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The day begins and the day ends and I don’t usually remember what happens meanwhile. Is time moving fast. Has the rotation speed of earth increased? I have no clue but what I can say is that I can’t find time. 

My day starts at 12 pm in the morning when I go down for the bus to go to work. After waiting for half and hour, the bus does finally come and we reach the work place by 1.pm or so. Then we’ve to climb a hill and there comes one mighty building where I work. The I climb down the stairs for lunch. The canteen is in the ground floor. Since it is a hill , to go to the ground floor, we have to climb down two floors. After some hip hop and stuff like that the training begins. I check the time table to see whether there is anything I should be worried about the day. If there is a presentation or BizSkill class, I get a little tensed up. If there is a presentation, I usually skip the lunch as well. I forgot to tell, I skip breakfast also. It has been like 3 week when I had a breakfast and it was so good that I am not eating on any other day. The day begins .. and I check the time every minute. It has its ups and downs and finally the clock does strike 9 pm when we usually leave the air conditioned room. Man, you have no idea how much cold it gets. It is centralized so, we can’t usually control the temperature. Well, whatever the day ended and we climb down 5 floor for dinner. After the usual, we have a meeting at our usual spot called the Milky Batch, where all the people drink milk while I have Cappuccino. And thats’ free . 😀 So, I drink and keep drinking. :D. We come back at around 11 pm and I immediately log on to facebook and sit down to write a blog. But I get all lazy and I just can’t pen down anything.  I lazy around and then sleep at 2am something. I wake up at around 10. The morning formalities end up by 11 and then I get ready to go for work. See, where do I have time ? 

Weekend !
The relief from the busy week. The faculty seems to be more happy than me. I wonder why ? Not that I don’t weekends. I love. And I long for weekends at the start of the week itself. Wait a minute, that’s done by everybody also right ? Well, I am happy for the weekend and the problem is that it ends even faster with in a blink of an eye. So I am trying hard not to blink the eye. 😛 

The Cold War. 
I mentioned about the cold war in my previous blog. You didn’t read? Good. You didn’t waste your time, then. Anyways, so there is this guy, a nice guy indeed. This guy created a Facebook Group for out class. Then after a few days another guy creates another group on our class. And now there is some disparity on the terms of Facebook Group. So, the former guy is nice, as I said explains about it. The latter guy tell the former guy to remove the group as the new group has more people then the former. I have no clue about what to do about it. First of all, I don’t have that much friends. And I am still in the process of making them. So, I don’t know what exactly to do. There is a tug of war, and I am at the middle but its me here pulling both the sides. Weird comparison ? I didn’t mind your opinion. *HAHA* . So, any suggestions? I know I could tell the guy to take it lite and that he will also get a chance. And not to bother about it much. 

Weekend Surprise.
So, I go to work today and one of my classmate asks me whether I am going or not and I was like to where. Last night my friend mentioned about it but I didn’t give any answer as I was unsure of what might happen, I mean like we are given assignments and stuff like that and to add to that I have relatives here. I may get a call from them as well as my uncle was saying a week that he will book a room in the Guest house. I didn’t get a call, may be because I changed to number to the local number to avoid roaming charges. Though the sim was given by my uncle only, may be they don’t know the number. I didn’t tell you where I am going, right? I am going to Kanyakumari and some other places on the way and what they are, I clearly don’t have a clue. Since my classmates are going, I mean the college classmates, I am also going by default. The bus comes at 2am, they say. So I haven’t slept yet. I don’t sleep till 3 on any usual day. I was just saying. 😛

P.S. I will update about the trip, if thats’ interesting. I’d if its’ interesting also. What else work do I have ? Wait a minute, did I just say work? I need to get ready and clean my DSLR and after I come I have to study (a lot, because I have no clue what is going on in the class and its more like I am in a french class). See What work do I have? 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “In a Days’ Work.”

  1. Your life seems hectic at the moment!

    And you're right! The weekend goes by in a blink of an eye. It seems like you wait all week for it, but by the time you get to it, it's not as pleasing, as expected ☺

  2. Your life seems hectic at the moment!

    And you're right! The weekend goes by in a blink of an eye. It seems like you wait all week for it, but by the time you get to it, it's not as pleasing, as expected ☺

  3. I liked this blog. It was interesting and also I like the way you separated the thoughts, so it's more organized and not so overwhelming.

    You'll be fine my friend, sometimes it's exhausting having to work all the time, but you'll get used to it and it won't be so hard.

    Although, I definitely do start the countdown to the weekend every time the week starts again. 😛

    Hope you have fun at KK! 🙂 Eat properly!

  4. I liked this blog. It was interesting and also I like the way you separated the thoughts, so it's more organized and not so overwhelming.

    You'll be fine my friend, sometimes it's exhausting having to work all the time, but you'll get used to it and it won't be so hard.

    Although, I definitely do start the countdown to the weekend every time the week starts again. 😛

    Hope you have fun at KK! 🙂 Eat properly!

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In a Days’ Work.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

In a Days’ Work.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ