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Welcome the critic, hmm.. critique sounds good, I guess. A big round of applause for this freak who involuntarily speaks about other people rather than minding his own god damn work. So, I am back with all myself and some new things to add to the existing previous posts in which I seemed to have been going on and on about the people and their whatever-it-is-called/ attitude. Now, I have some more. I just can’t get over it, can I ? This time I will mix the good and the rest. So, lets start my melodrama. 

  • I sometimes wonder what the hell is this guy doing here. I mean this company is far too good for him. And with his knowledge and persistence I am sure much better companies would hire him. He reads a lot and has a device for the same and thus, he is nick named after it- Kindle. Whatever I say would be less, but he is just awesome. I mean in every way. He has the required capability to grasp everything in his premises and analyze it perfectly. I could also call him a genius-geek. He is funny and  equally cool guy. Sometimes we just laugh at the jokes we crack at others. And he had told me twice something about that he wanted to see me talking to a gf. My instant response was , that was not going to happen at all , at least not in this lifetime. If you are following me regularly on this blog, you might have read in one post that I laughed like hell for no apparent reason and I was along with two other guys. Well, one of them was this person. I kept laughing because he was laughing and also that we had no idea why we were laughing. So, the reason seemed funny, I guess. There is nothing much, I can say about someone a little too perfect. I could give away my stupid-nick name which I don’t deserve to this deserving guy – Mr. Perfect. I can bet that this guy would be more than successful than he can even imagine.
  • Now there are people who usually like other people. Some love, some have a crush and some just like people for what they really are or whatever. There is this one guy and I really appreciate his openness and his frankness. He seems calm and may be he is. And in addition to that he talks a lot most of the time explaining his mind. So, he says to me while we were on our journey back to hostel- You really can’t tell/know when someone like you. I was take aback for a second and thought he was speaking about girls. Phew!! Girls and Me ? are more like east and west, which never meet. And I tell him the same thing, No one would even dream of it or as a matter of fact take me into consideration. But it was after a minute or two of explanation that I realized that he was speaking about him. As a friend, I too like him for his uniqueness which he withholds but when he asked me directly an indirect question I was rather puzzled about how to answer that and I kept quite which he regarded as something opposite to what he had anticipated. Now I was there puzzled and confused and it kind of feels gay-ish to reply him that I too like him, isn’t it. And as a friend I too like him as I already mentioned, but how does one say that, I mean it is more like proposing, is it not? “Hey, man I like you too!” .It would be better to follow the flow and mention that, but not after a hefty explanation, it might just sound awkward. I really don’t know how that sounded to you, but for me, I just can’t say that. But I can very well be a good-silent-friend. 
  • I am a stubborn silent guy. I speak out when I crack jokes. Oh yeah, I do. Some one must have seen me in school days. I was a multiple-disorder guy. Both silent and whatever-the-antonym-is guy. I mean, I would crack the meanest of the jokes. I mean meanest-MEANEST. And we buddies had a nice laugh at it. And I was very young also. Now, I feel like a teenage wasted because I don’t find that kind of friends any more and the people now-a-days are effing SoB’s. No one knows my funnier past and its not very pleasant also because I might get a little cranky also at times. I don’t speak much, deal with it. For that to happen, a total change over has to take place and I don’t think thats’ possible in the near future or as a matter of fact , it’s not at all possible. So, if I am not saying anything doesn’t mean I-don’t-give-a-eff-what-you-are-saying, it just means that I-effing-respect-whatever-is-on-your-mind and I-really-don’t-have-any-direct-comments-on-it. (Too many dashes) . And people really don’t know the reason why I keep myself away from everything or say most of the things. People would be shocked if they hear my only wish. Now you don’t have to ask me. I won’t tell. But its on my personal blog which also contains more sugar-honey-iced-tea like this. And like I said, you really don’t wanna know. 
  • Now, I’ve mentioned about this guy over a million times in the recent posts. Just one a-s-_-h-o-_-e. I dont’ want to swear but if I start, it would be endless. Wait a minute, I don’t know that many swearing-words. Actually, I am fed up of writing over and over again about the same bullshit about some people and I really wanted to stop this. But the cr*p never ends and its stinks like hell and I have to let it free. Thats’ in my mind, if you happen to realize. So, today, a guy tell me to take the food for him also. First of all, there is a big line and second of all I don’t really eat, thirdly, I decided to let it go and eat this day, fourthly I stand in the line to collect two person’s meal, fifthly where the hell was he when he was supposed to collecting his own god-damn-food. At last I find him talking to a girl, obviously, how did I miss that? And he was discussing about World-Hunger, no?…. then Poverty..no? not even that?  The girl is very into helping orphans,…well… then Stock Market,.. not even that? …. then… Renewable Sources of Energy, (well, he can give a lot of bullshit) … not even that? Come on man, what else could be that alarming that he is standing mid-way and talking seriously. Lets recap a little bit. Last saturday, a movie after planning a little about the Ripples( An art kind of thing which brings out the creativity of people as a group and they have to work on any kind of idea whichever interests them, it could be a drawing, painting, graphics printout and the list goes one). Yesterday, as per the latest news, I heard, another movie. Well, good. Because I kind of missed the yesterdays movie- Step Up Revolution. Those SoB’s didn’t call me yesterday, while this guy jollied away with the remaining people who he admired the most, if you know what I mean. So, the point here is that, he would do something he hates doing if I tell but won’t refuse if that comes from the opposite gender. Need I say more, I would be wasting your time as well as mine. I mean, come on man, grow up. He would reply, I am grown and doing the what-I-effing-like. Why are so bothered about it ? That would leave me dumbfounded, won’t it? He already gives no-sh_t about me and makes the worst of me all the time, is it anything new to him? Somewhere deep down, I think why do people just be like that – Like swingers – Just swinging to what interests them and dump the rest or to use something more sensible use the rest. 
  • Someone knows everything. And this special someone thinks he doesn’t know that much. He appears as silent as an owl apart from his interactive mind and friendly nature which attracts most of the people, sometimes, it feels like waking a sleeping lion. No matter how much we grow, we still remain the old fashioned-new college teenagers. Or such is the thought of most of the people. I have to hit my head with a steel rod and wake myself up. There is this Professional Grooming session where people are taught how to be effing Professional. Why does that fades away just as the person-who-taught leaves the room. The momentary lapse makes me feel that these guys will start behaving properly and be something more like a professional. I recall the little and long trips and take back my thoughts and bury them deep beneath. It is just so naive to think about someone changing on an overnight. Don’t look at me, I know I am an exception. (No Kidding, okay fine, I am kidding, may be). I want to see how professional people(read: friends) travel long distances. Do they get a little teen-aged and do something crazy? Don’t tell me that “Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara” story. I meant like crazy-crazy more like stupid-crazy or whatever crazy that isn’t professional. I get really pissed when someone just crosses a line and I still stay the same old me ignoring all the bloody nuisance. You tell me? What should I do ? Man up and hit him? Sometimes people get physical also, but I don’t. Because at that moment, I think in my mind – This ass-O is going in my blog for sure, no doubt. 
  • PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DON’T OVER ACT (for the sake of humanity and for god’s sake) . It really kills me, when people act so well that their over-acting just kills me. Just like stab-me, stab-me-now. So there is this guy who is a gem in over-acting and he really does it so well that you can clearly make out that he is effing overacting, rather too too tooooo much. And if you know what biscuits mean, it will be much more clearer. Usually, puppies are tempted by biscuits. Similarly, the word is used as an metaphor and is now used by people to mock other people are trying to impress  other people with flattery and all that stupid-stuff. So, this guy has a huge collection of biscuits, sorry correction, cream biscuits(now you know the intensity of flattery with cream in between the biscuits). I something get confused whether it is flirting or just flattery. Whatever it is, I don’t give a sugar-honey-iced-tea about it. Well, why am I writing if I ^(above italics). It is really saddening or let me put it this way, it is really irritating when I hear even if I don’t want to hear. What can I do, I have big ears ! My Bad. :/
  • He is calm, composed, silent, stupid, behaves funny with a long hair with gel and oil, I guess. He is really an as$ in his own way. He totally pisses me off when I try to talk to him, he just listens like a effed-up idiot. He doesn’t respond. He just throws a fake smile as if we don’t know thats’ a fake smile. And when he gives presentation, I just feel like throwing whatever is in my hand at him. He totally sucks, in all ways possible. (If you know this guy, you would be surprised to know that he composed this sucking post).
Enough for today, I suppose. So, is my mind at ease now? I hope so. So, this should be the last human-disregarding and downgrading post. I hope this is it. I mean come on man, for how long will I be pissed off at myself and other people. Now who the eff said said Eternity? Message for you : NONE. Message to self : FML, seriously do that.  

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0 responses to “Critique, I am.”

  1. I being one of the kind u do not like much…did pick up just a few words in ur post n highlighted them…1. U r single 2. U r jealous of all the other guys 3.u actually attract a lot of attention frm gals but haven't succeeded in finding sm who wud attract u 😛

    Teee heeee I just gave u a reason to write abt ppl who leave annoying comments abt ur posts..:D

    Jokes apart, I will do this myself now smtime, write abt all those ppl n tell em''its not me..its uuuuuu''

  2. I being one of the kind u do not like much…did pick up just a few words in ur post n highlighted them…1. U r single 2. U r jealous of all the other guys 3.u actually attract a lot of attention frm gals but haven't succeeded in finding sm who wud attract u 😛

    Teee heeee I just gave u a reason to write abt ppl who leave annoying comments abt ur posts..:D

    Jokes apart, I will do this myself now smtime, write abt all those ppl n tell em''its not me..its uuuuuu''

  3. How can you jump to a conclusion ?

    1. Yeah. Happy to be.

    2. Whoa! Me ? Jealous ? sounds really funny, but I wish I were jealous. . You have no idea what kind of as#'s I have to deal with. You would be surprised!

    3. You missed me there. Me ? Attracting ? Girls ? Thats' not gonna happen. If you were mocking me, you just succeeded. Or even if it was a sarcastic remark, then also you won. But I secretly wish, I did what you mentioned. But reality is a hard truth and a bitter one indeed. :/ …… And I found a lot of people who are attractive. This whole world is filled with them. I just am not able to pick one. 😛

    This comment wasn't annoying at all. But hey, thanks for reading a annoying post. 😀

    You would do that? 😛

  4. How can you jump to a conclusion ?

    1. Yeah. Happy to be.

    2. Whoa! Me ? Jealous ? sounds really funny, but I wish I were jealous. . You have no idea what kind of as#'s I have to deal with. You would be surprised!

    3. You missed me there. Me ? Attracting ? Girls ? Thats' not gonna happen. If you were mocking me, you just succeeded. Or even if it was a sarcastic remark, then also you won. But I secretly wish, I did what you mentioned. But reality is a hard truth and a bitter one indeed. :/ …… And I found a lot of people who are attractive. This whole world is filled with them. I just am not able to pick one. 😛

    This comment wasn't annoying at all. But hey, thanks for reading a annoying post. 😀

    You would do that? 😛

  5. I could have, but the most annoying ppl are mutual frends of those who follow me on the blog….so maybe nooootttt….and I didnt mind da post at all, was too sleepy fa dat 😛

  6. I could have, but the most annoying ppl are mutual frends of those who follow me on the blog….so maybe nooootttt….and I didnt mind da post at all, was too sleepy fa dat 😛

  7. The trick is that we wont let the people know that we are actually talking about them. We should write it as some anonymous person but indirectly directs to a peculiar person.

    I knew that. 😛
    #NoKidding! 😛

  8. The trick is that we wont let the people know that we are actually talking about them. We should write it as some anonymous person but indirectly directs to a peculiar person.

    I knew that. 😛
    #NoKidding! 😛

  9. I wont take names but they will know…dats how bad they are? or how gud I am at writing abt them? we l see! n da fact dat u reply to every comment of mine is very entertaining…I like to reply to ur replies n see if u reply to my reply of ur replies….

  10. I wont take names but they will know…dats how bad they are? or how gud I am at writing abt them? we l see! n da fact dat u reply to every comment of mine is very entertaining…I like to reply to ur replies n see if u reply to my reply of ur replies….

  11. Wow ! You got some talent there!
    I write keeping the best interests of the people. But it is obvious that if the person reads they will know because they were the ones doing those stupid things, unless they don't know how stupid they are.

    I like comments and also like replying to them. But I am surprised that you visit here often and reply back. Now, that's more entertaining. 😀

    Obviously, I will reply. Even I have nothing to extend the replies, I will just reply.
    Now, you'd be wondering how crazy-stupid this guy is, well I am, thats' another story.

  12. Wow ! You got some talent there!
    I write keeping the best interests of the people. But it is obvious that if the person reads they will know because they were the ones doing those stupid things, unless they don't know how stupid they are.

    I like comments and also like replying to them. But I am surprised that you visit here often and reply back. Now, that's more entertaining. 😀

    Obviously, I will reply. Even I have nothing to extend the replies, I will just reply.
    Now, you'd be wondering how crazy-stupid this guy is, well I am, thats' another story.

  13. If its obvious dat ul reply, den obviously I will too. :D) Until u write a new post, only den I will give dis game up….and I have nothing else to do nowadays, or lets say I hav made myself to believe that I hav nthng else to do nowadays except fa reading blogs of ppl I really appreciate reading….
    Who is better than a crazy, stupid, photographer writer?maybe Johnny Depp…can't say abt others though.

  14. If its obvious dat ul reply, den obviously I will too. :D) Until u write a new post, only den I will give dis game up….and I have nothing else to do nowadays, or lets say I hav made myself to believe that I hav nthng else to do nowadays except fa reading blogs of ppl I really appreciate reading….
    Who is better than a crazy, stupid, photographer writer?maybe Johnny Depp…can't say abt others though.

  15. Oh! I see. Well, then you will give this game up real soon. Or may be start afresh. 😀
    I read some appreciation .. Thanks. 🙂

    You think ? May be! I don't know. But isn't he rich and famous and all ?

  16. Oh! I see. Well, then you will give this game up real soon. Or may be start afresh. 😀
    I read some appreciation .. Thanks. 🙂

    You think ? May be! I don't know. But isn't he rich and famous and all ?

  17. cool….till den, I won't give up. Im a self amused person, never get bored easy :P…the game is on Jay 😛 n Im having fun playing it:D
    Talking of J Depp, riches and fame dnt count for me. I just wish he was a frog who used garnier product line…

  18. cool….till den, I won't give up. Im a self amused person, never get bored easy :P…the game is on Jay 😛 n Im having fun playing it:D
    Talking of J Depp, riches and fame dnt count for me. I just wish he was a frog who used garnier product line…

  19. Wow! The Game is on then.
    I hope the Game will be on, even if its a new post, on the new post obviously. 😛

    Haha! You seriously wish that ? Why Garnier ? #JustCurious
    You never know when your wish becomes true.

  20. Wow! The Game is on then.
    I hope the Game will be on, even if its a new post, on the new post obviously. 😛

    Haha! You seriously wish that ? Why Garnier ? #JustCurious
    You never know when your wish becomes true.

  21. I love the way Garnier products smell…fresh n cool..may take away that slimy slithery feel off the skin of da frog, else it wud b difficult u knw, even if the frog was J. Depp !!!

  22. I love the way Garnier products smell…fresh n cool..may take away that slimy slithery feel off the skin of da frog, else it wud b difficult u knw, even if the frog was J. Depp !!!

  23. I been noticing ppl stopped commenting on ur posts since I started da game:( I think I shud giv up so ders more room for feed bk frm other ppl. Cheerio

  24. I been noticing ppl stopped commenting on ur posts since I started da game:( I think I shud giv up so ders more room for feed bk frm other ppl. Cheerio

  25. People stopped commenting not because you started the game, but because they don't find the content amusing/interesting/up-to-the-mark/*whatever-they-think* .

    And I don't usually get any comments. If you give up, then probably, my comment section would be empty. :/

    I am glad that someone is putting up some time to comment and the reply and then reply again. That no body usually do, but you did. So thanks. 🙂
    But I really would like to reconsider you giving up.

  26. People stopped commenting not because you started the game, but because they don't find the content amusing/interesting/up-to-the-mark/*whatever-they-think* .

    And I don't usually get any comments. If you give up, then probably, my comment section would be empty. :/

    I am glad that someone is putting up some time to comment and the reply and then reply again. That no body usually do, but you did. So thanks. 🙂
    But I really would like to reconsider you giving up.

  27. U think I was really gonna giv up? nah….
    And by the way I won da game coz u nvr replied to the other comment 😛
    After sooooo longgggggggggggg I hav won smthng…lame

  28. U think I was really gonna giv up? nah….
    And by the way I won da game coz u nvr replied to the other comment 😛
    After sooooo longgggggggggggg I hav won smthng…lame

  29. Global ending dis dec I dnt believe in…God isnt an illogical eradicator, and as der r a few gud ppl left, no point in ending it all just now…
    and of course I am bz…I hav to watch so many channels, follow my fav tv series, listen to music, see movies, house chores side by side, read books (if u hav sm dat u wanna throw away, plz throw away to malaysia)skype, yahoo, and oh yes, read blog posts of some crazy bloggers and reply to the replies:P

  30. Global ending dis dec I dnt believe in…God isnt an illogical eradicator, and as der r a few gud ppl left, no point in ending it all just now…
    and of course I am bz…I hav to watch so many channels, follow my fav tv series, listen to music, see movies, house chores side by side, read books (if u hav sm dat u wanna throw away, plz throw away to malaysia)skype, yahoo, and oh yes, read blog posts of some crazy bloggers and reply to the replies:P

  31. No one is ugly…I hav found dat everyone in da wrld has an admirer of just der face n body type nhi to Imran Hashmi aur Shah Rukh Khan itna mashoor nhi hotay…and anywayz, no one has ever looked bad wid a smile on der face, just make sure u hav it n u can sail on high tides ~~~~~~~~~

  32. No one is ugly…I hav found dat everyone in da wrld has an admirer of just der face n body type nhi to Imran Hashmi aur Shah Rukh Khan itna mashoor nhi hotay…and anywayz, no one has ever looked bad wid a smile on der face, just make sure u hav it n u can sail on high tides ~~~~~~~~~

  33. Dying dat way wud b too dramatic, so Il just live…not much melodrama I appreciate in life now.
    For information of all who do not read the blog or comments on posts, I am just Jay's another Id :D…we wanted to explore if he has a split personality, so started dis game of self talk.
    We did land on some cool results of this psychological experiment though, like its interesting that Jay's other personality lives in Malaysia and has 2 kids n a successful separation on credit and does not hav moustaches.~^~

  34. Dying dat way wud b too dramatic, so Il just live…not much melodrama I appreciate in life now.
    For information of all who do not read the blog or comments on posts, I am just Jay's another Id :D…we wanted to explore if he has a split personality, so started dis game of self talk.
    We did land on some cool results of this psychological experiment though, like its interesting that Jay's other personality lives in Malaysia and has 2 kids n a successful separation on credit and does not hav moustaches.~^~

  35. I know you will and will even defy death also.

    Yeah, what Blue said. Dear Readers, listen up and enlighten yourself.
    And why doesn't the other me have moustaches? They are pretty cool, dont you think ? You should try, even if you cant have. 😛 #Kidding' I was telling the other me who is far away in Malaysia.

    Now, which ID am I using now, Ok, fine. The first me. Now, I have to wait when the other me shows up on this comment box.

  36. I know you will and will even defy death also.

    Yeah, what Blue said. Dear Readers, listen up and enlighten yourself.
    And why doesn't the other me have moustaches? They are pretty cool, dont you think ? You should try, even if you cant have. 😛 #Kidding' I was telling the other me who is far away in Malaysia.

    Now, which ID am I using now, Ok, fine. The first me. Now, I have to wait when the other me shows up on this comment box.

  37. Not much of wait was it? Im always here 😀 and I dnt think I will keep mustaches…ppl shud b able to tell da difference, only then dis will work.So u keep mustaches, I keep da chocolates..wat say? plz courier them …
    thanking u in anticipation,
    ur 40 kg heavier no mustache self

  38. Not much of wait was it? Im always here 😀 and I dnt think I will keep mustaches…ppl shud b able to tell da difference, only then dis will work.So u keep mustaches, I keep da chocolates..wat say? plz courier them …
    thanking u in anticipation,
    ur 40 kg heavier no mustache self

  39. Talking to 40-kg-self-no-moustache is good. 😛

    Yeah, you are always there. When do you, I mean the other me sleep? I always find the replies instantly. Am I that fast in Teleporting ? 😛

    And, Yeah I will courier them. But I think the kids will like them more, or is it that the kids have also vowed. Please don't tell me, they did ? Because I would kill myself first and tell the ghost to kill the other me. How can people live without chocolates ?


  40. Talking to 40-kg-self-no-moustache is good. 😛

    Yeah, you are always there. When do you, I mean the other me sleep? I always find the replies instantly. Am I that fast in Teleporting ? 😛

    And, Yeah I will courier them. But I think the kids will like them more, or is it that the kids have also vowed. Please don't tell me, they did ? Because I would kill myself first and tell the ghost to kill the other me. How can people live without chocolates ?


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Critique, I am.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Critique, I am.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ