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The Moon looked beautiful. I lost track of me. Monday morning, I was hyper-active. I don’t know, I saw the other side of me, which I sometimes get don’t know how. In that precise moment, I get great ideas and thoughts. The first thing that I think after getting those brilliant thoughts is This is so going into my blog. But that Velvety Day ruined the perfect arrangement of thoughts when I learnt about the surprise or lets say the near death test for me. I won’t go into the details, as I think I have already mentioned in the previous post. 

Yeah! Before I forget, I am looking at the blog updates daily but I am totally unable to read any of them. Time doesn’t permit me to. Time doesn’t even permit me to write a blog only. So, my apologies, if you are thinking I am visiting your blog.

OK! Where was I? Yeah, The Moon. The moon was radiating its florescent white light in the dark sky as the clouds drifted away. There was some kind of hurried-ness  in which the ckouds drifted away which was really very fast. If I am not wrong it must be a full moon day, right ? Well, whatever! I tried enjoying the beauty in the perplexed night light, but my mind id filled with some other things. And those fillers in the thought bubbles aren’t so pleasant. Someday, there will be a day when I won’t see the next rising sun, if you know what I mean. They say this is not all, (they here refer to the faculty), the future has a lot of similar such wonderful thought-bubble fillers and there will be a day when I might as well forget to think which I usually do. 

I was already tensed (credits to the exam) and feeling all like c*ap from inside. And to add to that we were told to come earlier which seemed like a mere waste of time and the company’s money. I don’t understand why they bring people on the topic called “Meet the Mentor” –which is supposed to be for sharing their experience and give hints and ideas as of how to improve oneself and grow within an organization. Two weeks back, we had a similar session and that person was awesome. And this time he totally bored the hell out of everyone and the bottom line What did we learn? – The answer to which is, Wait a minute! I didn’t learn anything.

The Deceived.
The starting day of the Job-Training, there were three days of session just to make us familiarize with the formalities and the rules and all that nonsense stuff. I was totally relieved, believe me I was  when they mentioned that there will be no exams that will be conducted during the training period. So, I was in the same notion until last week. Thought they also said that all the people will be evaluated on the basis of their performance, to which I thought there will be internal assessment once a month. I made up my mind for that, though with great difficulty. I eased my mind when they said they have some parameter on which they will rate the people. Now, those *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* effing effers changed the name of exam/test to Diagnostics. Now imagine my plight when I learn about it. I was already planning to leave and this adds to it. I reason I am staying is I have no other option as of now. I may go home and prepare for the exams. Yeah, I can do that. But the only reason I am staying is that I might get some experience. The company’s caption very aptly coincides with the companys’ notions and effing ideologies –Experience Certainty. I don’t usually mention all these things, because hmm..errm well you can call me Superstitious. Whatever! (I know I am bragging too much and writing all bullshit). Now picture this. On monday, some people were randomly picked and asked to write a test in which yours’ truly is present and which got postponed, more like retest on wednesday, today and today Sir doesn’t turn up and may be it will be there tomorrow and to add to it there is another diagnostics(You know, right ? Test / Exam ) on another topic which my great sir completed within a day without telling a single syntax. So, yeah! I am totally cool and calm. like effing COOL. 
-The Deceived. 

I don’t talk much. I have said that a lot of times, right ? Every one who know me says the same thing. Even my batch mate pesters me to speak. He so mentioned in one of the session in which we were asked to write about the partner in the batch. But I really can’t speak. I really don’t know why. In the meanwhile, I might have mentioned about this guy whom I recently added to my friend list. Oh! By the way, I have 1158 friends in my Facebook friend list, not a big thing but this guy mentions it all the time and I will also tell where he does that. So, among the 1158 friends I have I know nearly 300 of them and the rest are photographers and photo-sharing related profiles. So, this guy is the superstar of the class. People make fun of him but he gets back to every one of them in his own way. So, he makes fun of people and the people of him though everything is jovial. He really enjoys it, but pretends as if he hates it. The recent incident was in the BizSkill session in which Sir was discussing about the Mind-Mapping concept in which he took the example of this very person’s marriage. And he is a funny guy, so he has a lot of friends as he gets into everything and speaks his mind outwardly not thinking what the other person thinks. Most people got used to this and so he is kind of popular. Coming to the point, I don’t understand why he always gets his hands all over me binding me totally, touches my hair (and Man! I really hate that), pinches in the middle for no apparent reason. Recently, we were also taught about something called Personal Space, which he clearly didn’t understand. Someday, he might have a sour eye or a teeth less in his mouth. And also this guy totally forgets they you are just beside him if there is a girl. Come on man, even when he is supposed to do some work, he leaves it and takes it lightly and gets all frenzy talking in his way of style which many people like while I hate every word he says. Its not only what he speaks, but also the way he speaks. And he tries discouraging people by his sarcastic remarks and so he mentions my friend list number and also my aggregate in my engineering. Bla bla bla . 
So, the caution Be careful when you know some one who gives much preference to girl than his work and totally forgets about your existence. 

The Greeting.
So, today I got a greeting from three different people which I barely know. The first one being the one whom I recently met during a trip. So, not so great. The second one, I have never met nor did I talk once. The third one being another person whom I have seen and I thought I was invisible to the person because I don’t talk that much as a matter of fact I haven’t talked to this person at all. So, yeah three greeting more like two greetings from literally unknown people. I wonder whether they know my name or not because one person I have never met and the other might have heard from someone else but I haven’t told them personally. The shocker- My own class people don’t greet me. *Greeting here is a small one like hai , hello.*

So far, so now. I have no idea what I wanted to write and what I wrote. Hope that you don’t laugh at my stupidity. So, Good Night. 

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0 responses to “Crazy-Stupid-Life.”

  1. Good luck on the diagnostics test/exam. The name itself sounds scary.

    I'm similar to you, a little quiet at times. Usually, I'm a loud person, but when I'm meeting new people I'm more quiet, hoping not to scare anybody away.

  2. Good luck on the diagnostics test/exam. The name itself sounds scary.

    I'm similar to you, a little quiet at times. Usually, I'm a loud person, but when I'm meeting new people I'm more quiet, hoping not to scare anybody away.

  3. Thanks a lot. Yeah, it is one scary thing. :/

    I think that is how usually people are. I mean when meeting new people, they are quiet and when they become good friends they get to know the original person.

  4. Thanks a lot. Yeah, it is one scary thing. :/

    I think that is how usually people are. I mean when meeting new people, they are quiet and when they become good friends they get to know the original person.

  5. The people who really don't know me think I'm quiet. The people who know me very well wonder when I shut up.

    It's good to be quiet, in my opinion, as it means you're listening and observing and retaining more. Not always, because I'm also guilty of daydreaming and getting lost in my own world.

    Who knows Ajay, maybe one day you're going to be Mr.Popular.

  6. The people who really don't know me think I'm quiet. The people who know me very well wonder when I shut up.

    It's good to be quiet, in my opinion, as it means you're listening and observing and retaining more. Not always, because I'm also guilty of daydreaming and getting lost in my own world.

    Who knows Ajay, maybe one day you're going to be Mr.Popular.

  7. Well, you seem to be a person who should be driven forward to do something.
    Now that you commented , I respect that.

    How should I tell ? You don't know any one of them ! OK, fine, One boy, one girl ! Happy ?

  8. Well, you seem to be a person who should be driven forward to do something.
    Now that you commented , I respect that.

    How should I tell ? You don't know any one of them ! OK, fine, One boy, one girl ! Happy ?

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