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“He is great who can do what he wishes; 
he is wise who wishes to do what he can.”
The line from the bottom of my diary.

As I glared through the blurry eyes today and realized that it was high time to start preparation. I had already wasted the night trying to do something impossible and which was totally nonsense for which I had to pay also. Yesterday was the same situation but a little different prescription. I didn’t had anything to prepare but had to go a little bit early. So, As I opened my laptop, a otification popped up at the bottom right of the screen which said You have a new comment. I woke up to the full extent knowing about the same. 

I am like the stone thrown at the sky which falls down no matter what. May be the position is changed but the result is same. I get back to where I started. And the thing is I forget everything that happened during the flight while I was in the mid air (referring myself to the stone, which I just mentioned). So, from now I need to get something into my mind that “Nothing becomes permanent if I continuously say its not permanent. Nothing becomes perfect when I mention everytime that its’ not at all perfect.”
Whatever is the intention, here you may consider something like reverse engineering, well that doesn’t work. Deal with it. 

And here lets come back to the issue.  If you think, you are not that good, why mention all the time, everytime and in every post. Just improve it if you consider you are not up to the mark. Why bother the people who read with that nonsense. So, again, If you mention about how much you suck, you are not creating a good impression there and the little impression that you have/had just fades away. 

Atleast, do justice to the opening phrases.
And thanks for the comment. That was big, descriptive and let me just say – Thanks. 🙂

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0 responses to “…”

  1. 🙂 I love how you took your feedback and created your own lessons. And the way you've written them are definitely something all of us can hold on to and learn from, one day at a time! I believe the more you dwell on negative thoughts, the more power you give them. So put the same amount of effort into positive thoughts, at least, that's what I try to do, and for the most part it's gotten me to the point where I am very thankful for life as it is. I hope the same for you. 😀

  2. 🙂 I love how you took your feedback and created your own lessons. And the way you've written them are definitely something all of us can hold on to and learn from, one day at a time! I believe the more you dwell on negative thoughts, the more power you give them. So put the same amount of effort into positive thoughts, at least, that's what I try to do, and for the most part it's gotten me to the point where I am very thankful for life as it is. I hope the same for you. 😀

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ