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Young energetic youth. Never empty streets / roads/ highways / flyovers . Crowded assemblies, buses, streets. Cold atmosphere, less humid. Expensive phones, cars, attire. Earphones plugged in, hands free switched on, foreign-ish-ly speaking English. Shirt over shirt, hoods on, Red colored trousers. Bikes driving on footpaths, trees on the road, Electrical poles mapped in the middle of the street, Roads up and below. Manicured fingers, sculptured eyebrows, cream over cream, whitey white, shades on.

I am standing at the crossroads of one the busiest city and stood there for over a couple of minutes. It takes that much time to cross a road. I live in an expensive room which lacks the proper maintanence and internet connection. Speak of the devil. The Internet. I am almost a drunkard left loose who has no idea what to do; when I don’t have internet. The weekend went by with such a notion and I was quite clueless what to do without the internet. And I seriously have no idea what happened to my damn effing laptop. Seriously, now it stinks even worse. I get my internet plan, a little costly two days before the weekend and my device goes whoof and my laptop goes crazy with errors. And  it totally kills my weekend. Still it is not working. God, why? I ask. 

The two days I was more like hungry to write and I was having some lucid clean ideas and the articulation was just perfect until the moment I sat down to pen them down. *Woof* *Woof*. They disappear. What should I write when I have no idea what to write. Well, thats the beauty. If I plan to write something, its a planned action and I do it cautiously to avoid any unnecessary after-post-pubished-headaches. Should I tell about the people around me? It would be something not so pleasing. Hmm, I keep it at the end, may be. I know I suck. How many with me? 1, 2,… 10.., 100.. okay, I got the count. Thanks all.

Plus One
I am in this new place surrounded with only a very few familiar faces. I don’t know the rest of the people. Well, if you ask my classmates whether you know any named AK, no one would give an answer. Well, thats’ another story. In my room, there are three more people besides me. And only one knows me much better than the others. I know another guy but the last one, I don’t know him. So, later on Saturday he was telling the other two guys that the count was 4. I looked surprised and along with me was another guy. So he explains, I am counting the number of times AJ would speak. Well well, someone’s speaking. But far below than necessary. Those three guys stare at me and say “Speak Ajay, Speak Ajay, Speak”. I just smile and again smile and continue the smile when they still gaze at me looking for something. Sorry guys, I don’t speak much and when there are eyes staring at me in search of the same, I really can’t speak. A day before Saturday, I woke up from my afternoon sleep and found my friend speaking on the phone. The person on the other side knows me, but as I just woke up I had no idea to whom he was speaking to. So, when I wake up he hands me the phone to say hello and I just say “Hi .. Hai.”. And I hand over the phone back to him. The person on the other side says, He talked, thats’ more than enough for me. Haha, Funny! So, you see, People are mocking me. :/

Talkative Confused.
People talk. Some don’t. Are you looking at me now? Stop that!!! Some are way too talkative. Some reason the discussion, some start, some carry forward it and some keep the flame lit. I know a guy who hates keeping silence or thats what he says when he speaks about me or the wicked silence in the room or in the bus or when we are outside. Its more like he gets hyper-excited or what, I have no idea, he claps his hands (don’t know why) and says we must do something and the silence is so boring. Dude, we are in a freaking bus, you don’t want to play and shout at places like these. He is kinda stubborn, like real deal. He sticks to his thoughts and says exactly what he thinks. And starts arguing to state his facts. But there is this problem. Sometimes, he goes to an empty room in his brain and his brainstorming suddenly stops. He doesn’t know what to say at that moment. A lot of talking and talking and talking and talking can do that. So, whats your point here? Well.. er.. None. I was just saying because it looks awkward when you stop the sentence in the middle because you don’t know what else to say or something like that. 

I am presently jobless. Well, I have been for 2 weeks now. And I had a plan to skim the city as much as I can. But it seems I am too lazy than I thought. And god save the poor, this government is robbing of the people in the name of tax. 12.6% ? Seriously? I don’t see any improvement in the place where I stay or how about the place where you stay ? I am tight and they just keep robbing and robbing. And the auto-rikshaws, they charge 20/30 bucks extra on the meter. I mean come on- Where is that Jago Gahak Jago thing which used to boast in the TV a couple of years back. No wonder rich get richer. Hmm, or lets put it this way, well… leave about it. I am gonna piss myself off if I say much about that crap. So, yeah, I am so time-packed, or so I feel. I wake up, get ready, wait hmm…er… never mind… eat some cr**py breakfast and then I open my laptop which doesn’t have the internet. And then I open a book, read for some time like 10 minutes, current goes off, I open my iPodTouch, play some games and the current doesn’t come back and my battery drains out and I have no idea what to do, so I lay down and then its Lunch time. I go out, spend a couple, hmm… multiplied by 100 of bucks on just eating and come back with a huge stomach and open my laptop, try to rummage through every possible thing to restore back to its normal performance. But it doesn’t. And its evening by then. We decide to go for a swim in the swimming pool and were not allowed as we don’t have the costume. WTF? Seriously! Nobody from the locality goes into the swimming pool. And when we go we are told to wear a costume. Last time, we weren’t. I head back, sit on my bed and wander my thoughts about the blog which would cover the timely wastage of time by yours faithfully. And then its dinner time and then after finishing the *yuk* *yuk* dinner which I leave in the middle, I again sit in from of my laptop and this time with my External HardDisk and make myself watch some old age movies which I haven’t seen and repeat some already seen movies. And then morning comes up and ditto the routine. 

Btw, I just wanted to say  “Hi, how you doing?“.

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0 responses to “Gibberish.”

  1. I love the tone of your posts lately. There's something so engaging and dynamic about it all 😀 There's a more definite “AK” voice to these narratives:)

  2. I love the tone of your posts lately. There's something so engaging and dynamic about it all 😀 There's a more definite “AK” voice to these narratives:)

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ


© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ