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Sometimes, something happens. And it falls upon as some unmovable force binding us to stick and silently observe the consequences and the timely happenings. Something like happened. Am I for blame? May be, or may be not. What is this all about? The previous day, we had a project review where we have to tell the concerned faculty about the extent of completion of the project for the final year of Engineering. I am a bit unstable minded person when things fall upon at the same time. It is like a Domino, just one part of the piece is sufficient to rupture the whole idea of persistence. I was minding my work, I mean the project while it should have been the team effort. Well, don’t even ask about my team. I am at loss of word to define/ explain about the incredible batch of mine. Unfortunately, I being the Project Head, am taking the whole toll on my head. So that makes me much more responsible for the whole project. So even if no one does, some one should do. And this isn’t something which could be bought from the Institution and get the whole output and the documentation ready at our convenient day or time. And much more unfortunate thing is that none gives a damn about the project. Neither do I, frankly speaking. But nothing is worse than something. So, I keep the little effort to make something work. Well, I succeed in making the part of it with major manipulations. So, none of my batch mates approach the project faculty head even when the review is the next day. I do all the work and they get the piece of cakes and I don’t like cakes that much. I have already discussed about this the previous year when the project external was conducted in the previous semester. I was damn angry at that time. So, I was/am now. 

But there were some turn of events later the day before the project review. Sir told me to keep my name only on the project report. I thought Sir was just kidding. But he seemed serious. So the next day, I got one with my batch names on the report as well as just my name, if in case the fellow beings succeed in persuading Sir in some way. But No, Sir was so sure about it and it just contained my name. And Sir told the same thing to the Project Review Sir also. That wasn’t over yet. It was in the Sir’s hand to allot the marks for the students under his guidance and he said that he won’t give any marks for they didn’t do anything. But these guys kept persuading sir to give another chance. Finally after an hour or so of discussion, Sir gave them 2 days to do some work and then he might consider the marks accordingly. I thought now they will get to work or at least try to do something. But no. About AR, there is nothing to be told about him. He isn’t a bit concerned. He was asking me to do something and that he will show something to the sir. Seriously? Me? Whatever I did till now is with utmost difficulty and he is asking me put some more effort for him so that he could get some 40 (+) out of 50 in the Project internal. I don’t what else to say to this guy. And the last, but not the least, BC. He is neither to be seen nor heard. He enjoys himself with liquor and other non essential stuff and gives a fake name of “Sportsman” to all of it. Seriously! Grow up dude. He neither comes to classes nor to the labs, as he says he is busy with the sports. How many months does one play and how many games does he play? I have no idea but he has some vague connections and so he is being saved all the time. Bloody asshole.

When sir finally kept just my name, I was kind of happy but also a bit sorry for the others. I don’t know what to say or do in such situations. I did nothing. May be those guys would be damn angry at me thinking that someday I will get a big blow from them. I would just hope, such a day never comes.  

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One Awkward Day.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

One Awkward Day.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ