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The continuation from the previous post. Or lets say I skipped this part. The reason could be that I forgot. I don’t know why I am bothering the fellow readers with the boring stories of me and spoiling their time and day(may be). My apologies. A dear follower commented about I being Silent and Reserved. Totally agree that and its’ true as well. So, I being myself as reserved as I am jotting down something which will probably bore you. Well, whatever. My Blog – My Space – The cr*p I may write. People would call this showing attitude. Agree? hmm..er.. I was being total informal trying out to write like an idiot. Anyways, continuing to ruin your time…

1. The first day of the training had a lot of unexpected things. One of the things I already mentioned about speaking on the value of the other person. Later that day, there was another activity as well. We were divided into 6 groups and each were given a topic form the values of the company or something like that. So, our batch got “Sense of Urgency”. As soon as the topic was decided the girl sitting beside me started drawing a plane and a man and a tree and another person and a ladder. The idea behind it was that the client was going away in the flight and we representing the company are giving the product to the client by climbing onto the ladder from the tree. huh! Don’t look at me like that. I know you couldn’t picture even a little bit of what I just said. Well, that’s the best I can do as of now. I was impressed not only at the concept of the whole thing but also at the speed at which she got the idea and got it down on the paper. Other people of the batch decided to breakup it into cloud system and make its look-and-feel better. The others’ suggested ambulance, Pizza delivery boy and I suggested Fire Accident. They told me the sketch an outline and I was like I can’t even make a man properly even the man made with just lines. I draw a rough sketch with great difficulty and it looks totally like the overgrown bush in the backyard which wasn’t cleaned for over a year. True that. We haven’t drawing it on the chart yet and sir then shouted 2 more minutes. We hurried up and I watched the other people draw and did nothing except stare and admire at their creative skill and drawing. So, the chart had four sections on the whole. One was the flight thing(Sorry, I couldn’t explain it that clearly) , the next one was the Pizza delivery boy who was umping over the vehicles as he had to deliver the pizza in time else the Pizza would be free. Then the Fire accident one (well, they didn’t use my drawing, thank god :D). And last one was the Sir telling us to complete it in time pictured as a few students  sitting and sir saying 5..4…3…2…1..! I honestly felt ours’ was the best among the all. The same thing was experienced with the rest of the batches as well.

2. Coming back to the think in which I suck the most. I already mentioned about my partner. He seems like he has just prepared a little bit but when the time comes he just pours every talent of his into one thing. I totally admire this quality of his and I wonder as how he actually does that. 

3. There was a new admission of people this week and now another 400 people added to already existing 400 people + the remaining people who are here before my batch. Well, this campus is strictly for training and projects come to Trivandrum. So, yesterday I saw all the new happy faces and the crowded places filled with people as like a swarm of flies. A friend commenting on seeing the happy faces that they will know whats at stake for them and that their happiness will be gone in no more than 1 or 2 days.

4. There is a blog in the company website where obviously we can blog. So, I copy pasted one of my worambling(that I sometimes call poetry) work there and when I pressed publish, it said it will be reviewed but still it hasn’t been published. I don’t who would do that and when they would complete reviewing it. 

5. Today in the business skill class, there was one incident when the Sir was explaining about the Mind mapping concept where he took the example of marriage. So, he picked a guy who is referred to as “bone crushing guy”. The reason for his name was that the other day we were told about the formal ethics as of how to greet people and stuff like that. One of it consisted of handshaking. So Sir made an activity to shake everybody’s hand and know how each one of the people does that. So, this guy goes to the Sir and shakes his hand. After all was over, sir points to this fellow and says that he did a bone crushing handshake which is not so good in formal meetings. Coming back to the point, yeah, the wedding. This bone crushing guy was picked and we were asked about what are all the necessary requirements for his marriage. And I forgot to tell another thing, he is the celebrity, or lets say rising celebrity in the class and has a huge following already. And to add to that he is the only one from a different college and the college name also sounds funny as well. So, we were all making fun of him telling all the things which were necessary for his marriage. And in the moment of confusion and excitement, he says Yes, when sir asks whether he has a gf or not. The thing is that girls were more responses than boys and another thing Bachelors’ Party was suggested by girls only. Well, anyways, he is one awesome guy who just got booked and everybody else enjoyed and my batchmate enjoyed even more as the bone crusher always made fun of this other guy. 

6. To end, I am prrety much confused about what to tell people when they call me and ask where I am when I am at hmm…er.. Office. Yeah, that word Office. I am not that much used to it and I don’t feel like as if I am going to some office because what we are dealing as of now consists of training and they are teaching as if in college. But too strict on time as they poke around saying you are professionals now and we have to act like one. Well, whatever, the question is “where am I?” Most of the times I reply Campus but its’ office right. Because everybody else say so. And I am not yet convinced that I am in Office now. So, now they me for what they teach me. You might think thats’ a good thing, right? But it isn’t actually. They literally kill us while they teach and manslaughter vertically and horizontally. Yeah, don’t imagine. You can’t sleep if you do that. 

7. Just as I was about to end this post another news came to my ears. There is something called Cold War. Its’ Cold war or Code war, I didn’t get properly. So, there is some kind of war. And the war is about.. wait for it… the Facebook group. I was surprised on listening that there were things like this also. Now remember I said earlier “Be a Professional”. The gist is that a guy created a facebook group for my section and couldn’t add all the people because no one was in each others’ friend list and on top of it he made it private. In the meantime, some other guy created another group and added some of the people and the war is about this, as I  think. Sounds crazy ? I clearly don’t know. 

8. Another thing, I just used 5GB of my pepaid balance of Relaince within one week. Yeah, I am an internet addict. Can’t change that, but 5GB is a huge data and Reliance!!!!! Its’ costly man. Now that I earn, I mean my salary would be credited after one month and I won’t have the liberty to use a penny of it. So, after two months I may. So, I need to adjust my budgets and all. I need to save money. Haha. I am saying that. I already made plans for each months salary. And I promised myself to keep the bank balance zero till i get all the things that I want. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

On a Casual note.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ