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Who would have thought? Something as concealing as it can be and filled with a package of excellent goodies. A power-packed mind with a magnificent knowledge and unseen to the naked eye. Who would have thought? I would have. 

I always tell a friend that he is just too good for this company we are working in. I always knew he had potential and I am not lying. Ask anyone from my class, they would probably say the nicest thing they know. We sit side by side and we chat over the internet. Crazy, right ? And then I get busy doing nothing and he gets busy reading – Like Manga-Reader, some novel or a textbook from the the library. You assign him a task and he will get you what you asked for and also more. His mantra is always mysterious to me. He doesn’t even look at the assigned task at the beginning. And when he starts, there is no stopping. While I might take a day or two or even more, he would do that on the same day and earlier. But he still works on it. And that is adding more. Look at that. I would be struggling to understand the question in the first place, while he would have finished and starts reading.

Highlight- SpotLight.
Your mind would blow, (in a appreciating kind of way). I mean seriously it would. We had a presentation today and that was the final presentation. As this is the Onam Season, we had a Cultural Program and later that we had our presentations. We were supposed to give the presentation and also the demonstration of the project, but due to lack of time we were told to give only the presentation. But what might be called as luck-bad or good, (bad for me, good for the others – that you will understand later). One of the faculty came by to inspect what we had done regarding the project. And my batch was in the hot seat. We started off the presentation and were suddenly stopped by the Stream Owner (the one who checks,inspects, etc) asks a question. What came to me as a shock was that he suddenly calls out my name and asks a question. And I didn’t knew the answer. I was busy in my own tension and that came as a wake up call at the midnight and I was blank. But I told something which I don’t myself know. (Feels like pointing a gun at my head and just pull the trigger). But as compared to the previous presentations, I think I did well, not as good, but manageable except that question. I know what people think, so I have been trying to get that out of my head and it seems impossible, somehow. Someone falsh the MIB flash which makes people forget things. Someone, anyone! Oh, no this this is not the highlight-spotlight. This is just the opposite of what happened. The real story begins now…

The Project to which we were assigned to has to be improved. We did most of the things. But we did some things which others didn’t. Later this morning, this guy says that he wants to add something also. He adds it in no time, which was quite difficult or so other people said about it. My presentation part had this part and I introduced it as verbal introduction and when it came to his time to explain, he just swept everyone off their feet. Most of the things were not understandable by anyone, but he kept everyone intrigued and finally he just did an Awesome Job. And when I say awesome, it is (AWESOME)^infinity. Everyone was all praises and what else, he was too excited and was very happy about it. What more ? The Stream Owner even coined a name for him- Einstein. Well, Whatever I say would be less! Believe me, when I say it. I mean it. 

To conclude with, Mr. Einstein would be busy with some theories which just swing above my head. And a round of applause for this Genius. I am sure some day, he will be on the Google Doodle and may be he is one creating it. 😀 . I would have missed a great deal if he was in some other batch. 

Now the ‘K’ in K-Factor stands for Karthik. Also nick named as Kindle. And a recent name Einstein, wish it started with K. And a special thanks to him for being my batch-mate, or lets say, his batch-mate and a good friend/buddy/dude/pal who along with me just keep-cracking-jokes (I too am a part of that). Fun Times, I say. Real fun times.

– Chat Buddy / Batch-Mate / Friend / Pal / His-Blog-Follower / FAN.

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0 responses to “The K-Factor.”

  1. He meant the one who had an apple fallen on him was Newton….but we all have our gud apples and bad apples, some gud apples thrown at us n some bad one presented in plates…its on us to distinguish n keep the company of the gud ones more…

  2. He meant the one who had an apple fallen on him was Newton….but we all have our gud apples and bad apples, some gud apples thrown at us n some bad one presented in plates…its on us to distinguish n keep the company of the gud ones more…

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The K-Factor.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The K-Factor.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ