were pretty happy with the proceedings and the last person is the room also wanted to go home. His interest increased when these two guys were speaking about going home every second. But he had to go to office the next day and then on the coming Monday as well. While these guys kept teasing and speaking about going home, this guy went out and came with a ticket in his hand and went off to home. Later the remaining two guys also went home by midnight and I was left alone in my room. Yayyy!!!!

The Interesting Gossip.
People talk about other people. People hate other people. People love some of the other people, including themselves. I am a writer. So, whenever I get bored, I pick up a person from my past and I go on and on, more in the not-so-good side. So, lately I have been exploiting some of the people around me and myself even more. Once in a while I mention about me and hmm…er… me. What gets notices inspite of writing and keeping long posts, people just catch one word or the other in the entire post. And thats related to …hmm..er.. girls, more like gf thing. I just write one word or a sentence regarding that at the end or in the middle and people ask about it : So, you have been mentioning about girls lately, whats’ the story , huh ? , + the likes of such questions. The remaining post doesn’t have anything to with the gf thing and is entirly different. But still, people catch the only thing and pester about it. See, people are much more interested in whats’ happening in other’s life than looking through whats happening in their life. And when it is related to relationships, people jump directly to the questions wanting to know about it. 

So, once a while back I mentioned the similar thing in my blog on people where I mentioned a person looking a better than the rest from my class. So, a guy pings me and asks about who that person is. So, I reply him to guess. So, he comes up with some names. With that I drew a conclusion that he finds those people better looking than the rest. Haha, one good trick , ain’t it? So, obviously, he should be having a crush on either one of them, or…hmm.. all of them. Now, my turn for the truth. Well, I already told about it, I like some people, and its called crush, I have a pretty long list. And now, I see people at bus stops, shops, Pizza Hut, etc etc places and I think the crush-count is increasing. So, your point here? Did I say anything about having a point? Then, why do you bother so much to bother other people, huh ?

Other News
So, I got my laptop repaired. Thank heavens, it is working. But still, no one is perfect. Well, coming to my laptop, it is not even near not-being-perfect. When power goes off, it also goes off. I get connected to the internet and try to download something. I start the download and carry on with other work. Usually, the internet speed should be good for the money I paid, but now it sucks, totally. And my plan is not something thats cheap and still I don’t get enough data (GB) 🙁 . So, this power goes off exactly the moment before it completes downloading. Now, look at this guys luck. I resume the download when the current is back again, from the IDM, which shows an error message that the path is not correct or something. I curse. I start the download again and now the internet gets disconnected automatically, god knows why. I curse harshly this time. I restart the download and now this time it is connected to the internet but there is no data transfer, which means to uploading no downloading. I refresh, refresh and hold F5 for 5 minutes to help it refresh and continue the data transfer. But the hell, is doesn’t!  What the fudge? I have been sending mails to the customer care way too frequently these days. May be, I should point this one too. 

And what the hell is going on with 50 Shades of Grey trilogy? I mean don’t they get tired or what? I have completed 2 books and reading the third one. I am getting irritated with their repeatedly doing one thing over and over and over and over and over again. See, I am getting tired of reading it and skipping that, but they never cease to end at all. I have over 400 pages to catch up with so that I can start some other more interesting which doesn’t have too much of repeated work(sort of). What do they eat, man?  Hmm, they drink Red Bull, may be ? 😛

And what happened to me? I used to come up with interesting titles and these days, I am staring outside the window trying for an appropriate title for each and every post. Now, come on give a damn title! Don’t bang your head so many times on the table, the table might break. And also what is so interesting in this post that you are looking for an apt title?  There you go – Happy ? Yeah! Its just like your post. Meaningless. Grow up, dude. Phew!!!!!

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Paperback.”

  1. And, I used to be pretty crush-crazy also. I used to have a 'love graph' for my crushes, to weigh what % of crushness I felt for each of them just to manage the main ones out of a whole 90823409842 of them LOL. Good times.

  2. And, I used to be pretty crush-crazy also. I used to have a 'love graph' for my crushes, to weigh what % of crushness I felt for each of them just to manage the main ones out of a whole 90823409842 of them LOL. Good times.

  3. Love-graph ? How does that work ? I mean what are the parameters. like what vs what ?
    Firstly, I thought it was a phone number, is it ? Anyway, it has one extra number and also I wouldn't call even if it was.

    Don't you think thats a pretty big number? I mean I can also be one of them! 😛 #JustKiddin'

  4. Love-graph ? How does that work ? I mean what are the parameters. like what vs what ?
    Firstly, I thought it was a phone number, is it ? Anyway, it has one extra number and also I wouldn't call even if it was.

    Don't you think thats a pretty big number? I mean I can also be one of them! 😛 #JustKiddin'

  5. LOL @love graphs!

    You're amazing IQ!

    And Ajay: I considered reading the 50 Shades of Grey books but I saw IQ's comment on it, and decided I probably wouldn't enjoy it.

  6. LOL @love graphs!

    You're amazing IQ!

    And Ajay: I considered reading the 50 Shades of Grey books but I saw IQ's comment on it, and decided I probably wouldn't enjoy it.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ