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Note : Skip down to the earlier post or wait for some time for another post. No! Not this. Another PP (Personal Post) and probably you won’t gain anything but a waste of your time. 

A week more. I have been saying this for the past few days. Why ? Because then I don’t have to worry by then, or so I think as of now. And then as I updated my status on Fb that I would be unleashing the wilderness of me, I shall 
definitely do that. But for now, I am worried sick. First reason My Project ! and the second reason the remaining lab exam. Though my friends would tell that there is nothing to worry and also might laugh as well. I actually don’t post things like these probably lets’ say I am superstitious, (Oh! Ya, I am). But my mind is kind of exploding in itself over and over again. The pas week wasn’t good at all. Firstly someone loses my thing and don’t even tell until I ask them to return. And boom! they lost it. May be its’ easy for them to deal with such things. But not me! I am totally different and in most cases people won’t have a clue about me. And I was like Banging my head over the wall, the table and everything that was in front of me. And the person who lost is a real serious genius about whom I will get back to you in my future posts. Oh! I sure have to mention the smartness and my bloody dumbness ! 

Time Game
A part of the project report was over by yesterday. But there were many too many mistakes which I realize obviously after I get back. So, I say to myself, *Beep* it, “ Whatever is done, that’s done and its final”. Another part is left. I sure said one of my batch mate to do that part of the work. And I say that was pretty awesome. I had to do it all over again. Last night I started and calmed myself that its’ not a big deal of a thing and I can complete it within an hour or so. Time was just past 12 last night. For Next one hour, I try to understand what was in the presentation that my batch mate made. I draw the conclusion on what needs to be changed which I came to know as the whole thing. So quirky did I get and along with me was Facebook. I try to ease my mind in the middle with it, still it didn’t help, though. I got sleepy and haven’t started what I intended to do. So, next thing I know I got a wake up call from my mom at around 7 in the morning. But still, I don’t wake up. Next thing I know, its 9. So the time limit was set to 12 in the afternoon. I jolly-ed around for sometime with facebook, iPod(uploading photos) and looking at the wall unknowingly thinking about *void*(nothing). Well, I slowly started making the presentation. Time went past 12. “That was fast”. Next time-limit was set to 3 ! I thought 3 hours. That would be more than enough. I start after lunch, gets pissed off, take a break, again get back to the work. And poof! , time was half past four ( my snack time) ! That was fast-fast (bullet-fast)! So, I set the next time limit to 6 ! I was pretty sure and determined to complete it by 6 ! But my determination was taken down and I lazily doze off trying to complete by 6. But no! My work never ends. Now, I was about to fix my time limit to 9, but then again I dropped it saying to myself that “It isn’t helping me at all”. I finally get to something near the completion and thats’ it. “I can’t do anything more !”. That was a weird time game where I seldom changed the rules for my sake and still lost. And time was playing unfair as well. Its’ not at all fair when seconds behave like minutes and minutes like hours.

 And now its half past twelve and I have to prepare/study for what I had done since last night for the presentation which is due tomorrow! I am pretty much out of order right now and my mind probably can’t take anything. Thats’ why I am posting this so that I can get over it and start the preparation. But now I feel sleepy! What happened to my Insomniac ability of mine ? 

P.S. : No, No. You didn’t ! You did ? But why? I already warned in the beginning itself. Well, whatever! Sry for your time as I am for mine. Next Post then. 😀

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0 responses to “Time-Game.”

  1. Haha..Good Luck!

    This is what happens to me everyday. I intend on finishing so many things, and getting a head start on others. But never works out :[

  2. Haha..Good Luck!

    This is what happens to me everyday. I intend on finishing so many things, and getting a head start on others. But never works out :[

  3. Oh No! Its' okay.
    Comments are always welcomed.
    And I'm fine with any sort of comments on any type of post which I publish either Personal or anything.

    I just wanted people not to waste their time reading all the nonsense about me. So! But comments are not a problem. So, not to worry ! 😛

    BTW thanks for visiting again and commenting. 😀

  4. Oh No! Its' okay.
    Comments are always welcomed.
    And I'm fine with any sort of comments on any type of post which I publish either Personal or anything.

    I just wanted people not to waste their time reading all the nonsense about me. So! But comments are not a problem. So, not to worry ! 😛

    BTW thanks for visiting again and commenting. 😀

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ