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Night had already began while the Moon shone with its radiating white light. The bus was moving as I lay deep in my thoughts playing a specific sequence of the day over and over again inside the mind. The reflection in the glass laughed at me. I know it would accounting to the days’ preceding. 

A small part of the world is going to dissolve into the thin air and no one would know. Because that is my world. Let me being with this famous statement of mine which quite often resembles me in every angle possible. I would be the one standing tall when the world ends at the end of the this year as predicted by Nostradamus. You call it lucky? well.. I’ve a different opinion on it. 

I am too lucky. Unfortunately, its the bad luck though.

My twitter update goes like this :

Monday, it is. And as usual, for any human being it is quite the boring day of the week. From the morning, I realized that something was different. I didn’t catch what that might be. I was hoping that it is for the best of me. Because I washed my clothes. Yeah, I do usually almost regularly but wasn’t regular for say like 2 weeks. So, that I did and was pretty happy about it that I finally completed that task.

The next thing was that I took a shower. Not a big deal, right?  I second your opinion. But I usually don’t go for shower when I have to go to office or outside because then it would be difficult to handle my hair while it plays its own game of jumping and aligning in its own way as it wishes which is like stupid, really stupid and that makes me look even stupider. So, yeah, I had a shower. 

Well, for the next thing, you should probably know some history about it. I am staying in a hotel. Don’t imagine something like ‘The Taj’. When I was notified that I was placed at Trivandrum and this was the place I would be staying at, the hotel name sounded like WOW, it must be a 5-star hotel or at least a 3 star. That small little nice thought was stabbed to death when I stepped into this hotel more like a hostel. And there is a cupboard for two people and that arrangement is so perfectly made that only one can accommodate their clothes. So, my roommate occupies the while shaft and leaving me make my bed and chair filled with books and clothes and that looked really shabby, believe it it looked even worse. So, I made up my mind to change that. Though, I made that idea two weeks back, but didn’t implement it and this was the day when I finally did it. Period. 

I was feeling the usual uncomfortable  because I have to wear a full hand shirt (formal) and frankly I hate keeping the full-hands shirt when it is buttoned. Its totally uncomfortable for me. And to add to it, my belt which had holes either too tight or too loose. So, yeah, everyday I go like that feeling like “I-dont-know-what-it-is-called”. So, usually I turn up office like an idiot. And we were called early as we were informed that there is a meeting to be held in the seminar hall. First of all , my so called hotel is like a 45 min drive including the traffic and we were told to be at the bus stop at a specific time. Later we find that the bus will come after an hour then the earlier mentioned time. And this we came to know after waiting for half an hour. After a hour or so we reach the office. My office is basically a training center and I am also undergoing training. And there are new batches every week. So they are adding nearly 400+ people each week. When we started a month ago, the office seemed totally empty and now, its worse than a fish market. Though I haven’t been to a fish market, isn’t it what people mostly use? The canteens are filled even before we arrived. But as we were supposed to go to the seminar hall, we sat there for 5 minutes when two gentleman come and start speaking about cleanliness and about the usage of local language, which they advised us to avoid. And they continue telling about the bathroom etiquette. That took some 5 minutes and they tell to go and have our lunch. WTH was going on? And wth? is wrong with these people. They tell us to come nearly 3 hours before the stipulated time and that was to tell about how to behave in the restrooms. Seriously? Well, that ended and the usual day began. Starting with the Business Skill class which I get a little terrified as he may anytime call anyone on to the stage on account of some activity. But this time, it was about Team Management. So, we were told to know the commonalities within a group of six members and the uniqueness of each person. My class is filled with so many talented people and I envy that, may be not. Wait a minute, my qualities were not told yet. So, I already told the person not to tell one which my other friend wrote which is totally false. So, about me, I mean my uniqueness : As everyone know Ajay is good at photography, he is also Mr.Perfect!(Wait! I told not to tell that . Damn! I am effed). Sir looks at me and so does everybody else in the class and I nod in disagreement. But Sir says, I look a little like the character Mr.Perfect in the movie ARYA 2. Well, thats’ a regional movie. Damn! Damn! I hide my face. Everybody after the class mention me as Mr.Perfect. I try convincing them that I am NOT. But who cares ? who listens? Now, how do I tell that it is a lie? 

Day proceeded and I got a shock when someone mentioned that there will be a test for the randomly picked people by the tech-head. My raced like anything, a wild beast on fire and I could hear its thumping sound loud and clear. First of all I have no idea of the subject. My sir completed it within a week, which was taught for 4 months in Engineering, 45 days in private coaching. Now, Imagine that- a week. Last week, on Friday there was a test on the same and luckily with the help of all Google and stuff I managed to stay alive till the end of the exam. But today, no Google and no easy source code, without which I am a lost sailor on a motionless sea. I already had a bad feeling and I was trying to be pessimistic about it so that I won’t be picked up. Time passed by and finally the time came. Again, the dobly heatbeat sound echoing inside my head and every inch of my body. They started calling the names. Ajay, I finally heard my name. The same moment I knew I was screwed and dead for sure. We went to another room, where I was literally shivering inside-outside everywhere. I just couldn’t control it. Was it the cold or something else ? I don’t know. I eased my mind saying that it will be fine or else I am screwed and frankly, I felt it was a big deal. But it was. Damn! Half of the time I was shivering and then came the colder air from the Air-Conditioner. I just froze in my seat while I tried hard to find a logic in the problem which we told to write a code for. I didn’t understand half of the question and I had no idea about what to ask sir which I didn’t understand. I scribbled and stroked through the pages and finally came up with a b*ll***t code which I myself don’t know what it meant or even where to begin explaining when I will be asked to explain what I just wrote. But time was fast this time and it was over and he didn’t even see mine. Else he would have gone mad, may be or even worse. Thank God to him. But he postponed it to Wednesday. Well, I think it will be the same story as of now. I still don’t know anything and what great I can do in 2 days , ermm, 1 day which I could do in a week. duh! 

P.S. : The authors’ intention was to write this completely different and in a very readable way. But the author has clearly failed in that aspect. Velvety day? Seriously? 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Velvety Day.”

  1. Hahahaha I loved this one. Entertainment, entertainment, entertainment. In a very Ajay way, of course! But seriously – Velvety Day? LOL That was the clincher.

  2. Hahahaha I loved this one. Entertainment, entertainment, entertainment. In a very Ajay way, of course! But seriously – Velvety Day? LOL That was the clincher.

  3. I thought I had commented on this! But I guess the comment got lost somewhere on the way to you ☺

    Anyhow, since I don't remember my last comment. Here goes another one.

    I loved it..

    And LOL “I am too lucky. Unfortunately, it's the bad luck though”

    Reminds me of myself about last week. It's a pretty long story so I won't post it here. But, to make it short…. everything bad that could possibly happen to me in a day, happened to me that day.

  4. I thought I had commented on this! But I guess the comment got lost somewhere on the way to you ☺

    Anyhow, since I don't remember my last comment. Here goes another one.

    I loved it..

    And LOL “I am too lucky. Unfortunately, it's the bad luck though”

    Reminds me of myself about last week. It's a pretty long story so I won't post it here. But, to make it short…. everything bad that could possibly happen to me in a day, happened to me that day.

  5. Oh, its okay. Internet traffic is too much these days, may be lost its way to my comment box. 😛

    Thanks for commenting twice. I really appreciate you.

    Glad you like it.
    “I am too lucky. Unfortunately, it's the bad luck though” . Its totally true and I can't do anything about it. :/

    Oh, I assume everything is fine now.
    Take Care. And thanks again for the second comment.

  6. Oh, its okay. Internet traffic is too much these days, may be lost its way to my comment box. 😛

    Thanks for commenting twice. I really appreciate you.

    Glad you like it.
    “I am too lucky. Unfortunately, it's the bad luck though” . Its totally true and I can't do anything about it. :/

    Oh, I assume everything is fine now.
    Take Care. And thanks again for the second comment.

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Velvety Day.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Velvety Day.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ