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I never knew what this meant, nor do now. But it does sound appropriate. I also don’t know that life has a gender. Funny! Not really. It creeps me out when there is someone over my shoulder watching me. If its’ God, its well and fine. Because, I know that he wouldn’t be able to spare time for me among the billion other people. I ain’t a gifted nor a supernatural person. It has been over a month since I wrote something. I feel awkward. I feel wasted. I try to make things happen with great difficulty and with a satisfaction that I did something to get the work done. But when I realize that they aren’t complete due to some reasons I get cracked up. Seriously, I haven’t posted a single post in this year. This is not usually me. I post something or the other no matter what. But, check my wall, I mean time line. I shared a few nonsense things but I didn’t make a meaningful post. Now that I am in fourth year, it is making really hard. There is a project due, assignments due and a lot of work undone. Whenever a weekend comes, I would shout with joy as I would get three days of joy. So I think. But on the Monday morning I realize that I had wasted and there was no such thing as joy. 

Recently, I got my previous semester results and also some of the exams I wrote. Though the exams sucked big time, but I managed to get a good deal in the previous semester. I should have jumped in joy and made a killing party. But, I didn’t. Told you, Life’s a Bitch. I have so many reasons to be unhappy and one reason to enjoy. I was overcame with the former. People, I mean friends sprouted on me for a party. Actually, it was worth a party. But as usual, I was mad and stubborn. The CAT stabbed me straight in the heart. The XAT did wound me pretty bad. GATE got rejected for late submission. So the SEM  result didn’t had much affect on me. 

I haven’t taken any photos lately. I am not usually so. But, seriously I need to improve whatever I have. And there is this project which we have to submit this semester. And I have made no progress. Last week, my faculty adviser calls us, scolds us for about an hour or so and later tell us to give him a weekly report, a hard copy and a presentation of what we did. Fair enough. But, with this bloody sucking laptop which can’t even run windows properly, I have to write a code in MATLAB. This is some serious s-h-i-t. My laptop is under repair for over two months. In this time, they could make tons of laptops but they couldn’t repair a single laptop. 

I try to make somethings right, but it turns back at me showing a finger. I have had enough of this c-r-a-p. Hope that some day I will god d-a-m-n end this. But still “Life’s a BITCH” ! No matter how much I try to change, it F4’s me up ! 

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Life’s a Bitch!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Life’s a Bitch!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ