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So here we are. Yet another year. Don’t you think I am growing a bit faster. May be not. It just a feeling, I guess. Whatever! So firstly Happy New Year : Twenty Twelve. 

Isn’t this just another day of the year. Just a casual day, No? Yeah, you are right, it is not. It is the beginning of a new year. And hence all people would be loaded with new plans and “resolutions” kind of stuff. The precise moment that everyone across the world cherishes is when the clock strikes twelve. That moment is met with hugs, kisses and lots of love. Well its Party time, man. The next day begins and I actually like it is same like any other day. The only moment that electrifies me is the strike at twelve. A momentary lapse of time when I feel real, alive! And now that moment is past, it is just like any other day. So how was the previous year? Was it fun? , exciting? or any other feeling ? The whole previous year is dizzy in front of my eyes. Just the same feeling that I get at every first day of the yea when I try to recap the whole previous year. Anyways I will shoot in the air. Lets see if you can catch it. 

There were a lot of weird instances that happened the whole previous year. I already told about it, didn’t I? Well, if you still haven’t read it it is in the post titled “Till Now-So Far”. Still, I will summarize it.

  • One of the best thing that I got is a Camera. I am actually into photography. But it is really hard to roam around the city and find the right moment which I want to capture. I have had some really great captures. 
  • One shocking thing is the job in Tata Consultancy Services. I was at my worst for the interview and I had the minutest hope, I mean no hope at all. Because I know what I did during the interview and it sucked big time, really.
  • An amazing thing was a night out with friends and that was a ride to a beach for a birthday party. That I mentioned in the Midnight Rampage blog-post.
  • One sad thing is that i spent the most money last year than I would have ever spent in any year. 
  • Another f8 shocking thing is a call from a girl which was absolutely a prank call. 
  • The fourth year started with a different beat. I mean it wasn’t like any of the usual beginnings like the previous years or semesters. I wasn’t feeling right about what I was doing. Actually I cared less what I did. So, I landed in some small yet complicated troubles. And that carelessness is still there and I am quite messed up right now. 
  • And I am very easy to buy and people take advantage of it most of the times. I realized that and am trying not to be bought. And damn I am weak, man.
These are the things that I remember so far. That was the past. Past is for the lessons and the present is to learn from the lessons and tomorrow is not to make the same mistakes. Hmm, er.. I actually forgot what I was about to write in this post. May be that loud TV noise is creating the disturbance and not letting me to think clearly. Damn. Anyways, whatever. You want me to be frank? Actually I never enjoyed a New Year Day for the past four years. And so, I never went out or for any kind of parties. Why? I am always in the thought of the day that is about to come. And I am far-sighted also. Usually, the first results of the previous semester’s result come out in the first or the second week of January. And seriously, that scares the sugarhoneyicedtea out of me. And this time, I am not worried about the result of my previous semester cuz like I said I am getting a quite careless. So I am over it. But there is some other thing that scares me. The mighty CAT. Seriously, I messed it up and am totally screwed. Serious sugarhoneyicedtea. 🙁 ! Totally scared. Escaping from it is real difficult this time. I am so very much dead. Anyways moving ahead, let me see what I am planning to do this year. Hmm, Resolutions? I am very good at breaking the resolutions I make every time. I am not that good at keeping them up to it. I always try my best to make that happen. My bad. I always fail. 🙁 . Still I will make them now and try to follow them atleast from this year. (The same sentence / dialogue I had been telling for all the past years). Anyways, I gotto go. See you tomorrow. 

Take Care. 
Happy New Year. 🙂

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New Year 2012 !

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ