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Author’s Note : The following text would seem like a poem with five lines in each stanza, but it isn’t! Don’t get it wrong. It is just rambling of words, mostly emotions, feelings and other things of importance. I don’t know what it is to be called. And another suggestion “Read at your own Riskbecause I guess it has too much to take. And one more thing before you proceed, the adjustment of the lines would be improper. I wrote as the words came to me. So, my apologies! 

I saw the Innocence of the Child 
I saw the Maturity of an old Man
I saw the Arrogance of a Teenager
I saw the Cry of a Baby
I saw the Stubbornness of the Young

I saw the Protectiveness of the Parent
I saw the Dedication of the Soldier
I saw the Strength of the Youth
I saw the Carelessness of the politicians
I saw the Excellence of a Teacher

I saw the Knowledge of a Scientist
I saw the Loyalty of a Friend
I saw the Wickedness in an Enemy
I saw the Love in the Lovers
I saw the Jealousy in the Hated

I saw the Anxiety of a Scientist
I saw the Craziness of a Player 
I saw the Enviousness of a Girl
I saw the Commitment of a Man
I saw the Pride in a Working Woman

I saw the Complaints of a Kid
I saw the Discomfort in the Wrongly-Accused
I saw the Agony of the Failed-Hard Working
I saw the Struggle of the Middle Class
I saw the Greediness of the Unsatisfied

I saw the Adventures
 I saw the Uprising 
I saw the Unstable World
I saw the Evolution of Technology
I saw the Degradation of Nature

I saw the Downfall of Economy
I saw the Exploitation of the Weak
I saw the Injustice to Innocent
I saw the Power In the Wrong
I saw the Misuse of Resources

I saw the Misery of the Poor
I saw the Delight of the Rich
I saw the Helplessness of the Poverty
I saw the Sorrow of the Lost
I saw the Suffering of the Defeated

I felt the Pain of Failure
I felt the Joy of Success
I felt the Love
I felt the Sadness
I felt the Hatred

I felt the Happiness
I felt the Jealousy
I saw the Loneliness
I felt the Angry
I felt the Shame

I Felt Envious
I felt the Guilt
I felt the Surprise
I felt the Fear
I felt the Anticipation

I felt the Frustration
I felt the Desire
I felt the Hope
I felt the Repulsion
I felt the Contempt

I felt the Boredom
I felt the Uneasiness
I felt the Thrill
I felt the Bliss
I felt the Discouragement

I felt the Peace
I felt the Fulfillment
I felt the Disapproval
I felt the Gratification
I felt the Amusement
I felt the Sorrow

I felt Worried
I felt Miserable
I felt the Anguish
I felt the Distress
I felt Hopeless.

 felt Fortunate.
I felt Delighted.
I felt Fortunate.
I felt Rewarded.
I felt the Passion.

I saw, I felt “LIFE” !

P.S. : Mind-Blogged / Blocked ? I thought so! NO ? Then, you should be really Awesome ! I wrote the labels in the labels section, but it had a wold limit, so jotted them down here. It would be a little bit freaking to see those many labels. But Never Mind.

P.P.S : Labels : Complaint, Discomfort, Struggle, Agony, Greedy, Adventures, Uprising, Degradation, Downfall, Innocent, Power, Pain,Failure, Success, Joy, Love, Sadness, Innocence, Maturity, Arrogance, Cry, Dedication, Strength, Excellence, Wickedness, Jealousy, Loyalty, Envious, Craziness, Pride, Reward, Fulfillment, Fortunate, Bliss, Uneasiness, Boredom, Worried, Hopeless, Discouragement, Disapproval, Repulsion, Contempt, Hope, Desire, Frustration, Surprise, Fear, Anticipation, Guilt, Misery, Suffering, Sorrow, Passion, Distress, Amusement, Thrill, 

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I saw, I felt !

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

I saw, I felt !

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ