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Its’ just another day. Actually, it’s my birthday. And most amazingly, its my dad’s birthday also. Fascinating, isn’t it? In some way, it is, that I share the same date of birth as my dad. How exciting that could be? Right ? After all it passes like any other day, except that today I wear some new clothes. It is just the feeling that spurns inside me on this day. The phone calls, texts and Facebook Timeline posts ( initially wall, now called timeline) ! A good delicious meal at home and a movie are just an addition to this. 

Frankly speaking, I never did look forward for any of my birthdays. There is no obvious reason. And this is the reason also. What about gifts? Well, about that, I kind of gets some things well before my birthday and we call it an advance birthday present. *Money saving !dea* . Yeah, I agree. Whatever. So, as I don’t wait in excitement about this very day, I am not even bothered about the gifts or anything. Speaking of wishes, I got 95 wishes from friends ‘n family, 75 on Facebook timeline, 17 calls and 3 texts. I don’t know why I maintained a count, but just that I wanted to see how many people did. Thank you guys for the wishes. And I replied for all the timeline posts, and thanks once again. 

I don’t know why I am stopping this post here. May be it’s the movie. Yeah, I watched a movie today. That’s the reason I am having a head-ache. And for this reason this post will be posted on Jan 20th. It seriously is the movie. It was one *beeped* up movie. Hang on, I will write about it as soon as I feel better. May be tomorrow. But that movie review is for sure. May be its a week old, but never mind. Its’ just my pleasure and you can enjoy / criticize if you want to. Probably, I guess you won’t risk it. 

By the way, thanks a lot guys. 

-Ajay Kontham [2012]

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