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The most probable reason would be that I am spending more time with the laptop, either it is Project or any other work. Most of the day time as well as night, I am found in front of the bright screen in my room. I sometimes escape out to the outside, try to breath some fresh air and take some snaps. But I neither find any fresh air nor any thing interesting to take a snap. I wander the same roads and try to find a new place, but it has become obsolete, I mean this place. 

Why am I not posting frequently? (Question to self by I)
When I go home, I am found sitting on the study table with my laptop in front of me. And whenever I get bored, I write some stuff, mostly nonsense. But when I am in room and have some free Internet, I browse through the net finding some movie/tv serial or anything fascinating to download. And when I do something, I usually get attached to it and the thought of the blog is left behind. Time passes by and then college starts and once it does I lose my interest and eventually the thought fades away.

Why isn’t here anything fascinating for a photo?
Whenever I go out, I take my camera with me. A yea back, carrying a camera was pretty damn easy. It was a Sony Cybershot and it’s handy. But now a DSLR camera and more over I bought a new bag for it. But everywhere I see, I see the same things. I can’t find anything new. So I ask myself, “May be I must explore new places”. I had the same idea. But what new places are left to be visited. I almost went to most of them and the rest can’t be made by me. I see the fellow PG’ers posting a new photo almost daily. I then ask myself,”How could they do that?”. May be I just need to change my perspective of vision and see everything differently and may be I may find something new in the old.

What happened to the story I was working on?
What story? The one in the Fiction Blog. Well, it’s under process in my mind. But the thing is that I like the “SuperNatural” and “Sci-Fi” things which are completely undefinable by science. That’s why I am wondering whether to continue or not. And moreover people don’t like the SuperNatural stuff. The most obvious reason would be that the writing won’t give a perfect picture of the situation, which can be done perfectly by a camera in sense of a movie or likewise. So, I am under thinking stage.

iGuess i am lost in thinking. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ


© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ