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The Art of Getting By. Well, Firstly its’ an awesome movie. One of my new favorites. Don’t worry, this post isn’t about the movie. Thank God, right ? I could be the worst critic ever. Whatever! Moving on..

Life as we see, is a progressive development. We dream, make them come true and move on, live with the past and make some new marks in our life. And also Live in that. “But is it that easy?” ,I ask. Don’t ask me back. I would say No, it isn’t! What do you think? So, If everything were at the reach of our hands who would have thought of a difficult world. I sometimes wonder why did God ever create humans ? In his own form ? Giving him the superior post on the face of the earth. Literally, Man (here, I am referring MAN as All Human Beings) is the ruler, isn’t he? Does my idle brain stop with that question? No! It searches for answers but all that it gets is more questions. Questions which remain as questions-un-answered. Why is there two sides of a coin ? Now please don’t get into being literal. Of Course I know its an flat object and obviously it would have two sides. Yeah, I know that ! I am referring it as a metaphor. People often say there is Good and Bad just like the coin has two sides. The Good part is okay. I can live with that. But Why BAD? I ask. If god was the creator of all things, so does this count in that list? No, I am not being an atheist. I believe in God. I believe in what’s happening. I just don’t believe in Bad. Seriously, where did this ‘bad’ come from? When god had the time to create a man and write his whole life before he was even born, why did he just include the evil part in it? And again NO, I am not saying that all the people that are here are evil or bad. I am referring to those who aren’t good and only those. Your Response : “God created Man and left him to make his own living ” and “He had no idea that Adam & Eve would eat the forbidden fruit”! . Now again why ? Why did he create a fruit which contained knowledge? If he had the power to handle one’s life then why didn’t he stop them at that time. Please don’t tell me Satan provoked them. Didn’t God knew about the evil Satan in the first place? Why did he even create a soul. By the way Soul!, is this thing for real? I don’t know Man. I don’t know ! Oh! WAaaaiiiiT ! I am off topic. That happens a lot. Sorry! Close this tab and check your Facebook. Scroll down and scroll up, Like, Comment. Close it and take a drink, do something purposeful and off you go to sleep o study or whatever that is you do.

The Lie
I have moved a lot of places. I have seen people climbing up, falling down the small yet large road of life. They get up, never the less. They surely do. Its’ in the path when some one come to you asking for help. In this case me. People see me as silent geek witting my way around calmly . Some like, some hate and some don’t care. I am not bothered about the “don’t care” people, because they don’t really care and also they don’t give a ____ about me! So I get by these people pretty easy. Because I’ve the same attitude. And some of those who hate are like trying to get me down. Dear Brother, You don’t know yet but I have been below the whole time. It is just that you didn’t realize that yet. So there is this one guy who seemed to have had my attention after the end of the first year of Engineering. Wait? I thought “How come he is after me?” . I don’t know and didn’t wanted to know. Time flew by and another semester passed. The whole year he used to stick around me I don’t know why (Oh! I do know. I just don’t want to tell). The third year as well. But something changed and I knew exactly what. But I was still the same person. But I planned to lie to him and the likes of his kind. So I plan. But when the moment comes, I don’t know from where does the truth pop out. I am a good liar, you know? A very good one indeed. I helped escape myself from various situations a lot of times. But now I am no good with lies. Small little white lies are becoming difficult to tell and even if I tell I am messing it. Like I said earlier, Life is a progressive development, everybody needs help from others and it is like a pre-defined rule. But sometimes the help is undermined and thrown away. They helper is generous while ‘the helped’ takes advantage of the generosity. So, there it is where I need the lies to help me out. It is not that I like helping out people and mostly my fiends or acquaintances, its more like I said the help is taken for granted. How does that make anyone feel? Well, you say ? 

The Hardest Part

What could be the hardest part? For me its just saying ‘NO’ . Like I said, I like to help. It does gives a good feeling. But then again the world is just as it is. Some just need somebody else’s help when they can’t get something done themselves or want something. So, I being the less-talker and the inability to say No provokes people to ask me. When they do, If I don’t want to give or help, I just can’t say NO. Never knew why. I am bound by the situation and a mediocre part of my mind thinks inside itself that I say No then this person would feel bad. As I said earlier, I am glad to help. But that gladness turns into testing my sanity when it is asked over and over again. I have had a lot of such experiences. And the thing is that friends have an upper hand over this. As a friend I am supposed to. Thats’ with the guys. Now coming to the opposite sex. Damn them! Seriously, I mean it. I never knew that they can be tricky. It is then you realize that you have been played. It starts with a nice-sweet talk and ends the same. Until when they get what they need. Then you are forgotten. And thats’ not over yet. It again starts. And we feel elated that “Yay”, I’m not forgotten, until they end up happy and we sad. I do realize that It was one nasty game and I’ve been badly tricked but then again I repeat the same mistake. And the reason the inability to say no. Though I am perfecting the word No these couple of days as I’ve changed my way of thinking to the indefinite bad. “Being GOOD is no Good, I say” Seriously, I mean it. Wait! “Being GOOD is Good for others Not to you or precisely ME”. A conclusion drawn from my experiences. A good one though. But I still need perfection in that.

The Mighty

A month earlier we had an exam for a certification program. The invigilation was little less vigil. So, we decided to help each other out. We talked to each other about the places as to where we would be sitting and helping each other out. So I grab a seat when my friend comes and starts stealing the seat forcefully. He literally was snatching the plastic chair in which I was about to sit. I too fought back but he was like crazy; crazily hopping the chair trying to snatch it from me. I let it go. And that moment I thought “I call this person my friend”! I thought about what to do about this guy. This is the same guy whom I mentioned in the ‘The Lie’. So, he gives me uncountable chances to deny his every request and I still can’t say Bloody NO. Yeah, I know the problem is with me. Wish I were a little more BOLD and Mighty. And there are a specific group of people though they don’t hang out in groups. My minds differentiates them from the rest automatically. These are the book-worms, though they never admit the fact and always get back at me. But thats’ the truth that they study more and have more knowledge than me. And obviously best IQ. So, when these mighty brainy warriors need a thing, Its’ a pleasure helping. 

So, all the people that I know always get by and I stay there stranded. And when I realize that I am the only person standing at the crossroads, it is rather too late to implement anything. I may never learn that art, for I am possessed with the art of ‘inability to say no’ on which I am still working to regain my senses before it gets worse and I fall into deep trouble. So, its an art, don’t you think?

The Art of Getting By.
Ajay Kontham(2012)

P.S. : If you are wondering about why I wrote the second paragraph about god and stuff. I started the line relating to the topic but then again I got deviated to another because I wanted to write about it. I do agree with you it has no relevance to the topic.
P.S.S. : This is not about offending someone or pointing out anyone. This is how I feel about my inability when darted with a situation. 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “The Art of Getting By.”

  1. Firstly nice post 😀 :).
    Liked it a lot 😉 :D.
    I also have the habit of totally deviating from the topic 😛 :D.
    But yours at least stays sane ;).

    Now coming to the first part.
    About god. You asked why there is BAD right? Well it is required to maintain the balance of life. If you make EVERYTHING good then even GOOD will become BAD. Just the way drinking PURE WATER is not good for health :|.
    Another instance is Happiness and Sadness. If only HAPPINESS existed that means there won't be any pain and no sorrows. Because of this even Happiness loses its meaning. Only when you face sadness will you the meaning of Happiness right?
    In the same way BAD is needed to know the value of GOOD.

    The second part. Lie. Hmm! What to say about it? I've been through same. Before It was easy to lie, now I can't. Don't know why. I just start trembling.

    The third part. Saying NO. Well, lets just say, SAME PINCH.. Even I can't say NO. I will agree to everything. Being a girl and saying YES to everything has lots of disadvantages trust me… :|. Went through really bad and sad moments because of it :|. But still never learnt my lesson. You ask me something and I go SURE.. When inside I don't want to do it.. Wish we both would learn 😉 :D.

    The Last Part: Hmmm! Mighty. Well its not about brain.. Its not good to be a bookworm. Read and Enjoy is my policy. Everything plays a important role in our life. I like to see nice MARKS in my report card. But I also would like to see some nice remarks in CULTURAL ACTIVITIES and my slam book 🙂 :D.

    Well thats what I thought after reading your post 😉 :D.
    I know its too long 😐 :P.
    Sorry 🙁 :).

  2. Firstly nice post 😀 :).
    Liked it a lot 😉 :D.
    I also have the habit of totally deviating from the topic 😛 :D.
    But yours at least stays sane ;).

    Now coming to the first part.
    About god. You asked why there is BAD right? Well it is required to maintain the balance of life. If you make EVERYTHING good then even GOOD will become BAD. Just the way drinking PURE WATER is not good for health :|.
    Another instance is Happiness and Sadness. If only HAPPINESS existed that means there won't be any pain and no sorrows. Because of this even Happiness loses its meaning. Only when you face sadness will you the meaning of Happiness right?
    In the same way BAD is needed to know the value of GOOD.

    The second part. Lie. Hmm! What to say about it? I've been through same. Before It was easy to lie, now I can't. Don't know why. I just start trembling.

    The third part. Saying NO. Well, lets just say, SAME PINCH.. Even I can't say NO. I will agree to everything. Being a girl and saying YES to everything has lots of disadvantages trust me… :|. Went through really bad and sad moments because of it :|. But still never learnt my lesson. You ask me something and I go SURE.. When inside I don't want to do it.. Wish we both would learn 😉 :D.

    The Last Part: Hmmm! Mighty. Well its not about brain.. Its not good to be a bookworm. Read and Enjoy is my policy. Everything plays a important role in our life. I like to see nice MARKS in my report card. But I also would like to see some nice remarks in CULTURAL ACTIVITIES and my slam book 🙂 :D.

    Well thats what I thought after reading your post 😉 :D.
    I know its too long 😐 :P.
    Sorry 🙁 :).

  3. @ Princess Poo :
    Firstly no need of Sorry. I like comments and when they happen to be lond, I just enjoy them. So, keep them coming. Btw thanks for reading and taking your time to write such a nice comment.

    About God. You are right about maintaining balance. But what I think is that BAD has become VERY BAD and the balance is tilting towards it which isn't good. Of Course, without sadness, happiness has no meaning and likewise Good has no meaning without BAD. But when the sadness & Bad are beyond a limit, it does rise questions. Thats' what I think.

    About the third part, You ask me something and I go SURE.. When inside I don't want to do it. Same problem. 🙁 Yeah, Wish we both learn to tackle these kind of situations. :/

    And Thanks again for visiting and 4 the comment. I really appreciate your time and the comment as well. 🙂

  4. @ Princess Poo :
    Firstly no need of Sorry. I like comments and when they happen to be lond, I just enjoy them. So, keep them coming. Btw thanks for reading and taking your time to write such a nice comment.

    About God. You are right about maintaining balance. But what I think is that BAD has become VERY BAD and the balance is tilting towards it which isn't good. Of Course, without sadness, happiness has no meaning and likewise Good has no meaning without BAD. But when the sadness & Bad are beyond a limit, it does rise questions. Thats' what I think.

    About the third part, You ask me something and I go SURE.. When inside I don't want to do it. Same problem. 🙁 Yeah, Wish we both learn to tackle these kind of situations. :/

    And Thanks again for visiting and 4 the comment. I really appreciate your time and the comment as well. 🙂

  5. Thank god you enjoy :D.
    Cause more will be coming your way 😉 :D.

    Hmm!! Well, when there is VERY BAD we have assume that there is VERY GOOD also somewhere right? 😉 :D.
    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
    It has to be true…

    I really really hope we both would learn :).
    And its my pleasure to come over here and leave comments 🙂 😀

  6. Thank god you enjoy :D.
    Cause more will be coming your way 😉 :D.

    Hmm!! Well, when there is VERY BAD we have assume that there is VERY GOOD also somewhere right? 😉 :D.
    For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
    It has to be true…

    I really really hope we both would learn :).
    And its my pleasure to come over here and leave comments 🙂 😀

  7. Boy, oh BOY. This was GOOD stuff. I mean, it made tonnes of sense, made me think a LOT and now you've got me stuck in a cobsweb of questions, and hell it's a horrible time cause I have to go finish 5 chapters :/

    Nevertheless, loved this read Ajay! I'd respond in a detailed way, but alas I have to run now. But this was too good to not be commented on 🙂

  8. Boy, oh BOY. This was GOOD stuff. I mean, it made tonnes of sense, made me think a LOT and now you've got me stuck in a cobsweb of questions, and hell it's a horrible time cause I have to go finish 5 chapters :/

    Nevertheless, loved this read Ajay! I'd respond in a detailed way, but alas I have to run now. But this was too good to not be commented on 🙂

  9. @ Princess Poo :
    You are too generous ! Really you are!
    Firstly, no one leaves a comment here. Where as you did twice! I really appreciate it ! 🙂

    I second your opinion and I too hope that the Newton's Law really works. You are realistic, I would say which I am not.

    Glad to have got a feedback on my comment as well. 🙂 Again, I appreciate your time. 🙂

  10. @ Princess Poo :
    You are too generous ! Really you are!
    Firstly, no one leaves a comment here. Where as you did twice! I really appreciate it ! 🙂

    I second your opinion and I too hope that the Newton's Law really works. You are realistic, I would say which I am not.

    Glad to have got a feedback on my comment as well. 🙂 Again, I appreciate your time. 🙂

  11. @ Nil :
    You know what, I am too glad. Really, was it that good? Btw sorry that I made you fall in my pit of questions.

    I am glad that you liked it.
    But this was too good to not be commented on 🙂 : I feel elated. 🙂 😀

    Thanks for visiting and also commenting even with your busy schedule(I suppose) !
    Thank You & all the best for those 5 chapters. 🙂

  12. @ Nil :
    You know what, I am too glad. Really, was it that good? Btw sorry that I made you fall in my pit of questions.

    I am glad that you liked it.
    But this was too good to not be commented on 🙂 : I feel elated. 🙂 😀

    Thanks for visiting and also commenting even with your busy schedule(I suppose) !
    Thank You & all the best for those 5 chapters. 🙂

  13. Hahahaha :). Common 😀 :).
    When I like something I make sure I see it again and again :D.
    Just what I'm doing here 🙂 :D.

    Realistic? Hmmm! In which way? 😀 Why don't you think you are realistic? Hmm!!

  14. Hahahaha :). Common 😀 :).
    When I like something I make sure I see it again and again :D.
    Just what I'm doing here 🙂 :D.

    Realistic? Hmmm! In which way? 😀 Why don't you think you are realistic? Hmm!!

  15. @Princess Poo :
    Thats' too nice of you. 🙂

    Realistic in the sense that you want to maintain the balance and believe that there is an equality and it will be maintained.

    Where as me, I go with the trend, believing what I am seeing and thinking that the balance should be maintained but it is not. It sometimes that the real thing is a Lie. Like I said, I try to find answers but all I get are more questions. Well, thats' me. :/

    Btw third comment!!. I really feel elated. Thank you. 🙂

  16. @Princess Poo :
    Thats' too nice of you. 🙂

    Realistic in the sense that you want to maintain the balance and believe that there is an equality and it will be maintained.

    Where as me, I go with the trend, believing what I am seeing and thinking that the balance should be maintained but it is not. It sometimes that the real thing is a Lie. Like I said, I try to find answers but all I get are more questions. Well, thats' me. :/

    Btw third comment!!. I really feel elated. Thank you. 🙂

  17. Wow, that was beautifully written!
    The way you write is amazing, I think bloggers like you inspire other people to write and express themselves.

    And in response to what you said about God creating bad. I sort of feel like I'm on the same page as you. But then again, I understand that life comes with both good and bad aspects, and it's just something we have to accept.

    Thinking about who has created bad, and why it was created is illogical, it's literally questioning something with no possible answer.

    It was nice reading your blog. And you definitely write effortlessly.

  18. Wow, that was beautifully written!
    The way you write is amazing, I think bloggers like you inspire other people to write and express themselves.

    And in response to what you said about God creating bad. I sort of feel like I'm on the same page as you. But then again, I understand that life comes with both good and bad aspects, and it's just something we have to accept.

    Thinking about who has created bad, and why it was created is illogical, it's literally questioning something with no possible answer.

    It was nice reading your blog. And you definitely write effortlessly.

  19. @Kiara :
    Firstly Thanks for visiting. 🙂
    And Me Ipsiring other Bloggers? I doubt that !

    And yeah, Life comes with good and bad and we just have to accept it as it is.

    Thanks for the comment.
    Take Care. 🙂

  20. @Kiara :
    Firstly Thanks for visiting. 🙂
    And Me Ipsiring other Bloggers? I doubt that !

    And yeah, Life comes with good and bad and we just have to accept it as it is.

    Thanks for the comment.
    Take Care. 🙂

  21. @Kiara :
    Thats' too generous of you.
    Well, I mostly write what happening around me, most of which centering me. So, I write about everything that matters.

    And I think you should also do the same, though I haven't read your posts as I am in the middle of exams. But will surely do once I am done with these exams.

    Btw thanks for following. 🙂
    Take Care and keep writing. 🙂

  22. @Kiara :
    Thats' too generous of you.
    Well, I mostly write what happening around me, most of which centering me. So, I write about everything that matters.

    And I think you should also do the same, though I haven't read your posts as I am in the middle of exams. But will surely do once I am done with these exams.

    Btw thanks for following. 🙂
    Take Care and keep writing. 🙂

  23. I finally remembered and got time to read this!!!
    Damn you are like my twin!!! 😀 I guess we share the same mind… 2 bodies 1 mind :D:D:D

    Since I am a science student/ believer so my answer is that man is the fittest to survive and is the most evolved so naturally we are superior but then again we dont and cant control anything and everything (ex- natural disaster)
    you are right… if very good exists along with very bad then why dont I see it… the balance is definitely off-balance 😀

    I dont believe in God and I have a perfect reason for that (but I am not gonna go there) one of the reason is this only that if God is so big and so powerful then why cant He stop people from doing bad and set them on right track?!?!?!

    {Facebook is not purposeful!!!}

    I guess I am still at the stage where I am perfect at lying and find it is as the quickest way out

    {Did ke saath past tense use nahi hoto hai ;)}

    I am tired of being generous and I dont want to take advantage of others' genorosity so I guess I will always remain the generous one… i hate being manipulative and taking advantage of others unless and until it is a do-or-die kind of thing!!! I hate taking help because then I feel like I didn't do it, but at times it is necessary! At times I also feel like that I am taken for granted!!! I hate that!!!

    We share the same hard part in our lives and you already know that… saying no… damn it… i wonder when i will be able to do it bcz i seriously have to!!! but then again it also feels nice that someone thought of you in thier time of need… but that also shows how selfish they are but that moment of 'oh! they came to me!' is so huge and exceeds any other feeling!!!!

    Oh this is so true… if the topper of my class comes to me asks me to help her out in one of the problems i feel like i am on top of the world!!!

    it felt gud reading this post… someone feels exactly like me!!!

    P.S. why are there so many anonymous comments here
    P.P.S. can i make you my brother 😀 i will be your sweet lil sis and u my big cool bro 😉

  24. I finally remembered and got time to read this!!!
    Damn you are like my twin!!! 😀 I guess we share the same mind… 2 bodies 1 mind :D:D:D

    Since I am a science student/ believer so my answer is that man is the fittest to survive and is the most evolved so naturally we are superior but then again we dont and cant control anything and everything (ex- natural disaster)
    you are right… if very good exists along with very bad then why dont I see it… the balance is definitely off-balance 😀

    I dont believe in God and I have a perfect reason for that (but I am not gonna go there) one of the reason is this only that if God is so big and so powerful then why cant He stop people from doing bad and set them on right track?!?!?!

    {Facebook is not purposeful!!!}

    I guess I am still at the stage where I am perfect at lying and find it is as the quickest way out

    {Did ke saath past tense use nahi hoto hai ;)}

    I am tired of being generous and I dont want to take advantage of others' genorosity so I guess I will always remain the generous one… i hate being manipulative and taking advantage of others unless and until it is a do-or-die kind of thing!!! I hate taking help because then I feel like I didn't do it, but at times it is necessary! At times I also feel like that I am taken for granted!!! I hate that!!!

    We share the same hard part in our lives and you already know that… saying no… damn it… i wonder when i will be able to do it bcz i seriously have to!!! but then again it also feels nice that someone thought of you in thier time of need… but that also shows how selfish they are but that moment of 'oh! they came to me!' is so huge and exceeds any other feeling!!!!

    Oh this is so true… if the topper of my class comes to me asks me to help her out in one of the problems i feel like i am on top of the world!!!

    it felt gud reading this post… someone feels exactly like me!!!

    P.S. why are there so many anonymous comments here
    P.P.S. can i make you my brother 😀 i will be your sweet lil sis and u my big cool bro 😉

  25. Haha, May be. 2 bodies 1 mind ? Sounds about right ! 😛

    Exactly !

    Right ? I don't understand why there is still so much bad everywhere.

    {Yeah, I agree to that! }

    Well, so am I! But sometimes, it just isn't to lie even if one wants and made up their mind to lie. Well, may be it's just me.

    {Wait! I have to search for that now! :/ }

    I feel exactly the same.

    Right ? Don't we all ?

    Oh, thanks. 🙂

    P.S. Sorry about that. Too much spam, and I accidentally published all the spam. So, the result. I think I have removed all of that.
    P.S.S : Yeah, sure. 🙂 Big cool bro ? Sounds awesome. 🙂 *Fist Bump* 😀

  26. Haha, May be. 2 bodies 1 mind ? Sounds about right ! 😛

    Exactly !

    Right ? I don't understand why there is still so much bad everywhere.

    {Yeah, I agree to that! }

    Well, so am I! But sometimes, it just isn't to lie even if one wants and made up their mind to lie. Well, may be it's just me.

    {Wait! I have to search for that now! :/ }

    I feel exactly the same.

    Right ? Don't we all ?

    Oh, thanks. 🙂

    P.S. Sorry about that. Too much spam, and I accidentally published all the spam. So, the result. I think I have removed all of that.
    P.S.S : Yeah, sure. 🙂 Big cool bro ? Sounds awesome. 🙂 *Fist Bump* 😀

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The Art of Getting By.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The Art of Getting By.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ